Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Oliver Jensen") wrote:

After being unable to find this pin for sale anywhere, I ended up having them made. It was cost-prohibitive to buy any fewer than 100 so I have a lot of spares. They're printed on metal ("soft enamel") with a safety-pin backing.

Anyone want one?

I'll send one to anyone in the United States completely free, shipping included, while supplies last (with priority going to people who identify as trans).


A small heart-shaped pin stylized with the Trans Flag background, that says "FUCK YOUR EXECUTIVE ORDER" in black block-letters. The pin is "soft enamel" printed on metal, with a safety-pin backing. There is a pen for scale, these are about 1.25 inches in size.
A close-up of the front of the pin. It is a metal pin in a heart shape, stylized with the trans flag as a background, and says "FUCK YOUR EXECUTIVE ORDER" in large black block-letters along the three center stripes.