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Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
gutenberg_org ("Project Gutenberg") wrote:

Overlooked Treasure: The First Evidence of Exoplanets

The Mount Wilson telescopes were ahead of their time -- in one case, capturing signs of distant worlds that wouldn't be recognized for a century.

#astrnomy #exoplanets

Pluto's image taken by New Horizons on July 14, 2015, from a range of 22,025 miles (35,445 kilometers). The striking features on Pluto are clearly visible, including the bright expanse of Pluto's icy, nitrogen-and-methane rich "heart," Sputnik Planitia. The natural-looking colors result from refined calibration of data gathered by New Horizons' color Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC). The processing creates images that would approximate the colors that the human eye would perceive, bringing them closer to “true color” than the images released at the time of the encounter. The source single-color MVIC scan includes no added data from other New Horizons imagers or instruments. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute/Alex Parker -