Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Vertigo #$FF") wrote:

Once upon a time, many years ago, someone had posted a link to a website that implemented something very much like GitHub pull requests, but which was not affiliated with GitHub, GitLab, etc. It was open source, it was self-standing, and could even be used with repositories hosted on places like SourceHut.

Does anyone remember:

  1. What this place was called?2. What the URL for this service was?

I'm positive that I've bookmarked this site, but I cannot seem to find it in my pinboard exports nor in my Firefox bookmarks. I will try searching Masto bookmarks next, but Masto's search functionality leaves so much to be desired...

Thanks for any tips or leads! :boost_ok:


  1. It's not or -- it is not a code forge unto itself. It focused just on reviewing PRs, and could work across forges and self-hosted Git repos alike. 2. Ahh! I remember something more about it now: code reviews used to happen in Git Commits itself, by adding or removing comments directly in the code being reviewed.. The website was just a tool for visualizing diffs.