cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
I'm still struggling to get back into the groove. I decided to bust out a brush pen and decorate the inside cover of the sketchbooks I've recently completed. I think I ruined the robot one, but I can't win them all.
There's some eye contact in the drawings in case that is a concern.
Soundtrack for today's doodles:
- Two doodles in one, friends! On the left is a strange character looking face on with a stern expression. It has a magnificent pompadour and clothing decorated with hearts, clubs, spades, and diamonds. On the right, we see seated a pig faced being resting his head on his left hand while balancing his knife on the index finger on his right hand. He looks pretty bored. (remote)
- Brush pen drawing in ink of a squashed, rectangular face with mouth wide open exposing the big teeth. There are lines emanating from around its face. It radiates a certain amount of distress. (remote)
- Brush and ink drawing of a 50s style robot with menacing pincers for hands. Bad attempts at design elements were placed around the drawing, thus ruining it for all time. Oh well. (remote)