Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Marence") wrote:

I make stuff out of junk, and it’s fun but there’s too much of it in my house, and people have said “You should sell those” so I have a Ko-fi page now.

#ShamelessSelfPromotion #craft #papermache #bookend #StuffOutOfJunk #diorama

A book, standing open, with a scene built into it from the pages of the book. It is the front porch of a beach house, and it’s in a book called “The Beach House”, which you wouldn’t know unless you were familiar with the text showing, or you had read the alt text.  The porch has steps heading up to it, a railing, and an awning.  There are lounge chairs with pillows, and a window with shutters and a door with a wreath. All of this is made from book pages and glue.  (And some cardboard for stability under the porch.)