Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Michael Whelan") wrote:

The author translates detailed research into immersive realism, showcasing a depth of worldbuilding rarely seen. That’s why she has earned comparisons to legends like J.R.R. Tolkien and Gene Wolfe. 3/4

Detail from FOREIGNER featuring a human male dressed in white towered over by two aliens with pure black skin. Both aliens, male and female, wear leather uniforms. The male on the left has an assault rifle strapped over his back. The female holds a laser pistol low at her side.
Figure detail from FOREIGNER featuring the human male dressed in white. He wears a headband with blonde hair spilling over it. The collar of his leather overcoat is flared wide. A pale ponytail winds down the color to the structured shirt beneath and barely reaches his chest. He casually grasps the strap of his shoulder bag. The flap is marked with the artists symbol, the stylized letters M and W bound by a circle.