docpop ("Doctor Popular") wrote:
Nationalize SpaceX.
#SFGraffiti #StickerSlaps
- A colorful slap-sticker attached to a metal sign reads "Nationalize SpaceX," with smaller text below saying "de-orbit starlink". A cartoon astronaut floats above the main text. This art was drawn on a USPS Priority Mail label. The sign is attached to a metal post against a clear blue sky.
- Another sticker slapped high up on the back of a parking sign. The sticker says "Nationalize SpaceX, de-orbit starklink". It is drawn on a black USPS Priority Mail sticker label. It also has a drawing of Elon Musk floating in a space suit and flicking off the viewer with his middle finger.
- A USPS Priority Mail label that has been dyed bright colors, and had art painted on top depicting Elon Musk in space suit. He is flicking off the viewer, behind him a spaceshuttle and satellite are about to collide. Text on the sticker says "Nationalize SpaceX. De-orbit Starlink.". This label is affixed to a large public utilities box on the street and it is surrounded by other graffiti.