Rust Blog: Posts

Rust Blog

Announcing rustup 1.28.1

The rustup team is happy to announce the release of rustup version 1.28.1.Rustup is the recommended tool to install Rust, a programming language that is empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

Challenges with rustup 1.28.0

rustup 1.28.0 was a significant release with many changes, and there was a quick response from many folks that this release broke their processes. While we considered yanking the release, we worried that this would cause problems for people who had already updated to adopt some of the changes. Instead, we are rolling forward with 1.28.1 today and potentially further bugfix releases to address the feedback that comes in.

We value all constructive feedback -- please keep it coming in the issue tracker. In particular, the change with regard to implicit toolchain installation is being discussed in this issue.

What's new in rustup 1.28.1

This release contains the following fixes:

  • Automatic install is enabled by default but can be opted out by setting RUSTUP_AUTO_INSTALLenvironment variable to 0. pr#4214 pr#4227
  • rustup show active-toolchain will only print a single line, as it did in 1.27. pr#4221
  • Fixed a bug in the reqwest backend that would erroneously timeout downloads after 30s. pr#4218
  • Use relative symlinks for proxies. pr#4226

How to update

If you have a previous version of rustup installed, getting rustup 1.28.1 is as easy as stopping any programs which may be using Rustup (e.g. closing your IDE) and running:

$ rustup self update

Rustup will also automatically update itself at the end of a normal toolchain update:

$ rustup update

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website.

Rustup's documentation is also available in the rustup book.


Rustup releases can come with problems not caused by rustup itself but just due to having a new release. As such, we recommend paying attention to the following potential issues in particular:

  • Anti-malware scanners might be blocking rustup or stopping it from creating or copying files (especially when installing rust-docs, since it contains many small files).
  • In your CI environment, rustup might fail when trying to perform a self-update.
    This is a known issue, and in the case where this issue does occur, we recommend applying the following workaround at the beginning of your workflow:
$ rustup set auto-self-update disable  

Also, starting from 1.28.0, rustup will no longer attempt to self-update in CI environments, so this workaround should not be necessary in the future.

These issues should be automatically resolved in a few weeks when the anti-malware scanners are updated to be aware of the new rustup release, and the hosted version is updated across all CI runners.


Thanks to the rustup and t-release team members who came together to quickly address these issues.

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Rust Blog

Rust participates in Google Summer of Code 2025

We are happy to announce that the Rust Project will again be participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2025, same as last year. If you're not eligible or interested in participating in GSoC, then most of this post likely isn't relevant to you; if you are, this should contain some useful information and links.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an annual global program organized by Google that aims to bring new contributors to the world of open-source. The program pairs organizations (such as the Rust Project) with contributors (usually students), with the goal of helping the participants make meaningful open-source contributions under the guidance of experienced mentors.

The organizations that have been accepted into the program have been announced by Google. The GSoC applicants now have several weeks to discuss project ideas with mentors. Later, they will send project proposals for the projects that they found the most interesting. If their project proposal is accepted, they will embark on a several month journey during which they will try to complete their proposed project under the guidance of an assigned mentor.

We have prepared a list of project ideas that can serve as inspiration for potential GSoC contributors that would like to send a project proposal to the Rust organization. However, applicants can also come up with their own project ideas. You can discuss project ideas or try to find mentors in the #gsoc Zulip stream. We have also prepared a proposal guide that should help you with preparing your project proposals.

You can start discussing the project ideas with Rust Project mentors and maintainers immediately, but you might want to keep the following important dates in mind:

  • The project proposal application period starts on March 24, 2025. From that date you can submit project proposals into the GSoC dashboard.
  • The project proposal application period ends on April 8, 2025 at 18:00 UTC. Take note of that deadline, as there will be no extensions!

If you are interested in contributing to the Rust Project, we encourage you to check out our project idea list and send us a GSoC project proposal! Of course, you are also free to discuss these projects and/or try to move them forward even if you do not intend to (or cannot) participate in GSoC. We welcome all contributors to Rust, as there is always enough work to do.

Last year was our first time participating in GSoC, and it was a success! This year we are very excited to participate again. We hope that participants in the program can improve their skills, but also would love for this to bring new contributors to the Project and increase the awareness of Rust in general. Like last year, we expect to publish blog posts in the future with updates about our participation in the program.

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Rust Blog

Announcing Rustup 1.28.0

The rustup team is happy to announce the release of rustup version 1.28.0.Rustup is the recommended tool to install Rust, a programming language that is empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

What's new in rustup 1.28.0

This new release of rustup has been a long time in the making and comes with substantial changes.

Before digging into the details, it is worth mentioning that Chris Denton has joined the team. Chris has a lot of experience contributing to Windows-related parts of the Rust Project -- expertise we were previously lacking -- so we're happy to have him on board to help address Windows-specific issues.

The following improvements might require changes to how you use rustup:

  • rustup will no longer automatically install the active toolchain if it is not installed.
    • To ensure its installation, run rustup toolchain install with no arguments.
    • The following command installs the active toolchain both before and after this change:
    rustup show active-toolchain || rustup toolchain install  
    # Or, on older versions of PowerShell:  
    rustup show active-toolchain; if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { rustup toolchain install }  
  • Installing a host-incompatible toolchain via rustup toolchain install or rustup default will now be rejected unless you explicitly add the --force-non-host flag.

Rustup now officially supports the following host platforms:

  • aarch64-pc-windows-msvc
  • loongarch64-unknown-linux-musl

This release also comes with various quality-of-life improvements, to name a few:

  • rustup show's output format has been cleaned up, making it easier to find out about your toolchains' status.
  • rustup doc now accepts a flag and a topic at the same time, enabling quick navigation to specific parts of more books.
  • rustup's remove subcommands now support more aliases such as rm and del.
  • Basic support for nushell has been added.

We have additionally made the following internal changes:

  • The default download backend has been changed from reqwest with native-tls to reqwest with rustls.
    • RUSTUP_USE_CURL and RUSTUP_USE_RUSTLS can still be used to change the download backend if the new backend causes issues. If issues do happen, please let us know.
    • The default backend now uses rustls-platform-verifier to verify server certificates, taking advantage of the platform's certificate store on platforms that support it.
  • When creating proxy links, rustup will now try symlinks first and fall back to hardlinks, as opposed to trying hardlinks first.
  • A new RUSTUP_LOG environment variable can be used to control tracing-based logging in rustup binaries. See the dev guide for more details.

Finally, there are some notable changes to our official website as well:

  • The overall design of the website has been updated to better align with the Rust Project's branding.
  • It is now possible to download the prebuilt installer for the aarch64-pc-windows-msvc host platform via

Further details are available in the changelog!

How to update

If you have a previous version of rustup installed, getting rustup 1.28.0 is as easy as stopping any programs which may be using Rustup (e.g. closing your IDE) and running:

$ rustup self update

Rustup will also automatically update itself at the end of a normal toolchain update:

$ rustup update

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website.

Rustup's documentation is also available in the rustup book.


Rustup releases can come with problems not caused by rustup itself but just due to having a new release. As such, we recommend paying attention to the following potential issues in particular:

  • Anti-malware scanners might be blocking rustup or stopping it from creating or copying files (especially when installing rust-docs, since it contains many small files).
  • In your CI environment, rustup might fail when trying to perform a self-update.
    This is a known issue, and in the case where this issue does occur, we recommend applying the following workaround at the beginning of your workflow:
$ rustup set auto-self-update disable  

Also, starting from 1.28.0, rustup will no longer attempt to self-update in CI environments, so this workaround should not be necessary in the future.

These issues should be automatically resolved in a few weeks when the anti-malware scanners are updated to be aware of the new rustup release, and the hosted version is updated across all CI runners.


Thanks again to all the contributors who made rustup 1.28.0 possible!

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Rust Blog

Announcing Rust 1.85.0 and Rust 2024

The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.85.0. This stabilizes the 2024 edition as well. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.85.0 with:

$ rustup update stable

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes for 1.85.0.

If you'd like to help us out by testing future releases, you might consider updating locally to use the beta channel (rustup default beta) or the nightly channel (rustup default nightly). Please report any bugs you might come across!

What's in 1.85.0 stable

Rust 2024

We are excited to announce that the Rust 2024 Edition is now stable! Editions are a mechanism for opt-in changes that may otherwise pose a backwards compatibility risk. See the edition guide for details on how this is achieved, and detailed instructions on how to migrate.

This is the largest edition we have released. The edition guide contains detailed information about each change, but as a summary, here are all the changes:

Migrating to 2024

The guide includes migration instructions for all new features, and in generaltransitioning an existing project to a new edition. In many cases cargo fix can automate the necessary changes. You may even find that no changes in your code are needed at all for 2024!

Note that automatic fixes via cargo fix are very conservative to avoid ever changing the semantics of your code. In many cases you may wish to keep your code the same and use the new semantics of Rust 2024; for instance, continuing to use the expr macro matcher, and ignoring the conversions of conditionals because you want the new 2024 drop order semantics. The result of cargo fix should not be considered a recommendation, just a conservative conversion that preserves behavior.

Many people came together to create this edition. We'd like to thank them all for their hard work!

async closures

Rust now supports asynchronous closures like async || {} which return futures when called. This works like an async fn which can also capture values from the local environment, just like the difference between regular closures and functions. This also comes with 3 analogous traits in the standard library prelude: AsyncFn, AsyncFnMut, and AsyncFnOnce.

In some cases, you could already approximate this with a regular closure and an asynchronous block, like || async {}. However, the future returned by such an inner block is not able to borrow from the closure captures, but this does work with async closures:

let mut vec: Vec<String> = vec![];

let closure = async || {

It also has not been possible to properly express higher-ranked function signatures with the Fn traits returning a Future, but you can write this with the AsyncFn traits:

use core::future::Future;
async fn f<Fut>(_: impl for<'a> Fn(&'a u8) -> Fut)
    Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
{ todo!() }

async fn f2(_: impl for<'a> AsyncFn(&'a u8))
{ todo!() }

async fn main() {
    async fn g(_: &u8) { todo!() }
    //~^ ERROR mismatched types
    //~| ERROR one type is more general than the other

    f2(g).await; // ok!

So async closures provide first-class solutions to both of these problems! See RFC 3668 and the stabilization report for more details.

Hiding trait implementations from diagnostics

The new #[diagnostic::do_not_recommend] attribute is a hint to the compiler to not show the annotated trait implementation as part of a diagnostic message. For library authors, this is a way to keep the compiler from making suggestions that may be unhelpful or misleading. For example:

pub trait Foo {}
pub trait Bar {}

impl<T: Foo> Bar for T {}

struct MyType;

fn main() {
    let _object: &dyn Bar = &MyType;

error[E0277]: the trait bound `MyType: Bar` is not satisfied
 --> src/
9 |     let _object: &dyn Bar = &MyType;
  |                             ^^^^ the trait `Foo` is not implemented for `MyType`
note: required for `MyType` to implement `Bar`
 --> src/
4 | impl<T: Foo> Bar for T {}
  |         ---  ^^^     ^
  |         |
  |         unsatisfied trait bound introduced here
  = note: required for the cast from `&MyType` to `&dyn Bar`

For some APIs, it might make good sense for you to implement Foo, and get Bar indirectly by that blanket implementation. For others, it might be expected that most users should implement Bar directly, so that Foo suggestion is a red herring. In that case, adding the diagnostic hint will change the error message like so:

impl<T: Foo> Bar for T {}

error[E0277]: the trait bound `MyType: Bar` is not satisfied
  --> src/
10 |     let _object: &dyn Bar = &MyType;
   |                             ^^^^ the trait `Bar` is not implemented for `MyType`
   = note: required for the cast from `&MyType` to `&dyn Bar`

See RFC 2397 for the original motivation, and the current reference for more details.

FromIterator and Extend for tuples

Earlier versions of Rust implemented convenience traits for iterators of (T, U) tuple pairs to behave like Iterator::unzip, with Extend in 1.56 and FromIterator in 1.79. These have now been extended to more tuple lengths, from singleton (T,) through to 12 items long, (T1, T2, .., T11, T12). For example, you can now use collect() to fanout into multiple collections at once:

use std::collections::{LinkedList, VecDeque};
fn main() {
    let (squares, cubes, tesseracts): (Vec<_>, VecDeque<_>, LinkedList<_>) =
        (0i32..10).map(|i| (i * i, i.pow(3), i.pow(4))).collect();

[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
[0, 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729]
[0, 1, 16, 81, 256, 625, 1296, 2401, 4096, 6561]

Updates to std::env::home_dir()

std::env::home_dir() has been deprecated for years, because it can give surprising results in some Windows configurations if the HOME environment variable is set (which is not the normal configuration on Windows). We had previously avoided changing its behavior, out of concern for compatibility with code depending on this non-standard configuration. Given how long this function has been deprecated, we're now updating its behavior as a bug fix, and a subsequent release will remove the deprecation for this function.

Stabilized APIs

These APIs are now stable in const contexts

Other changes

Check out everything that changed in Rust, Cargo, and Clippy.

Contributors to 1.85.0

Many people came together to create Rust 1.85.0. We couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks!

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Rust Blog

2024 State of Rust Survey Results

Hello, Rustaceans!

The Rust Survey Team is excited to share the results of our 2024 survey on the Rust Programming language, conducted between December 5, 2024 and December 23, 2024. As in previous years, the 2024 State of Rust Survey was focused on gathering insights and feedback from Rust users, and all those who are interested in the future of Rust more generally.

This ninth edition of the survey surfaced new insights and learning opportunities straight from the global Rust language community, which we will summarize below. In addition to this blog post, we have also prepared a report containing charts with aggregated results of all questions in the survey.

Our sincerest thanks to every community member who took the time to express their opinions and experiences with Rust over the past year. Your participation will help us make Rust better for everyone.

There's a lot of data to go through, so strap in and enjoy!


| Survey | Started | Completed | Completion rate | Views | | ---------- | ----------- | ------------- | ------------------- | --------- | | 2023 | 11 950 | 9 710 | 82.2% | 16 028 | | 2024 | 9 450 | 7 310 | 77.4% | 13 564 |

As shown above, in 2024, we have received fewer survey views than in the previous year. This was likely caused simply by the fact that the survey ran only for two weeks, while in the previous year it ran for almost a month. However, the completion rate has also dropped, which seems to suggest that the survey might be a bit too long. We will take this into consideration for the next edition of the survey.


The State of Rust survey not only gives us excellent insight into how many Rust users around the world are using and experiencing the language but also gives us insight into the makeup of our global community. This information gives us a sense of where the language is being used and where access gaps might exist for us to address over time. We hope that this data and our related analysis help further important discussions about how we can continue to prioritize global access and inclusivity in the Rust community.

Same as every year, we asked our respondents in which country they live in. The top 10 countries represented were, in order: United States (22%), Germany (14%), United Kingdom (6%), France (6%), China (5%), Canada (3%), Netherlands (3%), Russia (3%), Australia (2%), and Sweden (2%). We are happy to see that Rust is enjoyed by users from all around the world! You can try to find your country in the chart below:


We also asked whether respondents consider themselves members of a marginalized community. Out of those who answered, 74.5% selected no, 15.5% selected yes, and 10% preferred not to say.

We have asked the group that selected “yes” which specific groups they identified as being a member of. The majority of those who consider themselves a member of an underrepresented or marginalized group in technology identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or otherwise non-heterosexual. The second most selected option was neurodivergent at 46% followed by trans at 35%.


Each year, we must acknowledge the diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) related gaps in the Rust community and open source as a whole. We believe that excellent work is underway at the Rust Foundation to advance global access to Rust community gatherings and distribute grants to a diverse pool of maintainers each cycle, which you can learn more about here. Even so, global inclusion and access is just one element of DEI, and the survey working group will continue to advocate for progress in this domain.

Rust usage

The number of respondents that self-identify as a Rust user was quite similar to last year, around 92%. This high number is not surprising, since we primarily target existing Rust developers with this survey.


Similarly as last year, around 31% of those who did not identify as Rust users cited the perception of difficulty as the primary reason for not using Rust. The most common reason for not using Rust was that the respondents simply haven’t had the chance to try it yet.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

Of the former Rust users who participated in the 2024 survey, 36% cited factors outside their control as a reason why they no longer use Rust, which is a 10pp decrease from last year. This year, we also asked respondents if they would consider using Rust again if an opportunity comes up, which turns out to be true for a large fraction of the respondents (63%). That is good to hear!

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

Closed answers marked with N/A were not present in the previous version(s) of the survey.

Those not using Rust anymore told us that it is because they don't really need it (or the goals of their company changed) or because it was not the right tool for the job. A few reported being overwhelmed by the language or its ecosystem in general or that switching to or introducing Rust would have been too expensive in terms of human effort.

Of those who used Rust in 2024, 53% did so on a daily (or nearly daily) basis — an increase of 4pp from the previous year. We can observe an upward trend in the frequency of Rust usage over the past few years, which suggests that Rust is being increasingly used at work. This is also confirmed by other answers mentioned in the Rust at Work section later below.


Rust expertise is also continually increasing amongst our respondents! 20% of respondents can write (only) simple programs in Rust (a decrease of 3pp from 2023), while 53% consider themselves productive using Rust — up from 47% in 2023. While the survey is just one tool to measure the changes in Rust expertise overall, these numbers are heartening as they represent knowledge growth for many Rustaceans returning to the survey year over year.


Unsurprisingly, the most popular version of Rust is latest stable, either the most recent one or whichever comes with the users' Linux distribution. Almost a third of users also use the latest nightly release, due to various reasons (see below). However, it seems that the beta toolchain is not used much, which is a bit unfortunate. We would like to encourage Rust users to use the beta toolchain more (e.g. in CI environments) to help test soon-to-be stabilized versions of Rust.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

People that use the nightly toolchain mostly do it to gain access to specific unstable language features. Several users have also mentioned that rustfmt works better for them on nightly or that they use the nightly compiler because of faster compilation times.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

Learning Rust

To use Rust, programmers first have to learn it, so we are always interested in finding out how do they approach that. Based on the survey results, it seems that most users learn from Rust documentation and also from The Rust Programming Language book, which has been a favourite learning resource of new Rustaceans for a long time. Many people also seem to learn by reading the source code of Rust crates. The fact that both the documentation and source code of tens of thousands of Rust crates is available on and GitHub makes this easier.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

In terms of answers belonging to the "Other" category, they can be clustered into three categories: people using LLM (large language model) assistants (Copilot, ChatGPT, Claude, etc.), reading the official Rust forums (Discord, URLO) or being mentored while contributing to Rust projects. We would like to extend a big thank you to those making our spaces friendly and welcoming for newcomers, as it is important work and it pays off. Interestingly, a non-trivial number of people "learned by doing" and used rustc error messages and clippy as a guide, which is a good indicator of the quality of Rust diagnostics.

In terms of formal education, it seems that Rust has not yet penetrated university curriculums, as this is typically a very slowly moving area. Only a very small number of respondents (around 3%) have taken a university Rust course or used university learning materials.


Programming environment

In terms of operating systems used by Rustaceans, Linux was the most popular choice, and it seems that it is getting increasingly popular year after year. It is followed by macOS and Windows, which have a very similar share of usage.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

As you can see in the wordcloud, there are also a few users that prefer Arch, btw.

Rust programmers target a diverse set of platforms with their Rust programs. We saw a slight uptick in users targeting embedded and mobile platforms, but otherwise the distribution of platforms stayed mostly the same as last year. Since the WebAssembly target is quite diverse, we have split it into two separate categories this time. Based on the results it is clear that when using WebAssembly, it is mostly in the context of browsers (23%) rather than other use-cases (7%).

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

We cannot of course forget the favourite topic of many programmers: which IDE (developer environment) they use. Although Visual Studio Code still remains the most popular option, its share has dropped by 5pp this year. On the other hand, the Zed editor seems to have gained considerable traction recently. The small percentage of those who selected "Other" are using a wide range of different tools: from CursorAI to classics like Kate or Notepad++. Special mention to the 3 people using "ed", that's quite an achievement.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

You can also take a look at the linked wordcloud that summarizes open answers to this question (the "Other" category), to see what other editors are also popular.

Rust at Work

We were excited to see that more and more people use Rust at work for the majority of their coding, 38% vs 34% from last year. There is a clear upward trend in this metric over the past few years.


The usage of Rust within companies also seems to be rising, as 45% of respondents answered that their organisation makes non-trivial use of Rust, which is a 7pp increase from 2023.


Once again, the top reason employers of our survey respondents invested in Rust was the ability to build relatively correct and bug-free software. The second most popular reason was Rust’s performance characteristics. 21% of respondents that use Rust at work do so because they already know it, and it's thus their default choice, an uptick of 5pp from 2023. This seems to suggest that Rust is becoming one of the baseline languages of choice for more and more companies.


Similarly to the previous year, a large percentage of respondents (82%) report that Rust helped their company achieve its goals. In general, it seems that programmers and companies are quite happy with their usage of Rust, which is great!


In terms of technology domains, the situation is quite similar to the previous year. Rust seems to be especially popular for creating server backends, web and networking services and cloud technologies. It also seems to be gaining more traction for embedded use-cases.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

You can scroll the chart to the right to see more domains. Note that the Automotive domain was not offered as a closed answer in the 2023 survey (it was merely entered through open answers), which might explain the large jump.

It is exciting to see the continued growth of professional Rust usage and the confidence so many users feel in its performance, control, security and safety, enjoyability, and more!


As always, one of the main goals of the State of Rust survey is to shed light on challenges, concerns, and priorities on Rustaceans’ minds over the past year.

We have asked our users about aspects of Rust that limit their productivity. Perhaps unsurprisingly, slow compilation was at the top of the list, as it seems to be a perennial concern of Rust users. As always, there are efforts underway to improve the speed of the compiler, such as enabling the parallel frontend or switching to a faster linker by default. We invite you to test these improvements and let us know if you encounter any issues.

Other challenges included subpar support for debugging Rust and high disk usage of Rust compiler artifacts. On the other hand, most Rust users seem to be very happy with its runtime performance, the correctness and stability of the compiler and also Rust's documentation.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

In terms of specific unstable (or missing) features that Rust users want to be stabilized (or implemented), the most desired ones were async closures and if/let while chains. Well, we have good news! Async closures will be stabilized in the next version of Rust (1.85), and if/let while chains will hopefully follow soon after, once Edition 2024 is released (which will also happen in Rust 1.85).

Other coveted features are generators (both sync and async) and more powerful generic const expressions. You can follow the Rust Project Goals to track the progress of these (and other) features.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

In the open answers to this question, people were really helpful and tried hard to describe the most notable issues limiting their productivity. We have seen mentions of struggles with async programming (an all-time favourite), debuggability of errors (which people generally love, but they are not perfect for everyone) or Rust tooling being slow or resource intensive (rust-analyzer and rustfmt). Some users also want a better IDE story and improved interoperability with other languages.

This year, we have also included a new question about the speed of Rust's evolution. While most people seem to be content with the status quo, more than a quarter of people who responded to this question would like Rust to stabilize and/or add features more quickly, and only 7% of respondents would prefer Rust to slow down or completely stop adding new features.


Interestingly, when we asked respondents about their main worries for the future of Rust, one of the top answers remained the worry that Rust will become too complex. This seems to be in contrast with the answers to the previous question. Perhaps Rust users still seem to consider the complexity of Rust to be manageable, but they worry that one day it might become too much.

We are happy to see that the amount of respondents concerned about Rust Project governance and lacking support of the Rust Foundation has dropped by about 6pp from 2023.

[PNG] [SVG] [Wordcloud of open answers]

Looking ahead

Each year, the results of the State of Rust survey help reveal the areas that need improvement in many areas across the Rust Project and ecosystem, as well as the aspects that are working well for our community.

If you have any suggestions for the Rust Annual survey, please let us know!

We are immensely grateful to those who participated in the 2024 State of Rust Survey and facilitated its creation. While there are always challenges associated with developing and maintaining a programming language, this year we were pleased to see a high level of survey participation and candid feedback that will truly help us make Rust work better for everyone.

If you’d like to dig into more details, we recommend you to browse through the full survey report.

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Rust Blog development update

Back in July 2024, we published a blog post about the ongoing development of Since then, we have made a lot of progress and shipped a few new features. In this blog post, we want to give you an update on the latest changes that we have made to

Crate deletions

In RFC #3660 we proposed a new feature that allows crate owners to delete their crates from under certain conditions. This can be useful if you have published a crate by mistake or if you want to remove a crate that is no longer maintained. After the RFC was accepted by all team members at the end of August, we began implementing the feature.

We created a new API endpoint DELETE /api/v1/crates/:name that allows crate owners to delete their crates and then created the corresponding user interface. If you are the owner of a crate, you can now go to the crate page, open the "Settings" tab, and find the "Delete this crate" button at the bottom. Clicking this button will lead you to a confirmation page telling you about the potential impact of the deletion and requirements that need to be met in order to delete the crate:

Delete Page Screenshot

As you can see from the screenshot above, a crate can only be deleted if either: the crate has been published for less than 72 hours or the crate only has a single owner, and the crate has been downloaded less than 500 times for each month it has been published, and the crate is not depended upon by any other crate on

These requirements were put in place to prevent abuse of the deletion feature and to ensure that crates that are widely used by the community are not deleted accidentally. If you have any feedback on this feature, please let us know!

OpenAPI description

Around the holiday season we started experimenting with generating an OpenAPI description for the API. This was a long-standing request from the community, and we are happy to announce that we now have an experimental OpenAPI description available at!

Please note that this is still considered work-in-progress and e.g. the stability guarantees for the endpoints are not written down and the response schemas are also not fully documented yet.

You can view the OpenAPI description in e.g. a Swagger UI at by putting in the top input field. We decided to not ship a viewer ourselves for now due to security concerns with running it on the same domain as itself. We may reconsider whether to offer it on a dedicated subdomain in the future if there is enough interest.

Swagger UI Screenshot

The OpenAPI description is generated by the utoipa crate, which is a tool that can be integrated with the axum web framework to automatically generate OpenAPI descriptions for all of your endpoints. We would like to thank Juha Kukkonen for his great work on this tool!

Support form and "Report Crate" button

Since the team is small and mostly consists of volunteers, we do not have the capacity to manually monitor all publishes. Instead, we rely on you, the Rust community, to help us catch malicious crates and users. To make it easier for you to report suspicious crates, we added a "Report Crate" button to all the crate pages. If you come across a crate that you think is malicious or violates the code of conduct or our usage policy, you can now click the "Report Crate" button and fill out the form that appears. This will send an email to the team, who will then review the crate and take appropriate action if necessary. Thank you to team member @eth3lbert who worked on the majority of this.

If you have any issues with the support form or the "Report Crate" button, please let us know. You can also always email us directly at if you prefer not to use the form.

Publish notifications

We have added a new feature that allows you to receive email notifications when a new version of your crate is published. This can be useful in detecting unauthorized publishes of your crate or simply to keep track of publishes from other members of your team.

Publish Notification Screenshot

This feature was another long-standing feature request from our community, and we were happy to finally implement it. If you'd prefer not to receive publish notifications, then you can go to your account settings on and disable these notifications.


These were some of the more visible changes to over the past couple of months, but a lot has happened "under the hood" as well.

  • RFC #3691 was opened and accepted to implement "Trusted Publishing" support on, similar to other ecosystems that adopted it. This will allow you to specify on which repository/system is allowed to publish new releases of your crate, allowing you to publish crates from CI systems without having to deal with API tokens anymore.
  • Slightly related to the above: API tokens created on now expire after 90 days by default. It is still possible to disable the expiry or choose other expiry durations though.
  • The team was one of the first projects to use the diesel database access library, but since that only supported synchronous execution it was sometimes a little awkward to use in our codebase, which was increasingly moving into an async direction after our migration to axum a while ago. The maintainer of diesel, Georg Semmler, did a lot of work to make it possible to use diesel in an async way, resulting in the diesel-async library. Over the past couple of months we incrementally ported over to diesel-async queries, which now allows us to take advantage of the internal query pipelining in diesel-async that resulted in some of our API endpoints getting a 10-15% performance boost. Thank you, Georg, for your work on these crates!
  • Whenever you publish a new version or yank/unyank existing versions a couple of things need to be updated. Our internal database is immediately updated, and then we synchronize the sparse and git index in background worker jobs. Previously, yanking and unyanking a high number of versions would each queue up another synchronization background job. We have now implemented automatic deduplication of redundant background jobs, making our background worker a bit more efficient.
  • The final big, internal change that was just merged last week is related to the testing of our frontend code. In the past we used a tool called Mirage to implement a mock version of our API, which allowed us to run our frontend test suite without having to spin up a full backend server. Unfortunately, the maintenance situation around Mirage had lately forced us to look into alternatives, and we are happy to report that we have now fully migrated to the "Industry standard API mocking" package msw. If you want to know more, you can find the details in the "small" migration pull request.


We hope you enjoyed this update on the development of If you have any feedback or questions, please let us know on Zulip or GitHub. We are always happy to hear from you and are looking forward to your feedback!

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Rust Blog

Rust Blog updated their profile.

Rust Blog

Announcing Rust 1.84.1

The Rust team has published a new point release of Rust, 1.84.1. Rust is a programming language that is empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, getting Rust 1.84.1 is as easy as:

rustup update stable

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website.

What's in 1.84.1

1.84.1 resolves a few regressions introduced in 1.84.0:

It also includes several fixes for those building Rust from source:

Contributors to 1.84.1

Many people came together to create Rust 1.84.1. We couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks!

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Rust Blog

December Project Goals Update

Over the last six months, the Rust project has been working towards a slate of 26 project goals, with 3 of them designated as Flagship Goals. This post provides a final update on our progress towards these goals (or, in some cases, lack thereof). We are currently finalizing plans for the next round of project goals, which will cover 2025H1. The full details for any particular goal are available in its associated tracking issue on the rust-project-goals repository.

Flagship goals

Bring the Async Rust experience closer to parity with sync Rust

Our big goal for this period was async closures, and we are excited to announce that work there is done! Stable support for async closures landed on nightly on Dec 12 and it will be included in Rust 1.85, which ships on Feb 20. Big kudos to compiler-errors for driving that.

For our other goals, we made progress, but there remains work to be done:

  • Return Type Notation (RTN) is implemented and we had a call for experimentation but it has not yet reached stable. This will be done as part of our 2025H1 goal.
  • Async Functions in Traits (and Return Position Impl Trait in Trait) are currently not consided dyn compatible. We would eventually like to have first-class dyn support, but as an intermediate step we created a procedural macro crate dynosaur1 that can create wrappers that enable dynamic dispatch. We are planning a comprehensive blog post in 2025H1 that shows how to use this crate and lays out the overall plan for async functions in traits.
  • Work was done to prototype an implementation for async drop but we didn't account for reviewing bandwidth. nikomatsakis has done initial reads and is working with PR author to get this done in 2025H1. To be clear though the scope of this is an experiment with the goal of uncovering implementation hurdles. There remains significant language design work before this feature would be considered for stabilization (we don't even have an RFC, and there are lots of unknowns remaining).
  • We have had fruitful discussions about the trait for async iteration but do not have widespread consensus, that's on the docket for 2025H1.

Resolve the biggest blockers to Linux building on stable Rust

We largely completed our goal to stabilize the language features used by the Rust for Linux project. In some cases a small amount of work remains. Over the last six months, we...

  • stabilized the offset_of! macro to get the offset of fields;
  • almost stabilized the CoercePointee trait -- but discovered that the current implementaton was revealing unstable details, which is currently being resolved;
  • asm_goto stabilization PR and reference updates are up, excluding the "output" feature.
  • completed the majority of the work for arbitrary self types, which is being used by RfL and just needs documentation before stabilisation

We also began work on compiler flag stabilization with RFC 3716, which outlines a scheme for stabilizing flags that modify the target ABI.

Big shout-outs to Ding Xiang Fei, Alice Ryhl, Adrian Taylor, and Gary Guo for doing the lion's share of the work here.

Rust 2024 Edition

The final release of Rust 2024 is confirmed for February 20, 2025 as part of Rust 1.85. Rust 1.85 is currently in beta. Feedback from the nightly beta and crater runs has been actively addressed, with adjustments to migrations and documentation to enhance user experience.

Big shout-outs to TC and Eric Huss for their hard work driving this program forward.

Final goal updates

"Stabilizable" prototype for expanded const generics

Over the last six months a number of internal refactorings have taken place that are necessary to support a min_generic_const_args prototype.

One refactoring is that we have changed how we represent const arguments in the compiler to allow for adding a separate representation for the kinds of const arguments that min_generic_const_args will add.

Another big refactoring is that we have changed the API surface for our representation of const arguments in the type system layer, there is no longer a way to evaluate a const argument without going through our general purpose type system logic. This was necessary to ensure that we correctly handle equality of the kinds of const arguments that min_generic_const_args will support.

With all of these pre-requisite refactorings completed, a feature gate has been added to the compiler (feature(min_generic_const_args)) that uses the new internal representation of const arguments. We are now beginning to implement the actual language changes under this feature gate.

Shout-out to camelid, boxy and compiler-errors.

Begin resolving `cargo-semver-checks` blockers for merging into cargo

Over the course of the last six months...

  • cargo semver-checks began to include generic parameters and bounds in its schema, allowing for more precise lints;
  • cargo manifest linting was implemented and merged, allowing for lints that look at the cargo manifest;
  • building on cargo manifest linting, the feature_missing lint was added, which identifies breakage caused by the removal of a package feature.

In addition, we fleshed out a design sketch for the changes in rustdoc's JSON support that are needed to support cross-crate item linting. This in turn requires compiler extensions to supply that information to rustdoc.

Const traits

  • Progress was made on adding const traits and implementation in the compiler, with improvements being carefully considered. Add was constified in rust#133237 and Deref/DerefMut in rust#133260.
  • Further progress was made on implementing stability for the const traits feature in rust#132823 and rust#133999, with additional PRs constifying more traits open at rust#133995 and rust#134628.

Ergonomic ref-counting

  • Over the last six months, we created a lang-team experiment devoted to this issue and spastorino began work on an experimental implementation. joshtriplett authored RFC 3680, which has received substantial feedback. The current work is focused on identifying "cheaply cloneable" types and making it easy to create closures that clone them instead of moving them.

Explore sandboxed build scripts

  • Alternatives to sandboxed build scripts are going to be investigated instead of continuing this project goal into 2025h1 - namely, declaratively configuring system dependencies with system-deps, using an approach similar to code-checker Cackle and its sandbox environment Bubblewrap, or fully-sandboxed build environments like Docker or Nix.

Extend pubgrub to match cargo's dependency resolution

  • Significant speedups have been achieved, reducing the slowest crate resolution time from over 120 seconds to 11 seconds, and decreasing the time to check all crates from 178 minutes to 71.42 minutes.
  • Performance improvements have been made to both the existing resolver and the new implementation, with the lock file verification time for all crates reduced from 44.90 minutes to 32.77 minutes (excluding some of the hardest cases).

Make Rustdoc Search easier to learn

  • Our pull request adding example searches and adding a search button has been added to the agenda for the rustdoc team next meeting.

Next-generation trait solver

  • The -Znext-solver=coherence stabilization is now stable in version 1.84, with a new update blogpost published.
  • Significant progress was made on bootstrap with -Znext-solver=globally. We're now able to compile rustc and cargo, enabling try-builds and perf runs.

Optimizing Clippy & linting

  • An optimisation for the #[clippy::msrv] lint is open, benchmarked, and currently under review.
  • Help is needed on any issue marked with performance-project, especially on issue #13714.

Patterns of empty types

  • Over the course of this goal, Nadrieril wrote and posted the never patterns RFC as an attempt to make progress without figuring out the whole picture, and the general feedback was "we want to see the whole picture". Next step will be to write up an RFC that includes a clear proposal for which empty patterns can and cannot be omitted. This is 100% bottlenecked on my own writing bandwidth (reach out if you want to help!). Work will continue but the goal won't be resubmitted for 2025h1.

Scalable Polonius support on nightly

  • Amanda has made progress on removing placeholders, focusing on lazy constraints and early error reporting, as well as investigating issues with rewriting type tests; a few tests are still failing, and it seems error reporting and diagnostics will be hard to keep exactly as today.
  • @lqd has opened PRs to land the prototype of the location-sensitive analysis. It's working well enough that it's worthwhile to land; there is still a lot of work left to do, but it's a major milestone, which we hoped to achieve with this project goal.

Stabilize cargo-script

  • A fix stopping cargo-script from overriding the release profile was posted and merged.
  • Help is wanted for writing frontmatter support in rustc, as rustfmt folks are requesting it to be represented in the AST.

Stabilize doc_cfg

  • RFC is done, waiting for all rustdoc team members to take a look before implementation can start.

Stabilize parallel front end

  • SparrowLii proposed a 2025H1 project goal to continue stabilizing the parallel front end, focusing on solving reproducible deadlock issues and improving parallel compilation performance.
  • The team discussed solutions to avoid potential deadlocks, finding that disabling work-stealing in rayon's subloops is effective, and will incorporate related modifications in a PR.

Use annotate-snippets for rustc diagnostic output

  • Progress on annotate-snippets continued despite a busy schedule, with a focus on improving suggestions and addressing architectural challenges.
  • A new API was designed in collaboration with epage, aiming to align annotate-snippets more closely with rustc for easier contribution and integration.

Assemble project goal slate

  • The project goal slate for 2025h1 has been posted as an RFC and is waiting on approval from project team leads.

Expose experimental LLVM features for automatic differentiation and GPU offloading

  • Another pull request was merged with only one remaining until a working MVP is available on nightly.
  • Some features were removed to simplify upstreaming and will be added back as single PRs.
  • Will start work on batching feature of LLVM/Enzyme which allows Array of Struct and Struct of Array vectorisation.
  • There's been a push to add a AMD GPU target to the compiler which would have been needed for the LLVM offload project.

Survey tools suitability for Std safety verification

  • We have written and verified around 220 safety contracts in the verify-rust-std fork.
  • 3 out of 14 challenges have been solved.
  • We have successfully integrated Kani in the repository CI, and we are working on the integration of 2 other verification tools: VeriFast and Goto-transcoder (ESBMC)

Testing infra + contributors for a-mir-formality

Will not complete

  • There wasn't any progress on this goal, but building a community around a-mir-formality is still a goal and future plans are coming.

Goals without updates

The following goals have not received updates in the last month:

Associated type position impl trait

Will not complete

Implement "merged doctests" to save doctest time


Provided reasons for yanked crates

User-wide build cache

Will not complete

  1. As everyone knows, the hardest part of computer-science is naming. I think we rocked this one.

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Rust Blog

Rust 2024 in beta channel

Rust 2024 in beta channel

The next edition, Rust 2024, has entered the beta channel. It will live there until 2025-02-20, when Rust 1.85 and Rust 2024 will be released as stable.

We're really happy with how Rust 2024 has turned out, and we're looking forward to putting it in your hands.

You can get a head start in preparing your code for the new edition, and simultaneously help us with final testing of Rust 2024, by following these steps within a project:

  1. Run rustup update beta.
  2. Run cargo update.
  3. Run cargo +beta fix --edition.
  4. Set edition = "2024" and, if needed, rust-version = "1.85", in Cargo.toml.
  5. Run cargo +beta check, address any remaining warnings, and then run other tests.

More details on how to migrate can be found here and within each of the chapters describing the changes in Rust 2024. For more on the changes themselves, see the Edition Guide.

If you encounter any problems or see areas where we could make the experience better, tell us about it by filing an issue.

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Rust Blog

Announcing Rust 1.84.0

The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.84.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.84.0 with:

$ rustup update stable

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes for 1.84.0.

If you'd like to help us out by testing future releases, you might consider updating locally to use the beta channel (rustup default beta) or the nightly channel (rustup default nightly). Please report any bugs you might come across!

What's in 1.84.0 stable

Cargo considers Rust versions for dependency version selection

1.84.0 stabilizes the minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) aware resolver, which prefers dependency versions compatible with the project's declaredMSRV. With MSRV-aware version selection, the toil is reduced for maintainers to support older toolchains by not needing to manually select older versions for each dependency.

You can opt-in to the MSRV-aware resolver via .cargo/config.toml:

incompatible-rust-versions = "fallback"

Then when adding a dependency:

$ cargo add clap
    Updating index
warning: ignoring clap@4.5.23 (which requires rustc 1.74) to maintain demo's rust-version of 1.60
      Adding clap v4.0.32 to dependencies
    Updating index
     Locking 33 packages to latest Rust 1.60 compatible versions
      Adding clap v4.0.32 (available: v4.5.23, requires Rust 1.74)

When verifying the latest dependencies in CI, you can override this:

    Updating index
     Locking 12 packages to latest compatible versions
    Updating clap v4.0.32 -> v4.5.23

You can also opt-in by setting package.resolver = "3" in the Cargo.toml manifest file though that will require raising your MSRV to 1.84. The new resolver will be enabled by default for projects using the 2024 edition (which will stabilize in 1.85).

This gives library authors more flexibility when deciding their policy on adopting new Rust toolchain features. Previously, a library adopting features from a new Rust toolchain would force downstream users of that library who have an older Rust version to either upgrade their toolchain or manually select an old version of the library compatible with their toolchain (and avoid running cargo update). Now, those users will be able to automatically use older library versions compatible with their older toolchain.

See the documentation for more considerations when deciding on an MSRV policy.

Migration to the new trait solver begins

The Rust compiler is in the process of moving to a new implementation for the trait solver. The next-generation trait solver is a reimplementation of a core component of Rust's type system. It is not only responsible for checking whether trait-bounds - e.g. Vec<T>: Clone - hold, but is also used by many other parts of the type system, such as normalization - figuring out the underlying type of <Vec<T> as IntoIterator>::Item - and equating types (checking whether T and U are the same).

In 1.84, the new solver is used for checking coherence of trait impls. At a high level, coherence is responsible for ensuring that there is at most one implementation of a trait for a given type while considering not yet written or visible code from other crates.

This stabilization fixes a few mostly theoretical correctness issues of the old implementation, resulting in potential "conflicting implementations of trait ..." errors that were not previously reported. We expect the affected patterns to be very rare based on evaluation of available code through Crater. The stabilization also improves our ability to prove that impls do not overlap, allowing more code to be written in some cases.

For more details, see a previous blog postand the stabilization report.

Strict provenance APIs

In Rust, pointers are not simply an "integer" or "address". For instance, a "use after free" is undefined behavior even if you "get lucky" and the freed memory gets reallocated before your read/write. As another example, writing through a pointer derived from an &i32 reference is undefined behavior, even if writing to the same address via a different pointer is legal. The underlying pattern here is that the way a pointer is computed matters, not just the address that results from this computation. For this reason, we say that pointers have provenance: to fully characterize pointer-related undefined behavior in Rust, we have to know not only the address the pointer points to, but also track which other pointer(s) it is "derived from".

Most of the time, programmers do not need to worry much about provenance, and it is very clear how a pointer got derived. However, when casting pointers to integers and back, the provenance of the resulting pointer is underspecified. With this release, Rust is adding a set of APIs that can in many cases replace the use of integer-pointer-casts, and therefore avoid the ambiguities inherent to such casts. In particular, the pattern of using the lowest bits of an aligned pointer to store extra information can now be implemented without ever casting a pointer to an integer or back. This makes the code easier to reason about, easier to analyze for the compiler, and also benefits tools likeMiri and architectures likeCHERI that aim to detect and diagnose pointer misuse.

For more details, see the standard library documentation on provenance.

Stabilized APIs

These APIs are now stable in const contexts

Other changes

Check out everything that changed in Rust, Cargo, and Clippy.

Contributors to 1.84.0

Many people came together to create Rust 1.84.0. We couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks!

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Rust Blog

November project goals update

The Rust project is currently working towards a slate of 26 project goals, with 3 of them designed as Flagship Goals. This post provides selected updates on our progress towards these goals (or, in some cases, lack thereof). The full details for any particular goal are available in its associated tracking issue on the rust-project-goals repository.

Flagship goals

Bring the Async Rust experience closer to parity with sync Rust

Async closure stabilization has been approved, though the stabilization has not yet landed! The lang team ultimately opted to stabilize the trait name AsyncFn rather than the keyword-based async Fn syntax that was originally proposed. This decision came after discussion on the Flavors RFC which made it clear we were not at a consensus about whether the async Trait keyword would be used more generally or not. Given that, the team felt that the AsyncFn synta was a fine "next step". If we do ultimately adopt some form of async Trait keyword syntax, then AsyncFn can become a trait alias.

Regarding return-type notation, an extension of return-type notation to cover Self::foo(..): Send landed and we landed #132047 which fixes a known ICE. Stabilization PR is now unblocked.

No major progress towards async drop reviews or team reorganization.

Resolve the biggest blockers to Linux building on stable Rust

This month saw steady progress on our checklist. dingxiangfei2009's PR renaming derive(SmartPointer) to derive(CoercePointee) was merged and he began the work to port the RFL codebase to use the new name. Alice Ryhl opened RFC #3716 proposing a way to manage compiler flags that alter the ABI and discussion (and some implementation work) has ensued. Finally, we landed PR #119364 making target blocks in asm-goto safe by default; this was based directly on experience from RFL which showed that [safe would be more useful]. We are still working to finalize another extension to asm-goto that arose from RFL requirements, allowing const to support embedded pointers. Finally we prepared reference PR #1610 describing the change to permit Pointers to Statics in Constants that was stabilized last month.

Rust 2024 Edition

Rust 2024 has now entered the nightly beta and is expected to stabilize as part of Rust 1.85 on 2025-02-20. It has a great many improvements that make the language more consistent and ergonomic, that further upon our relentless commitment to safety, and that will open the door to long-awaited features such as gen blocks, let chains, and the never type !. For more on the changes, see the nightly Edition Guide. The call for testing blog post contains more information and instructions on how you can try it yourself.

Goals with updates

"Stabilizable" prototype for expanded const generics

  • min_generic_const_args now exists as a feature gate, though without any functionality, only some gated refactorings, but shouldn't be long before it has actual functionality behind it.
  • The refactoring to remove all the eval_x methods on ty::Const has been completed, making it possible to correctly implement normalization for constants.

Assemble project goal slate

  • Posted the October update.
  • Created more automated infrastructure to prepare the October update, making use of an LLM to summarize updates into one or two sentences for a concise table.

Begin resolving `cargo-semver-checks` blockers for merging into cargo

  • Support for cargo manifest linting is now merged, making it possible to catch breakage caused by manifest (Cargo.toml) changes, not just source code changes. An example of such breakage is the removal of a package feature: any crates that enabled the removed feature will no longer build.
  • Partial schema design and implementation of type information in lints, enabling the creation of breaking-change lints and improving diagnostic quality for a subset of type-related breaking changes.
  • Resolved multi-team questions that were blocking cross-crate checking, with the compiler team MCP merged and rustdoc improvements discussed and agreed upon.

Const traits

  • The way const traits are desugared was completely restructured, making the design easier to understand and more robust against current unit tests.
  • Significant development and cleanup for the feature has been done, with several pull requests merged and two still open, bringing the feature closer to being able to dogfood on the standard library and closer to stabilization.

Ergonomic ref-counting

  • @joshtriplett opened The @rust-lang/lang team has not yet truly discussed or reached a decision on that RFC.
  • @spastorino began implementation work on a prototype.

Explore sandboxed build scripts

  • The sandboxed build scripts exploration is complete. We are unlikely to continue this work in next year but the research may be useful in other areas, such as the possible addition of POSIX process support to WASI or a declarative system dependency configuration in Cargo.

Expose experimental LLVM features for automatic differentiation and GPU offloading

  • The re-design of the autodiff middle/backend was implemented, reducing the remaining LoC to be upstreamed from 2.5k to 1.1k, split into two PRs (1 and 2), which received initial feedback and are expected to land in early December.
  • The preprint of the first paper utilizing std::autodiff is available on Arxiv, with code available at ChemAI-Lab/molpipx, showcasing significantly faster compilation times in Rust compared to JAX.

Extend pubgrub to match cargo's dependency resolution

  • The core data structures of PubGrub have been published as a separate version-ranges crate, enabling multiple projects to share this core abstraction and benefit from improvements without waiting for the rest of the project.
  • This is one of many steps required to publish a new 0.3.0 version of the PubGrub crate.

Make Rustdoc Search easier to learn

  • Rustdoc will now show type signatures in the search results page, and the boxing transform behaves more like Hoogle's does.
  • Improvements to matching behavior have been made to fit user expectations.

Next-generation trait solver

  • We stabilized -Znext-solver=coherence again in It's looking like the stabilization will actually go through this time.
  • We're currently refactoring the way the current "typing mode" is tracked, working to fix trait-system-refactoring#106. An FCP was started to clean up the way we merge candidates when proving trait goals.

Optimizing Clippy & linting

  • rust-lang/rust#125116 has been merged, marking half of the goal as formally completed.
  • Discussions on using cargo cache on CI are beginning to take form.
  • rust-lang/rust#125116 may be contested in results. The impact may not be as large as expected, even on Clippy.
  • We've been experimenting with Clippy using rustc_driver as a static library, instead of dynamic linking. This would be us both a way to check the performance impact of rustc_driver as a shared library, and a way to profile Clippy without filtering between dl_* calls.

Patterns of empty types

  • The never patterns RFC was posted.
  • Feedback on the RFC suggests that the question of "which arms can be omitted" isn't as orthogonal as hoped, so the focus will switch to that.

Provided reasons for yanked crates

  • The PR has been merged.
  • Work is ongoing on the frontend feature.

Scalable Polonius support on nightly

  • Amanda's EuroRust talk on polonius from last month is also now available on YouTube.
  • Implementation work continues, mostly on a branch. Major developments include a new debugger which has accelerated progress. There are about 70 test failures left to be analyzed.

Stabilize cargo-script

  • rust-lang/cargo#14670 and rust-lang/cargo#14749 have been posted and merged.
  • rust-lang/cargo#14792 has been posted.

Stabilize parallel front end

  • Still in the process of determining the cause of the deadlock through local testing and compiler code analysis.
  • Help wanted: Try to reproduce deadlocks described in the issue list.

Survey tools suitability for Std safety verification

Testing infra + contributors for a-mir-formality

Will not complete

  • We decided to close this goal as we have not been making steady progress. We are evaluating what to propose the 2025h1 round of goals.

Goals without updates

The following goals have not received updates in the last month:

Associated type position impl trait

Will not complete

Implement "merged doctests" to save doctest time


Stabilize doc_cfg

Use annotate-snippets for rustc diagnostic output

User-wide build cache

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Rust Blog

Launching the 2024 State of Rust Survey

It’s time for the 2024 State of Rust Survey!

Since 2016, the Rust Project has collected valuable information and feedback from the Rust programming language community through our annual State of Rust Survey. This tool allows us to more deeply understand how the Rust Project is performing, how we can better serve the global Rust community, and who our community is composed of.

Like last year, the 2024 State of Rust Survey will likely take you between 10 and 25 minutes, and responses are anonymous. We will accept submissions until Monday, December 23rd, 2024. Trends and key insights will be shared on as soon as possible.

We invite you to take this year’s survey whether you have just begun using Rust, you consider yourself an intermediate to advanced user, or you have not yet used Rust but intend to one day. Your responses will help us improve Rust over time by shedding light on gaps to fill in the community and development priorities, and more.

Once again, we are offering the State of Rust Survey in the following languages (if you speak multiple languages, please pick one). Language options are available on the main survey page:

  • English
  • Simplified Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Note: the non-English translations of the survey are provided in a best-effort manner. If you find any issues with the translations, we would be glad if you could send us a pull request to improve the quality of the translations!

Please help us spread the word by sharing the survey link via your social media networks, at meetups, with colleagues, and in any other community that makes sense to you.

This survey would not be possible without the time, resources, and attention of members of the Survey Working Group, the Rust Foundation, and other collaborators. We would also like to thank the following contributors who helped with translating the survey (in no particular order):

  • @albertlarsan68
  • @GuillaumeGomez
  • @Urgau
  • @Jieyou Xu
  • @llogiq
  • @avrong
  • @YohDeadfall
  • @tanakakz
  • @ZuseZ4
  • @igaray

Thank you!

If you have any questions, please see our frequently asked questions.

We appreciate your participation!

Click here to read a summary of last year's survey findings.

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Rust Blog

Announcing Rust 1.83.0

The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.83.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.83.0 with:

$ rustup update stable

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes for 1.83.0.

If you'd like to help us out by testing future releases, you might consider updating locally to use the beta channel (rustup default beta) or the nightly channel (rustup default nightly). Please report any bugs you might come across!

What's in 1.83.0 stable

New const capabilities

This release includes several large extensions to what code running in const contexts can do. This refers to all code that the compiler has to evaluate at compile-time: the initial value of const and static items, array lengths, enum discriminant values, const generic arguments, and functions callable from such contexts (const fn).

**References to statics.**So far, const contexts except for the initializer expression of a static item were forbidden from referencing static items. This limitation has now been lifted:

static S: i32 = 25;
const C: &i32 = &S;

Note, however, that reading the value of a mutable or interior mutable static is still not permitted in const contexts. Furthermore, the final value of a constant may not reference any mutable or interior mutable statics:

static mut S: i32 = 0;

const C1: i32 = unsafe { S };
// error: constant accesses mutable global memory

const C2: &i32 = unsafe { &S };
// error: encountered reference to mutable memory in `const`

These limitations ensure that constants are still "constant": the value they evaluate to, and their meaning as a pattern (which can involve dereferencing references), will be the same throughout the entire program execution.

That said, a constant is permitted to evaluate to a raw pointer that points to a mutable or interior mutable static:

static mut S: i32 = 64;
const C: *mut i32 = &raw mut S;

**Mutable references and pointers.**It is now possible to use mutable references in const contexts:

const fn inc(x: &mut i32) {
    *x += 1;

const C: i32 = {
    let mut c = 41;
    inc(&mut c);

Mutable raw pointers and interior mutability are also supported:

use std::cell::UnsafeCell;

const C: i32 = {
    let c = UnsafeCell::new(41);
    unsafe { *c.get() += 1 };

However, mutable references and pointers can only be used inside the computation of a constant, they cannot become a part of the final value of the constant:

const C: &mut i32 = &mut 4;
// error[E0764]: mutable references are not allowed in the final value of constants

This release also ships with a whole bag of new functions that are now stable in const contexts (see the end of the "Stabilized APIs" section).

These new capabilities and stabilized APIs unblock an entire new category of code to be executed inside const contexts, and we are excited to see how the Rust ecosystem will make use of this!

Stabilized APIs

These APIs are now stable in const contexts:

Other changes

Check out everything that changed in Rust, Cargo, and Clippy.

Contributors to 1.83.0

Many people came together to create Rust 1.83.0. We couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks!

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Rust Blog

Rust 2024 call for testing

Rust 2024 call for testing

We've been hard at work on Rust 2024. We're thrilled about how it has turned out. It's going to be the largest edition since Rust 2015. It has a great many improvements that make the language more consistent and ergonomic, that further upon our relentless commitment to safety, and that will open the door to long-awaited features such as gen blocks, let chains, and the never (!) type. For more on the changes, see the nightly Edition Guide.

As planned, we recently merged the feature-complete Rust 2024 edition to the release train for Rust 1.85. It has now entered nightly beta1.

You can help right now to make this edition a success by testing Rust 2024 on your own projects using nightly Rust. Migrating your projects to the new edition is straightforward and mostly automated. Here's how:

  1. Install the most recent nightly with rustup update nightly.
  2. In your project, run cargo +nightly fix --edition.
  3. Edit Cargo.toml and change the edition field to say edition = "2024" and, if you have a rust-version specified, set rust-version = "1.85".
  4. Run cargo +nightly check to verify your project now works in the new edition.
  5. Run some tests, and try out the new features!

(More details on how to migrate can be found here and within each of the chapters describing the changes in Rust 2024.)

If you encounter any problems or see areas where we could make the experience better, tell us about it by filing an issue.

Coming next

Rust 2024 will enter the beta channel on 2025-01-09, and will be released to stable Rust with Rust 1.85 on 2025-02-20.

  1. That is, it's still in nightly (not in the beta channel), but the edition items are frozen in a way similar to it being in the beta channel, and as with any beta, we'd like wide testing.

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Rust Blog

The wasm32-wasip2 Target Has Reached Tier 2 Support


In April of this year we posted an update about Rust's WASI targetsto the main Rust blog. In it we covered the rename of the wasm32-wasi target to wasm32-wasip1, and the introduction of the new wasm32-wasip2 target as a "tier 3" target. This meant that while the target was available as part ofrust-lang/rustc, it was not guaranteed to build. We're pleased to announce that this has changed in Rust 1.82.

For those unfamiliar with WebAssembly (Wasm) components and WASI 0.2, here is a quick, simplified primer:

  • Wasm is a (virtual) instruction format for programs to be compiled into (think: x86).
  • Wasm Components are a container format and type system that wrap Core Wasm instructions into typed, hermetic binaries and libraries (think: ELF).
  • WASI is a reserved namespace for a collection of standardized Wasm component interfaces (think: POSIX header files).

For a more detailed explanation see the WASI 0.2 announcement post on the Bytecode Alliance blog.

What's new?

Starting Rust 1.82 (2024-10-17) the wasm32-wasip2 (WASI 0.2) target has reached tier-2 platform support in the Rust compiler. Among other things this now means it is guaranteed to build, and is now available to install via Rustup using the following command:

rustup target add wasm32-wasip2

Up until now Rust users writing Wasm Components would always have to rely on tools (such ascargo-component) which target the WASI 0.1 target (wasm32-wasip1) and package it into a WASI 0.2 Component via a post-processing step invoked. Now that wasm32-wasip2 is available to everyone via Rustup, tooling can begin to directly target WASI 0.2 without the need for additional post-processing.

What this also means is that ecosystem crates can begin targeting WASI 0.2 directly for platform-specific code. WASI 0.1 did not have support for sockets. Now that we have a stable tier 2 platform available, crate authors should be able to finally start writing WASI-compatible network code. To target WASI 0.2 from Rust, authors can use the following cfg attribute:

#[cfg(all(target_os = "wasi", target_env = "p2"))]
mod wasip2 {
    // items go here

To target the older WASI 0.1 target, Rust also accepts target_env = "p1".

Standard Library Support

The WASI 0.2 Rust target reaching tier 2 platform support is in a way just the beginning. means it's supported and stable. While the platform itself is now stable, support in the stdlib for WASI 0.2 APIs is still limited. While the WASI 0.2 specification specifies APIs for example for timers, files, and sockets - if you try and use the stdlib APIs for these today, you'll find they don't yet work.

We expect to gradually extend the Rust stdlib with support for WASI 0.2 APIs throughout the remainder of this year into the next. That work has already started, withrust-lang/rust#129638 adding native support for std::net in Rust 1.83. We expect more of these PRs to land through the remainder of the year.

Though this doesn't need to stop users from using WASI 0.2 today. The stdlib is great because it provides portable abstractions, usually built on top of an operating system's libc or equivalent. If you want to use WASI 0.2 APIs directly today, you can either use thewasi crate directly. Or generate your own WASI bindings from the WASI specification's interface types using wit-bindgen.


The wasm32-wasip2 target is now installable via Rustup. This makes it possible for the Rust compiler to directly compile to the Wasm Components format targeting the WASI 0.2 interfaces. There is now also a way for crates to compile add WASI 0.2 platform support by writing:

#[cfg(all(target_os = "wasi", target_env = "p2"))]
mod wasip2 {}

We're excited for Wasm Components and WASI 0.2 to have reached this milestone within the Rust project, and are excited to see what folks in the community will be building with it!

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Rust Blog

Google Summer of Code 2024 results

As we have previously announced, the Rust Project participated in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) for the first time this year. Nine contributors have been tirelessly working on their exciting projects for several months. The projects had various durations; some of them have ended in August, while the last one has been concluded in the middle of October. Now that the final reports of all the projects have been submitted, we can happily announce that all nine contributors have passed the final review! That means that we have deemed all of their projects to be successful, even though they might not have fulfilled all of their original goals (but that was expected).

We had a lot of great interactions with our GSoC contributors, and based on their feedback, it seems that they were also quite happy with the GSoC program and that they had learned a lot. We are of course also incredibly grateful for all their contributions - some of them have even continued contributing after their project has ended, which is really awesome. In general, we think that Google Summer of Code 2024 was a success for the Rust Project, and we are looking forward to participating in GSoC (or similar programs) again in the near future. If you are interested in becoming a (GSoC) contributor, check out our project idea list.

Below you can find a brief summary of each of our GSoC 2024 projects, including feedback from the contributors and mentors themselves. You can find more information about the projectshere.

Adding lint-level configuration to cargo-semver-checks

cargo-semver-checks is a tool designed for automatically detecting semantic versioning conflicts, which is planned to one day become a part of Cargo itself. The goal of this project was to enable cargo-semver-checks to ship additional opt-in lints by allowing users to configure which lints run in which cases, and whether their findings are reported as errors or warnings. Max achieved this goal by implementing a comprehensive system for configuring cargo-semver-checks lints directly in the Cargo.toml manifest file. He also extensively discussed the design with the Cargo team to ensure that it is compatible with how other Cargo lints are configured, and won't present a future compatibility problem for merging cargo-semver-checks into Cargo.

Predrag, who is the author of cargo-semver-checks and who mentored Max on this project, was very happy with his contributions that even went beyond his original project scope:

He designed and built one of our most-requested features, and produced design prototypes of several more features our users would love. He also observed that writing quality CLI and functional tests was hard, so he overhauled our test system to make better tests easier to make. Future work on cargo-semver-checks will be much easier thanks to the work Max put in this summer.

Great work, Max!

Implementation of a faster register allocator for Cranelift

The Rust compiler can use various backends for generating executable code. The main one is of course the LLVM backend, but there are other backends, such as GCC, .NET or Cranelift. Cranelift is a code generator for various hardware targets, essentially something similar to LLVM. The Cranelift backend uses Cranelift to compile Rust code into executable code, with the goal of improving compilation performance, especially for debug (unoptimized) builds. Even though this backend can already be faster than the LLVM backend, we have identified that it was slowed down by the register allocator used by Cranelift.

Register allocation is a well-known compiler task where the compiler decides which registers should hold variables and temporary expressions of a program. Usually, the goal of register allocation is to perform the register assignment in a way that maximizes the runtime performance of the compiled program. However, for unoptimized builds, we often care more about the compilation speed instead.

Demilade has thus proposed to implement a new Cranelift register allocator called fastalloc, with the goal of making it as fast as possible, at the cost of the quality of the generated code. He was very well-prepared, in fact he had a prototype implementation ready even before his GSoC project has started! However, register allocation is a complex problem, and thus it then took several months to finish the implementation and also optimize it as much as possible. Demilade also made extensive use of fuzzing to make sure that his allocator is robust even in the presence of various edge cases.

Once the allocator was ready, Demilade benchmarked the Cranelift backend both with the original and his new register allocator using our compiler benchmark suite. And the performance results look awesome! With his faster register allocator, the Rust compiler executes up to 18% less instructions across several benchmarks, including complex ones like performing a debug build of Cargo itself. Note that this is an end-to-end performance improvement of the time needed to compile a whole crate, which is really impressive. If you would like to examine the results in more detail or even run the benchmark yourself, check out Demilade's final report, which includes detailed instructions on how to reproduce the benchmark.

Apart from having the potential to speed up compilation of Rust code, the new register allocator can be also useful for other use-cases, as it can be used in Cranelift on its own (outside the Cranelift codegen backend). What can we can say other than we are very happy with Demilade's work! Note that the new register allocator is not yet available in the Cranelift codegen backend out-of-the-box, but we expect that it will eventually become the default choice for debug builds and that it will thus make compilation of Rust crates using the Cranelift backend faster in the future.

Improve Rust benchmark suite

This project was relatively loosely defined, with the overarching goal of improving the user interface of the Rust compiler benchmark suite. Eitaro tackled this challenge from various angles at once. He improved the visualization of runtime benchmarks, which were previously a second-class citizen in the benchmark suite, by adding them to our dashboard and by implementing historical charts of runtime benchmark results, which help us figure out how is a given benchmark behaving over a longer time span.

Another improvement that he has worked on was embedding a profiler trace visualizer directly within the rustc-perf website. This was a challenging task, which required him to evaluate several visualizers and figure out a way how to include them within the source code of the benchmark suite in a non-disruptive way. In the end, he managed to integrate Perfetto within the suite website, and also performed various optimizations to improve the performance of loading compilation profiles.

Last, but not least, Eitaro also created a completely new user interface for the benchmark suite, which runs entirely in the terminal. Using this interface, Rust compiler contributors can examine the performance of the compiler without having to start the rustc-perf website, which can be challenging to deploy locally.

Apart from the mentioned contributions, Eitaro also made a lot of other smaller improvements to various parts of the benchmark suite. Thank you for all your work!

Move cargo shell completions to Rust

Cargo's completion scripts have been hand maintained and frequently broken when changed. The goal for this effort was to have the completions automatically generated from the definition of Cargo's command-line, with extension points for dynamically generated results.

shanmu took the prototype for dynamic completions in clap (the command-line parser used by Cargo), got it working and tested for common shells, as well as extended the parser to cover more cases. They then added extension points for CLI's to provide custom completion results that can be generated on the fly.

In the next phase, shanmu added this to nightly Cargo and added different custom completers to match what the handwritten completions do. As an example, with this feature enabled, when you type cargo test --test= and hit the Tab key, your shell will autocomplete all the test targets in your current Rust crate! If you are interested, see the instructions for trying this out. The link also lists where you can provide feedback.

You can also check out the following issues to find out what is left before this can be stabilized:

Rewriting esoteric, error-prone makefile tests using robust Rust features

The Rust compiler has several test suites that make sure that it is working correctly under various conditions. One of these suites is the run-make test suite, whose tests were previously written using Makefiles. However, this setup posed several problems. It was not possible to run the suite on the Tier 1 Windows MSVC target (x86_64-pc-windows-msvc) and getting it running on Windows at all was quite challenging. Furthermore, the syntax of Makefiles is quite esoteric, which frequently caused mistakes to go unnoticed even when reviewed by multiple people.

Julien helped to convert the Makefile-based run-make tests into plain Rust-based tests, supported by a test support library called run_make_support. However, it was not a trivial "rewrite this in Rust" kind of deal. In this project, Julien:

  • Significantly improved the test documentation;
  • Fixed multiple bugs that were present in the Makefile versions that had gone unnoticed for years -- some tests were never testing anything or silently ignored failures, so even if the subject being tested regressed, these tests would not have caught that.
  • Added to and improved the test support library API and implementation; and
  • Improved code organization within the tests to make them easier to understand and maintain.

Just to give you an idea of the scope of his work, he has ported almost 250 Makefile tests over the span of his GSoC project! If you like puns, check out the branch names of Julien's PRs, as they are simply fantestic.

As a result, Julien has significantly improved the robustness of the run-make test suite, and improved the ergonomics of modifying existing run-make tests and authoring new run-make tests. Multiple contributors have expressed that they were more willing to work with the Rust-based run-make tests over the previous Makefile versions.

The vast majority of run-make tests now use the Rust-based test infrastructure, with a few holdouts remaining due to various quirks. After these are resolved, we can finally rip out the legacy Makefile test infrastructure.

Rewriting the Rewrite trait

rustfmt is a Rust code formatter that is widely used across the Rust ecosystem thanks to its direct integration within Cargo. Usually, you just run cargo fmt and you can immediately enjoy a properly formatted Rust project. However, there are edge cases in which rustfmt can fail to format your code. That is not such an issue on its own, but it becomes more problematic when it fails silently, without giving the user any context about what went wrong. This is what was happening in rustfmt, as many functions simply returned an Option instead of a Result, which made it difficult to add proper error reporting.

The goal of SeoYoung's project was to perform a large internal refactoring of rustfmt that would allow tracking context about what went wrong during reformatting. In turn, this would enable turning silent failures into proper error messages that could help users examine and debug what went wrong, and could even allow rustfmt to retry formatting in more situations.

At first, this might sound like an easy task, but performing such large-scale refactoring within a complex project such as rustfmt is not so simple. SeoYoung needed to come up with an approach to incrementally apply these refactors, so that they would be easy to review and wouldn't impact the entire code base at once. She introduced a new trait that enhanced the original Rewrite trait, and modified existing implementations to align with it. She also had to deal with various edge cases that we hadn't anticipated before the project started. SeoYoung was meticulous and systematic with her approach, and made sure that no formatting functions or methods were missed.

Ultimately, the refactor was a success! Internally, rustfmt now keeps track of more information related to formatting failures, including errors that it could not possibly report before, such as issues with macro formatting. It also has the ability to provide information about source code spans, which helps identify parts of code that require spacing adjustments when exceeding the maximum line width. We don't yet propagate that additional failure context as user facing error messages, as that was a stretch goal that we didn't have time to complete, but SeoYoung has expressed interest in continuing to work on that as a future improvement!

Apart from working on error context propagation, SeoYoung also made various other improvements that enhanced the overall quality of the codebase, and she was also helping other contributors understand rustfmt. Thank you for making the foundations of formatting better for everyone!

Rust to .NET compiler - add support for compiling & running cargo tests

As was already mentioned above, the Rust compiler can be used with various codegen backends. One of these is the .NET backend, which compiles Rust code to the Common Intermediate Language (CIL), which can then be executed by the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR). This backend allows interoperability of Rust and .NET (e.g. C#) code, in an effort to bring these two ecosystems closer together.

At the start of this year, the .NET backend was already able to compile complex Rust programs, but it was still lacking certain crucial features. The goal of this GSoC project, implemented by Michał, who is in fact the sole author of the backend, was to extend the functionality of this backend in various areas. As a target goal, he set out to extend the backend so that it could be used to run tests using the cargo test command. Even though it might sound trivial, properly compiling and running the Rust test harness is non-trivial, as it makes use of complex features such as dynamic trait objects, atomics, panics, unwinding or multithreading. These features were especially tricky to implement in this codegen backend, because the LLVM intermediate representation (IR) and CIL have fundamental differences, and not all LLVM intrinsics have .NET equivalents.

However, this did not stop Michał. He has been working on this project tirelessly, implementing new features, fixing various issues and learning more about the compiler's internals every new day. He has also been documenting his journey with (almost) daily updates on Zulip, which were fascinating to read. Once he has reached his original goal, he moved the goalpost up to another level and attempted to run the compiler's own test suite using the .NET backend. This helped him uncover additional edge cases and also led to a refactoring of the whole backend that resulted in significant performance improvements.

By the end of the GSoC project, the .NET backend was able to properly compile and run almost 90% of the standard library core and std test suite. That is an incredibly impressive number, since the suite contains thousands of tests, some of which are quite arcane. Michał's pace has not slowed down even after the project has ended and he is still continuously improving the backend. Oh, and did we already mention that his backend also has experimental support for emitting C code, effectively acting as a C codegen backend?! Michał has been very busy over the summer.

We thank Michał for all his work on the .NET backend, as it was truly inspirational, and led to fruitful discussions that were relevant also to other codegen backends. Michał's next goal is to get his backend upstreamed and create an official .NET compilation target, which could open up the doors to Rust becoming a first-class citizen in the .NET ecosystem.

Sandboxed and deterministic proc macro using WebAssembly

Rust procedural (proc) macros are currently run as native code that gets compiled to a shared object which is loaded directly into the process of the Rust compiler. Because of this design, these macros can do whatever they want, for example arbitrarily access the filesystem or communicate through a network. This has not only obvious security implications, but it also affects performance, as this design makes it difficult to cache proc macro invocations. Over the years, there have been various discussions about making proc macros more hermetic, for example by compiling them to WebAssembly modules, which can be easily executed in a sandbox. This would also open the possibility of distributing precompiled versions of proc macros via, to speed up fresh builds of crates that depend on proc macros.

The goal of this project was to examine what would it take to implement WebAssembly module support for proc macros and create a prototype of this idea. We knew this would be a very ambitious project, especially since Apurva did not have prior experience with contributing to the Rust compiler, and because proc macro internals are very complex. Nevertheless, some progress was made. With the help of his mentor, David, Apurva was able to create a prototype that can load WebAssembly code into the compiler via a shared object. Some work was also done to make use of the existing TokenStream serialization and deserialization code in the compiler's proc_macro crate.

Even though this project did not fulfill its original goals and more work will be needed in the future to get a functional prototype of WebAssembly proc macros, we are thankful for Apurva's contributions. The WebAssembly loading prototype is a good start, and Apurva's exploration of proc macro internals should serve as a useful reference for anyone working on this feature in the future. Going forward, we will try to describe more incremental steps for our GSoC projects, as this project was perhaps too ambitious from the start.

Tokio async support in Miri

miri is an intepreter that can find possible instances of undefined behavior in Rust code. It is being used across the Rust ecosystem, but previously it was not possible to run it on any non-trivial programs (those that ever await on anything) that use tokio, due a to a fundamental missing feature: support for the epoll syscall on Linux (and similar APIs on other major platforms).

Tiffany implemented the basic epoll operations needed to cover the majority of the tokio test suite, by crafting pure libc code examples that exercised those epoll operations, and then implementing their emulation in miri itself. At times, this required refactoring core miri components like file descriptor handling, as they were originally not created with syscalls like epoll in mind.

Suprising to everyone (though probably not tokio-internals experts), once these core epoll operations were finished, operations like async file reading and writing started working in miri out of the box! Due to limitations of non-blocking file operations offered by operating systems, tokio is wrapping these file operations in dedicated threads, which was already supported by miri.

Once Tiffany has finished the project, including stretch goals like implementing async file operations, she proceeded to contact tokio maintainers and worked with them to run miri on most tokio tests in CI. And we have good news: so far no soundness problems have been discovered! Tiffany has become a regular contributor to miri, focusing on continuing to expand the set of supported file descriptor operations. We thank her for all her contributions!


We are grateful that we could have been a part of the Google Summer of Code 2024 program, and we would also like to extend our gratitude to all our contributors! We are looking forward to joining the GSoC program again next year.

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Rust Blog

gccrs: An alternative compiler for Rust

gccrs is a work-in-progress alternative compiler for Rust being developed as part of the GCC project. GCC is a collection of compilers for various programming languages that all share a common compilation framework. You may have heard about gccgo, gfortran, or g++, which are all binaries within that project, the GNU Compiler Collection. The aim of gccrs is to add support for the Rust programming language to that collection, with the goal of having the exact same behavior as rustc.

First and foremost, gccrs was started as a project because it is fun. Compilers are incredibly rewarding pieces of software, and are great fun to put together. The project was started back in 2014, before Rust 1.0 was released, but was quickly put aside due to the shifting nature of the language back then. Around 2019, work on the compiler started again, led by Philip Herron and funded by Open Source Security and Embecosm. Since then, we have kept steadily progressing towards support for the Rust language as a whole, and our team has kept growing with around a dozen contributors working regularly on the project. We have participated in the Google Summer of Code program for the past four years, and multiple students have joined the effort.

The main goal of gccrs is to provide an alternative option for compiling Rust. GCC is an old project, as it was first released in 1987. Over the years, it has accumulated numerous contributions and support for multiple targets, including some not supported by LLVM, the main backend used by rustc. A practical example of that reach is the homebrew Dreamcast scene, where passionate engineers develop games for the Dreamcast console. Its processor architecture, SuperH, is supported by GCC but not by LLVM. This means that Rust is not able to be used on those platforms, except through efforts like gccrs or the rustc-codegen-gcc backend - whose main differences will be explained later.

GCC also benefits from the decades of software written in unsafe languages. As such, a high amount of safety features have been developed for the project as external plugins, or even within the project as static analyzers. These analyzers and plugins are executed on GCC's internal representations, meaning that they are language-agnostic, and can thus be used on all the programming languages supported by GCC. Likewise, many GCC plugins are used for increasing the safety of critical projects such as the Linux kernel, which has recently gained support for the Rust programming language. This makes gccrs a useful tool for analyzing unsafe Rust code, and more generally Rust code which has to interact with existing C code. We also want gccrs to be a useful tool for rustc itself by helping pan out the Rust specification effort with a unique viewpoint - that of a tool trying to replicate another's functionality, oftentimes through careful experimentation and source reading where the existing documentation did not go into enough detail. We are also in the process of developing various tools around gccrs and rustc, for the sole purpose of ensuring gccrs is as correct as rustc - which could help in discovering surprising behavior, unexpected functionality, or unspoken assumptions.

We would like to point out that our goal in aiding the Rust specification effort is not to turn it into a document for certifying alternative compilers as "Rust compilers" - while we believe that the specification will be useful to gccrs, our main goal is to contribute to it, by reviewing and adding to it as much as possible.

Furthermore, the project is still "young", and still requires a huge amount of work. There are a lot of places to make your mark, and a lot of easy things to work on for contributors interested in compilers. We have strived to create a safe, fun, and interesting space for all of our team and our GSoC students. We encourage anyone interested to come chat with us on our various communication platforms, and offer mentorship for you to learn how to contribute to the project and to compilers in general.

Maybe more importantly however, there is a number of things that gccrs is NOT for. The project has multiple explicit non-goals, which we value just as highly as our goals.

The most crucial of these non-goals is for gccrs not to become a gateway for an alternative or extended Rust-like programming language. We do not wish to create a GNU-specific version of Rust, with different semantics or slightly different functionality. gccrs is not a way to introduce new Rust features, and will not be used to circumvent the RFC process - which we will be using, should we want to see something introduced to Rust. Rust is not C, and we do not intend to introduce subtle differences in standard by making some features available only to gccrs users. We know about the pain caused by compiler-specific standards, and have learned from the history of older programming languages.

We do not want gccrs to be a competitor to the rustc_codegen_gcc backend. While both projects will effectively achieve the same goal, which is to compile Rust code using the GCC compiler framework, there are subtle differences in what each of these projects will unlock for the language. For example, rustc_codegen_gcc makes it easy to benefit from all of rustc's amazing diagnostics and helpful error messages, and makes Rust easily usable on GCC-specific platforms. On the other hand, it requires rustc to be available in the first place, whereas gccrs is part of a separate project entirely. This is important for some users and core Linux developers for example, who believe that having the ability to compile the entire kernel (C and Rust parts) using a single compiler is essential. gccrs can also offer more plugin entrypoints by virtue of it being its own separate GCC frontend. It also allows Rust to be used on GCC-specific platforms with an older GCC where libgccjit is not available. Nonetheless, we are very good friends with the folks working on rustc_codegen_gcc, and have helped each other multiple times, especially in dealing with the patch-based contribution process that GCC uses.

All of this ties into a much more global goal, which we could summarize as the following: We do not want to split the Rust ecosystem. We want gccrs to help the language reach even more people, and even more platforms.

To ensure that, we have taken multiple measures to make sure the values of the Rust project are respected and exposed properly. One of the features we feel most strongly about is the addition of a very annoying command line flag to the compiler, -frust-incomplete-and-experimental-compiler-do-not-use. Without it, you are not able to compile any code with gccrs, and the compiler will output the following error message:

crab1: fatal error: gccrs is not yet able to compile Rust code properly. Most of the errors produced will be the fault of gccrs and not the crate you are trying to compile. Because of this, please report errors directly to us instead of opening issues on said crate's repository.

Our github repository:

Our bugzilla tracker:

If you understand this, and understand that the binaries produced might not behave accordingly, you may attempt to use gccrs in an experimental manner by passing the following flag:


or by defining the following environment variable (any value will do)


For cargo-gccrs, this means passing


as an environment variable.

Until the compiler can compile correct Rust and, most importantly, reject incorrect Rust, we will be keeping this command line option in the compiler. The hope is that it will prevent users from potentially annoying existing Rust crate maintainers with issues about code not compiling, when it is most likely our fault for not having implemented part of the language yet. Our goal of creating an alternative compiler for the Rust language must not have a negative effect on any member of the Rust community. Of course, this command line flag is not to the taste of everyone, and there has been significant pushback to its presence... but we believe it to be a good representation of our main values.

In a similar vein, gccrs separates itself from the rest of the GCC project by not using a mailing list as its main mode of communication. The compiler we are building will be used by the Rust community, and we believe we should make it easy for that community to get in touch with us and report the problems they encounter. Since Rustaceans are used to GitHub, this is also the development platform we have been using for the past five years. Similarly, we use a Zulip instance as our main communication platform, and encourage anyone wanting to chat with us to join it. Note that we still have a mailing list, as well as an IRC channel ( and #gccrust on, where all are welcome.

To further ensure that gccrs does not create friction in the ecosystem, we want to be extremely careful about the finer details of the compiler, which to us means reusing rustc components where possible, sharing effort on those components, and communicating extensively with Rust experts in the community. Two Rust components are already in use by gccrs: a slightly older version of polonius, the next-generation Rust borrow-checker, and the rustc_parse_format crate of the compiler. There are multiple reasons for reusing these crates, with the main one being correctness. Borrow checking is a complex topic and a pillar of the Rust programming language. Having subtle differences between rustc and gccrs regarding the borrow rules would be annoying and unproductive to users - but by making an effort to start integrating polonius into our compilation pipeline, we help ensure that the results we produce will be equivalent to rustc. You can read more about the various components we use, and we plan to reuse even more here. We would also like to contribute to the polonius project itself and help make it better if possible. This cross-pollination of components will obviously benefit us, but we believe it will also be useful for the Rust project and ecosystem as a whole, and will help strengthen these implementations.

Reusing rustc components could also be extended to other areas of the compiler: Various components of the type system, such as the trait solver, an essential and complex piece of software, could be integrated into gccrs. Simpler things such as parsing, as we have done for the format string parser and inline assembly parser, also make sense to us. They will help ensure that the internal representation we deal with will correspond to the one expected by the Rust standard library.

On a final note, we believe that one of the most important steps we could take to prevent breakage within the Rust ecosystem is to further improve our relationship with the Rust community. The amount of help we have received from Rust folks is great, and we think gccrs can be an interesting project for a wide range of users. We would love to hear about your hopes for the project and your ideas for reducing ecosystem breakage or lowering friction with the crates you have published. We had a great time chatting about gccrs at RustConf 2024, and everyone's interest in the project was heartwarming. Please get in touch with us if you have any ideas on how we could further contribute to Rust.

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Rust Blog

Next Steps on the Rust Trademark Policy

As many of you know, the Rust language trademark policy has been the subject of an extended revision process dating back to 2022. In 2023, the Rust Foundation released an updated draft of the policy for input following an initial survey about community trademark priorities from the previous year along with review by other key stakeholders, such as the Project Directors. Many members of our community were concerned about this initial draft and shared their thoughts through the feedback form. Since then, the Rust Foundation has continued to engage with the Project Directors, the Leadership Council, and the wider Rust project (primarily via all@) for guidance on how to best incorporate as much feedback as possible.

After extensive discussion, we are happy to circulate an updated draft with the wider community today for final feedback. An effective trademark policy for an open source community should reflect our collective priorities while remaining legally sound. While the revised trademark policy cannot perfectly address every individual perspective on this important topic, its goal is to establish a framework to help guide appropriate use of the Rust trademark and reflect as many common values and interests as possible. In short, this policy is designed to steer our community toward a shared objective: to maintain and protect the integrity of the Rust programming language.

The Leadership Council is confident that this updated version of the policy has addressed the prevailing concerns about the initial draft and honors the variety of voices that have contributed to its development. Thank you to those who took the time to submit well-considered feedback for the initial draft last year or who otherwise participated in this long-running process to update our policy to continue to satisfy our goals.

Please review the updated Rust trademark policy here, and share any critical concerns you might have via this form by November 20, 2024. The Foundation has also published a blog post which goes into more detail on the changes made so far. The Leadership Council and Project Directors look forward to reviewing concerns raised and approving any final revisions prior to an official update of the policy later this year.

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Rust Blog

October project goals update

The Rust project is currently working towards a slate of 26 project goals, with 3 of them designed as flagship goals. This post provides selected updates on our progress towards these goals (or, in some cases, lack thereof). The full details for any particular goal are available in its associated tracking issue on the rust-project-goals repository.

Flagship goals

Bring the async Rust experience closer to parity with sync Rust

The biggest elements of our goal are solving the "send bound" problem via return-type notation (RTN) and adding support for async closures. This month we made progress towards both. For RTN, @compiler-errors extended the return-type notation landed support for using RTN in self-types like where Self::method(): Send. He also authored a blog post with a call for testing explaining what RTN is and how it works. For async closures, the lang team reached a preliminary consensus on the async Fn syntax, with the understanding that it will also include some "async type" syntax. This rationale was documented in RFC #3710, which is now open for feedback. The team held a design meeting on Oct 23 and @nikomatsakis will be updating the RFC with the conclusions.

We have also been working towards a release of the dynosaur crate that enables dynamic dispatch for traits with async functions. This is intended as a transitionary step before we implement true dynamic dispatch. The next steps are to polish the implementation and issue a public call for testing.

With respect to async drop experiments, @nikomatsakis began reviews. It is expected that reviews will continue for some time as this is a large PR.

Finally, no progress has been made towards async WG reorganization. A meeting was scheduled but deferred. @tmandry is currently drafting an initial proposal.

Resolve the biggest blockers to Linux building on stable Rust

We have made significant progress on resolving blockers to Linux building on stable. Support for struct fields in the offset_of! macro has been stabilized. The final naming for the "derive-smart-pointer" feature has been decided as #[derive(CoercePointee)]; @dingxiangfei2009 prepared PR #131284 for the rename and is working on modifying the rust-for-linux repository to use the new name. Once that is complete, we will be able to stabilize. We decided to stabilize support for references to statics in constants pointers-refs-to-static feature and are now awaiting a stabilization PR from @dingxiangfei2009.

Rust for Linux (RfL) is one of the major users of the asm-goto feature (and inline assembly in general) and we have been examining various extensions. @nbdd0121 authored a hackmd document detailing RfL's experiences and identifying areas for improvement. This led to two immediate action items: making target blocks safe-by-default (rust-lang/rust#119364) and extending const to support embedded pointers (rust-lang/rust#128464).

Finally, we have been finding an increasing number of stabilization requests at the compiler level, and so @wesleywiser and @davidtwco from the compiler team have started attending meetings to create a faster response. One of the results of that collaboration is RFC #3716, authored by Alice Ryhl, which proposes a method to manage compiler flags that modify the target ABI. Our previous approach has been to create distinct targets for each combination of flags, but the number of flags needed by the kernel make that impractical. Authoring the RFC revealed more such flags than previously recognized, including those that modify LLVM behavior.

Rust 2024 edition

The Rust 2024 edition is progressing well and is on track to be released on schedule. The major milestones include preparing to stabilize the edition by November 22, 2024, with the actual stabilization occurring on November 28, 2024. The edition will then be cut to beta on January 3, 2025, followed by an announcement on January 9, 2025, indicating that Rust 2024 is pending release. The final release is scheduled for February 20, 2025.

The priorities for this edition have been to ensure its success without requiring excessive effort from any individual. The team is pleased with the progress, noting that this edition will be the largest since Rust 2015, introducing many new and exciting features. The process has been carefully managed to maintain high standards without the need for high-stress heroics that were common in past editions. Notably, the team has managed to avoid cutting many items from the edition late in the development process, which helps prevent wasted work and burnout.

All priority language items for Rust 2024 have been completed and are ready for release. These include several key issues and enhancements. Additionally, there are three changes to the standard library, several updates to Cargo, and an exciting improvement to rustdoc that will significantly speed up doctests.

This edition also introduces a new style edition for rustfmt, which includes several formatting changes.

The team is preparing to start final quality assurance crater runs. Once these are triaged, the nightly beta for Rust 2024 will be announced, and wider testing will be solicited.

Rust 2024 will be stabilized in nightly in late November 2024, cut to beta on January 3, 2025, and officially released on February 20, 2025. More details about the edition items can be found in the Edition Guide.

Goals with updates

"Stabilizable" prototype for expanded const generics

  • camelid has started working on using the new lowering schema for more than just const parameters, which once done will allow the introduction of a min_generic_const_args feature gate.
  • compiler-errors has been working on removing the eval_x methods on Const that do not perform proper normalization and are incompatible with this feature.

Assemble project goal slate

  • Posted the September update.
  • Created more automated infrastructure to prepare the October update, utilizing an LLM to summarize updates into one or two sentences for a concise table.

Associated type position impl trait

Will not complete

  • No progress has been made on this goal.
  • The goal will be closed as consensus indicates stabilization will not be achieved in this period; it will be revisited in the next goal period.

Begin resolving `cargo-semver-checks` blockers for merging into cargo

  • No major updates to report.
  • Preparing a talk for next week's EuroRust has taken away most of the free time.

Const traits

  • Key developments: With the PR for supporting implied super trait bounds landed (#129499), the current implementation is mostly complete in that it allows most code that should compile, and should reject all code that shouldn't.
  • Further testing is required, with the next steps being improving diagnostics (#131152), and fixing more holes before const traits are added back to core.

Explore sandboxed build scripts

  • A working-in-process pull request is available at
  • The use of wasm32-wasip1 as a default sandbox environment is unlikely due to its lack of support for POSIX process spawning, which is essential for various build script use cases.

Expose experimental LLVM features for automatic differentiation and GPU offloading

  • The Autodiff frontend was merged, including over 2k LoC and 30 files, making the remaining diff much smaller.
  • The Autodiff middle-end is likely getting a redesign, moving from a library-based to a pass-based approach for LLVM.

Extend pubgrub to match cargo's dependency resolution

  • Significant progress was made with contributions by @x-hgg-x, improving the resolver test suite in Cargo to check feature unification against a SAT solver.
  • This was followed by porting the test cases that tripped up PubGrub to Cargo's test suite, laying the groundwork to prevent regression on important behaviors when Cargo switches to PubGrub and preparing for fuzzing of features in dependency resolution.

Make Rustdoc Search easier to learn

  • The team is working on a consensus for handling generic parameters, with both PRs currently blocked on this issue.

Next-generation trait solver

  • Attempted stabilization of -Znext-solver=coherence was reverted due to a hang in nalgebra, with subsequent fixes improving but not fully resolving performance issues.
  • No significant changes to the new solver have been made in the last month.

Optimizing Clippy & linting

  • GnomedDev pushed rust-lang/rust#130553, which replaced an old Clippy infrastructure with a faster one (string matching into symbol matching).
  • Inspections into Clippy's type sizes and cache alignment are being started, but nothing fruitful yet.

Patterns of empty types

  • The linting behavior was reverted until an unspecified date.
  • The next steps are to decide on the future of linting and to write the never patterns RFC.

Provided reasons for yanked crates

  • The PR has been merged.
  • Work on the frontend feature is in progress.

Scalable Polonius support on nightly

  • Key developments in the 'Scalable Polonius support on nightly' project include fixing test failures due to off-by-one errors from old mid-points, and ongoing debugging of test failures with a focus on automating the tracing work.
  • Efforts have been made to accept variations of issue #47680, with potential adjustments to active loans computation and locations of effects. Amanda has been cleaning up placeholders in the work-in-progress PR #130227.

Stabilize cargo-script

  • rust-lang/cargo#14404 and rust-lang/cargo#14591 have been addressed.
  • Waiting on time to focus on this in a couple of weeks.

Stabilize parallel front end

  • Key developments: Added the cases in the issue list to the UI test to reproduce the bug or verify the non-reproducibility.
  • Blockers: null.
  • Help wanted: Help test the deadlock code in the issue list and try to reproduce the issue.

Survey tools suitability for Std safety verification

  • Students from the CMU Practicum Project have started writing function contracts that include safety conditions for some unsafe functions in the core library, and verifying that safe abstractions respect those pre-conditions and are indeed safe.
  • Help is needed to write more contracts, integrate new tools, review pull requests, or participate in the repository discussions.

Use annotate-snippets for rustc diagnostic output

  • Progress has been made in matching rustc suggestion output within annotate-snippets, with most cases now aligned.
  • The focus has been on understanding and adapting different rendering styles for suggestions to fit within annotate-snippets.

Goals without updates

The following goals have not received updates in the last month:

Ergonomic ref-counting

Implement "merged doctests" to save doctest time


Stabilize doc_cfg

Testing infra + contributors for a-mir-formality

User-wide build cache

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Rust Blog

Announcing Rust 1.82.0

The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.82.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.82.0 with:

$ rustup update stable

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes for 1.82.0.

If you'd like to help us out by testing future releases, you might consider updating locally to use the beta channel (rustup default beta) or the nightly channel (rustup default nightly). Please report any bugs you might come across!

What's in 1.82.0 stable

cargo info

Cargo now has an info subcommand to display information about a package in the registry, fulfilling a long standing request just shy of its tenth anniversary! Several third-party extensions like this have been written over the years, and this implementation was developed as cargo-information before merging into Cargo itself.

For example, here's what you could see for cargo info cc:

**cc** **#build-dependencies** A build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to assist in invoking the native C compiler to compile native C code into a static archive to be linked into Rust code. **version:** 1.1.23 **(latest 1.1.30)** **license:** MIT OR Apache-2.0 **rust-version:** 1.63 **documentation:** **homepage:** **repository:** **** **features:** jobserver = [] parallel = [dep:libc, dep:jobserver] **note** **:** to see how you depend on cc, run `**cargo tree --invert --package cc@1.1.23**`

By default, cargo info describes the package version in the local Cargo.lock, if any. As you can see, it will indicate when there's a newer version too, and cargo info cc@1.1.30 would report on that.

Apple target promotions

macOS on 64-bit ARM is now Tier 1

The Rust target aarch64-apple-darwin for macOS on 64-bit ARM (M1-family or later Apple Silicon CPUs) is now a tier 1 target, indicating our highest guarantee of working properly. As the platform support page describes, every change in the Rust repository must pass full tests on every tier 1 target before it can be merged. This target was introduced as tier 2 back in Rust 1.49, making it available in rustup. This new milestone puts the aarch64-apple-darwin target on par with the 64-bit ARM Linux and the X86 macOS, Linux, and Windows targets.

Mac Catalyst targets are now Tier 2

Mac Catalyst is a technology by Apple that allows running iOS applications natively on the Mac. This is especially useful when testing iOS-specific code, as cargo test --target=aarch64-apple-ios-macabi --target=x86_64-apple-ios-macabi mostly just works (in contrast to the usual iOS targets, which need to be bundled using external tooling before they can be run on a native device or in the simulator).

The targets are now tier 2, and can be downloaded with rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios-macabi x86_64-apple-ios-macabi, so now is an excellent time to update your CI pipeline to test that your code also runs in iOS-like environments.

Precise capturing use<..> syntax

Rust now supports use<..> syntax within certain impl Trait bounds to control which generic lifetime parameters are captured.

Return-position impl Trait (RPIT) types in Rust capture certain generic parameters. Capturing a generic parameter allows that parameter to be used in the hidden type. That in turn affects borrow checking.

In Rust 2021 and earlier editions, lifetime parameters are not captured in opaque types on bare functions and on functions and methods of inherent impls unless those lifetime parameters are mentioned syntactically in the opaque type. E.g., this is an error:

//@ edition: 2021
fn f(x: &()) -> impl Sized { x }

error[E0700]: hidden type for `impl Sized` captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds
 --> src/
1 | fn f(x: &()) -> impl Sized { x }
  |         ---     ----------   ^
  |         |       |
  |         |       opaque type defined here
  |         hidden type `&()` captures the anonymous lifetime defined here
help: add a `use<...>` bound to explicitly capture `'_`
1 | fn f(x: &()) -> impl Sized + use<'_> { x }
  |                            +++++++++

With the new use<..> syntax, we can fix this, as suggested in the error, by writing:

fn f(x: &()) -> impl Sized + use<'_> { x }

Previously, correctly fixing this class of error required defining a dummy trait, conventionally called Captures, and using it as follows:

trait Captures<T: ?Sized> {}
impl<T: ?Sized, U: ?Sized> Captures<T> for U {}

fn f(x: &()) -> impl Sized + Captures<&'_ ()> { x }

That was called "the Captures trick", and it was a bit baroque and subtle. It's no longer needed.

There was a less correct but more convenient way to fix this that was often used called "the outlives trick". The compiler even previously suggested doing this. That trick looked like this:

fn f(x: &()) -> impl Sized + '_ { x }

In this simple case, the trick is exactly equivalent to + use<'_> for subtle reasons explained in RFC 3498. However, in real life cases, this overconstrains the bounds on the returned opaque type, leading to problems. For example, consider this code, which is inspired by a real case in the Rust compiler:

struct Ctx<'cx>(&'cx u8);

fn f<'cx, 'a>(
    cx: Ctx<'cx>,
    x: &'a u8,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a u8> + 'cx {
    core::iter::once_with(move || {
        eprintln!("LOG: {}", cx.0);
//~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough

We can't remove the + 'cx, since the lifetime is used in the hidden type and so must be captured. Neither can we add a bound of 'a: 'cx, since these lifetimes are not actually related and it won't in general be true that 'a outlives 'cx. If we write + use<'cx, 'a> instead, however, this will work and have the correct bounds.

There are some limitations to what we're stabilizing today. The use<..> syntax cannot currently appear within traits or within trait impls (but note that there, in-scope lifetime parameters are already captured by default), and it must list all in-scope generic type and const parameters. We hope to lift these restrictions over time.

Note that in Rust 2024, the examples above will "just work" without needing use<..> syntax (or any tricks). This is because in the new edition, opaque types will automatically capture all lifetime parameters in scope. This is a better default, and we've seen a lot of evidence about how this cleans up code. In Rust 2024, use<..> syntax will serve as an important way of opting-out of that default.

For more details about use<..> syntax, capturing, and how this applies to Rust 2024, see the "RPIT lifetime capture rules" chapter of the edition guide. For details about the overall direction, see our recent blog post, "Changes to impl Trait in Rust 2024".

Native syntax for creating a raw pointer

Unsafe code sometimes has to deal with pointers that may dangle, may be misaligned, or may not point to valid data. A common case where this comes up are repr(packed) structs. In such a case, it is important to avoid creating a reference, as that would cause undefined behavior. This means the usual & and &mut operators cannot be used, as those create a reference -- even if the reference is immediately cast to a raw pointer, it's too late to avoid the undefined behavior.

For several years, the macros std::ptr::addr_of! and std::ptr::addr_of_mut! have served this purpose. Now the time has come to provide a proper native syntax for this operation: addr_of!(expr) becomes &raw const expr, and addr_of_mut!(expr) becomes &raw mut expr. For example:

struct Packed {
    not_aligned_field: i32,

fn main() {
    let p = Packed { not_aligned_field: 1_82 };

    // This would be undefined behavior!
    // It is rejected by the compiler.
    //let ptr = &p.not_aligned_field as *const i32;

    // This is the old way of creating a pointer.
    let ptr = std::ptr::addr_of!(p.not_aligned_field);

    // This is the new way.
    let ptr = &raw const p.not_aligned_field;

    // Accessing the pointer has not changed.
    // Note that `val = *ptr` would be undefined behavior because
    // the pointer is not aligned!
    let val = unsafe { ptr.read_unaligned() };

The native syntax makes it more clear that the operand expression of these operators is interpreted as a place expression. It also avoids the term "address-of" when referring to the action of creating a pointer. A pointer is more than just an address, so Rust is moving away from terms like "address-of" that reaffirm a false equivalence of pointers and addresses.

Safe items with unsafe extern

Rust code can use functions and statics from foreign code. The type signatures of these foreign items are provided in extern blocks. Historically, all items within extern blocks have been unsafe to use, but we didn't have to write unsafe anywhere on the extern block itself.

However, if a signature within the extern block is incorrect, then using that item will result in undefined behavior. Would that be the fault of the person who wrote the extern block, or the person who used that item?

We've decided that it's the responsibility of the person writing the extern block to ensure that all signatures contained within it are correct, and so we now allow writing unsafe extern:

unsafe extern {
    pub safe static TAU: f64;
    pub safe fn sqrt(x: f64) -> f64;
    pub unsafe fn strlen(p: *const u8) -> usize;

One benefit of this is that items within an unsafe extern block can be marked as safe to use. In the above example, we can call sqrt or read TAU without using unsafe. Items that aren't marked with either safe or unsafe are conservatively assumed to be unsafe.

In future releases, we'll be encouraging the use of unsafe extern with lints. Starting in Rust 2024, using unsafe extern will be required.

For further details, see RFC 3484 and the "Unsafe extern blocks" chapter of the edition guide.

Unsafe attributes

Some Rust attributes, such as no_mangle, can be used to cause undefined behavior without any unsafe block. If this were regular code we would require them to be placed in an unsafe {} block, but so far attributes have not had comparable syntax. To reflect the fact that these attributes can undermine Rust's safety guarantees, they are now considered "unsafe" and should be written as follows:

pub fn my_global_function() { }

The old form of the attribute (without unsafe) is currently still accepted, but might be linted against at some point in the future, and will be a hard error in Rust 2024.

This affects the following attributes:

  • no_mangle
  • link_section
  • export_name

For further details, see the "Unsafe attributes" chapter of the edition guide.

Omitting empty types in pattern matching

Patterns which match empty (a.k.a. uninhabited) types by value can now be omitted:

use std::convert::Infallible;
pub fn unwrap_without_panic<T>(x: Result<T, Infallible>) -> T {
    let Ok(x) = x; // the `Err` case does not need to appear

This works with empty types such as a variant-less enum Void {}, or structs and enums with a visible empty field and no #[non_exhaustive] attribute. It will also be particularly useful in combination with the never type !, although that type is still unstable at this time.

There are some cases where empty patterns must still be written. For reasons related to uninitialized values and unsafe code, omitting patterns is not allowed if the empty type is accessed through a reference, pointer, or union field:

pub fn unwrap_ref_without_panic<T>(x: &Result<T, Infallible>) -> &T {
    match x {
        Ok(x) => x,
        // this arm cannot be omitted because of the reference
        Err(infallible) => match *infallible {},

To avoid interfering with crates that wish to support several Rust versions, match arms with empty patterns are not yet reported as “unreachable code” warnings, despite the fact that they can be removed.

Floating-point NaN semantics and const

Operations on floating-point values (of type f32 and f64) are famously subtle. One of the reasons for this is the existence of NaN ("not a number") values which are used to represent e.g. the result of 0.0 / 0.0. What makes NaN values subtle is that more than one possible NaN value exists. A NaN value has a sign (that can be checked with f.is_sign_positive()) and a payload (that can be extracted with f.to_bits()). However, both the sign and payload of NaN values are entirely ignored by == (which always returns false). Despite very successful efforts to standardize the behavior of floating-point operations across hardware architectures, the details of when a NaN is positive or negative and what its exact payload is differ across architectures. To make matters even more complicated, Rust and its LLVM backend apply optimizations to floating-point operations when the exact numeric result is guaranteed not to change, but those optimizations can change which NaN value is produced. For instance, f * 1.0 may be optimized to just f. However, if f is a NaN, this can change the exact bit pattern of the result!

With this release, Rust standardizes on a set of rules for how NaN values behave. This set of rules is not fully deterministic, which means that the result of operations like (0.0 / 0.0).is_sign_positive() can differ depending on the hardware architecture, optimization levels, and the surrounding code. Code that aims to be fully portable should avoid using to_bits and should use f.signum() == 1.0 instead of f.is_sign_positive(). However, the rules are carefully chosen to still allow advanced data representation techniques such as NaN boxing to be implemented in Rust code. For more details on what the exact rules are, check out our documentation.

With the semantics for NaN values settled, this release also permits the use of floating-point operations in const fn. Due to the reasons described above, operations like (0.0 / 0.0).is_sign_positive() (which will be const-stable in Rust 1.83) can produce a different result when executed at compile-time vs at run-time. This is not a bug, and code must not rely on a const fn always producing the exact same result.

Constants as assembly immediates

The const assembly operand now provides a way to use integers as immediates without first storing them in a register. As an example, we implement a syscall towrite by hand:

const WRITE_SYSCALL: c_int = 0x01; // syscall 1 is `write`
const STDOUT_HANDLE: c_int = 0x01; // `stdout` has file handle 1
const MSG: &str = "Hello, world!\n";

let written: usize;

// Signature: `ssize_t write(int fd, const void buf[], size_t count)`
unsafe {
        "mov rax, {SYSCALL} // rax holds the syscall number",
        "mov rdi, {OUTPUT}  // rdi is `fd` (first argument)",
        "mov rdx, {LEN}     // rdx is `count` (third argument)",
        "syscall            // invoke the syscall",
        "mov {written}, rax // save the return value",
        SYSCALL = const WRITE_SYSCALL,
        OUTPUT = const STDOUT_HANDLE,
        LEN = const MSG.len(),
        in("rsi") MSG.as_ptr(), // rsi is `buf *` (second argument)
        written = out(reg) written,

assert_eq!(written, MSG.len());


Hello, world!

Playground link.

In the above, a statement such as LEN = const MSG.len() populates the format specifier LEN with an immediate that takes the value of MSG.len(). This can be seen in the generated assembly (the value is 14):

lea     rsi, [rip + .L__unnamed_3]
mov     rax, 1    # rax holds the syscall number
mov     rdi, 1    # rdi is `fd` (first argument)
mov     rdx, 14   # rdx is `count` (third argument)
syscall # invoke the syscall
mov     rax, rax  # save the return value

See the referencefor more details.

Safely addressing unsafe statics

This code is now allowed:

static mut STATIC_MUT: Type = Type::new();
extern "C" {
    static EXTERN_STATIC: Type;
fn main() {
     let static_mut_ptr = &raw mut STATIC_MUT;
     let extern_static_ptr = &raw const EXTERN_STATIC;

In an expression context, STATIC_MUT and EXTERN_STATIC are place expressions. Previously, the compiler's safety checks were not aware that the raw ref operator did not actually affect the operand's place, treating it as a possible read or write to a pointer. No unsafety is actually present, however, as it just creates a pointer.

Relaxing this may cause problems where some unsafe blocks are now reported as unused if you deny the unused_unsafe lint, but they are now only useful on older versions. Annotate these unsafe blocks with #[allow(unused_unsafe)] if you wish to support multiple versions of Rust, as in this example diff:

 static mut STATIC_MUT: Type = Type::new();
 fn main() {
+    #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
     let static_mut_ptr = unsafe { std::ptr::addr_of_mut!(STATIC_MUT) };

A future version of Rust is expected to generalize this to other expressions which would be safe in this position, not just statics.

Stabilized APIs

These APIs are now stable in const contexts:

Other changes

Check out everything that changed in Rust, Cargo, and Clippy.

Contributors to 1.82.0

Many people came together to create Rust 1.82.0. We couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks!

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Rust Blog

WebAssembly targets: change in default target-features

The Rust compiler has recently upgraded to using LLVM 19 and this change accompanies some updates to the default set of target features enabled for WebAssembly targets of the Rust compiler. Beta Rust today, which will become Rust 1.82 on 2024-10-17, reflects all of these changes and can be used for testing.

WebAssembly is an evolving standard where extensions are being added over time through a proposals process. WebAssembly proposals reach maturity, get merged into the specification itself, get implemented in engines, and remain this way for quite some time before producer toolchains (e.g. LLVM) update to enable these sufficiently-mature proposals by default. In LLVM 19 this has happened with the multi-value and reference-types proposals for the LLVM/Rust target features multivalue andreference-types. These are now enabled by default in LLVM and transitively means that it's enabled by default for Rust as well.

WebAssembly targets for Rust now have improved documentation about WebAssembly proposals and their corresponding target features. This post is going to review these changes and go into depth about what's changing in LLVM.

WebAssembly Proposals and Compiler Target Features

WebAssembly proposals are the formal means by which the WebAssembly standard itself is evolved over time. Most proposals need toolchain integration in one form or another, for example new flags in LLVM or the Rust compiler. The-Ctarget-feature=... mechanism is used to implement this today. This is a signal to LLVM and the Rust compiler which WebAssembly proposals are enabled or disabled.

There is a loose coupling between the name of a proposal (often the name of the github repository of the proposal) and the feature name LLVM/Rust use. For example there is the multi-value proposal but a multivaluefeature.

The lifecycle of the implementation of a feature in Rust/LLVM typically looks like:

  1. A new WebAssembly proposal is created in a new repository, for example WebAssembly/foo.
  2. Eventually Rust/LLVM implement the proposal under -Ctarget-feature=+foo
  3. Eventually the upstream proposal is merged into the specification, and WebAssembly/foo becomes an archived repository
  4. Rust/LLVM enable the -Ctarget-feature=+foo feature by default but typically retain the ability to disable it as well.

The reference-types and multivalue target features in Rust are at step (4) here now and this post is explaining the consequences of doing so.

Enabling Reference Types by Default

The reference-types proposal to WebAssembly introduced a few new concepts to WebAssembly, notably the externref type which is a host-defined GC resource that WebAssembly cannot access but can pass around. Rust does not have support for the WebAssembly externref type and LLVM 19 does not change that. WebAssembly modules produced from Rust will continue to not use the externref type nor have a means of being able to do so. This may be enabled in the future (e.g. a hypothetical core::arch::wasm32::Externref type or similar), but it will mostly likely only be done on an opt-in basis and will not affect preexisting code by default.

Also included in the reference-types proposal, however, was the ability to have multiple WebAssembly tables in a single module. In the original version of the WebAssembly specification only a single table was allowed and this restriction was relaxed with the reference-types proposal. WebAssembly tables are used by LLVM and Rust to implement indirect function calls. For example function pointers in WebAssembly are actually table indices and indirect function calls are a WebAssembly call_indirect instruction with this table index.

With the reference-types proposal the binary encoding of call_indirectinstructions was updated. Prior to the reference-types proposal call_indirectwas encoded with a fixed zero byte in its instruction (required to be exactly 0x00). This fixed zero byte was relaxed to a 32-bit LEB to indicate which table the call_indirect instruction was using. For those unfamiliar LEB is a way of encoding multi-byte integers in a smaller number of bytes for smaller integers. For example the 32-bit integer 0 can be encoded as 0x00 with aLEB. LEBs are flexible to additionally allow "overlong" encodings so the integer 0 can additionally be encoded as 0x80 0x00.

LLVM's support of separate compilation of source code to a WebAssembly binary means that when an object file is emitted it does not know the final index of the table that is going to be used in the final binary. Before reference-types there was only one option, table 0, so 0x00 was always used when encodingcall_indirect instructions. After reference-types, however, LLVM will emit an over-long LEB of the form 0x80 0x80 0x80 0x80 0x00 which is the maximal length of a 32-bit LEB. This LEB is then filled in by the linker with a relocation to the actual table index that is used by the final module.

When putting all of this together, it means that with LLVM 19, which has the reference-types feature enabled by default, any WebAssembly module with an indirect function call (which is almost always the case for Rust code) will produce a WebAssembly binary that cannot be decoded by engines and tooling that do not support the reference-types proposal. It is expected that this change will have a low impact due to the age of the reference-types proposal and breadth of implementation in engines. Given the multitude of WebAssembly engines, however, it's recommended that any WebAssembly users test out Rust 1.82 beta and see if the produced module still runs on their engine of choice.

LLVM, Rust, and Multiple Tables

One interesting point worth mentioning is that despite the reference-types proposal enabling multiple tables in WebAssembly modules this is not actually taken advantage of at this time by either LLVM or Rust. WebAssembly modules emitted will still have at most one table of functions. This means that the over-long 5-byte encoding of index 0 as 0x80 0x80 0x80 0x80 0x00 is not actually necessary at this time. LLD, LLVM's linker for WebAssembly, wants to process all LEB relocations in a similar manner which currently forces this 5-byte encoding of zero. For example when a function calls another function thecall instruction encodes the target function index as a 5-byte LEB which is filled in by the linker. There is quite often more than one function so the 5-byte encoding enables all possible function indices to be encoded.

In the future LLVM might start using multiple tables as well. For example LLVM may have a mode in the future where there's a table-per-function type instead of a single heterogenous table. This can enable engines to implementcall_indirect more efficiently. This is not implemented at this time, however.

For users who want a minimally-sized WebAssembly module (e.g. if you're in a web context and sending bytes over the wire) it's recommended to use an optimization tool such as wasm-opt to shrink the size of the output of LLVM. Even before this change with reference-types it's recommended to do this as wasm-opt can typically optimize LLVM's default output even further. When optimizing a module through wasm-opt these 5-byte encodings of index 0 are all shrunk to a single byte.

Enabling Multi-Value by Default

The second feature enabled by default in LLVM 19 is multivalue. Themulti-value proposal to WebAssembly enables functions to have more than one return value for example. WebAssembly instructions are additionally allowed to have more than one return value as well. This proposal is one of the first to get merged into the WebAssembly specification after the original MVP and has been implemented in many engines for quite some time.

The consequences of enabling this feature by default in LLVM are more minor for Rust, however, than enabling the reference-types feature by default. LLVM's default C ABI for WebAssembly code is not changing even when multivalue is enabled. Additionally Rust's extern "C" ABI for WebAssembly is not changing either and continues to match LLVM's (or strives to, differences to LLVM are considered bugs to fix). Despite this though the change has the possibility of still affecting Rust users.

Rust for some time has supported an extern "wasm" ABI on Nightly which was an experimental means of exposing the ability of defining a function in Rust which returned multiple values (e.g. used the multi-value proposal). Due to infrastructural changes and refactorings in LLVM itself this feature of Rust hasbeen removed and is no longer supported on Nightly at all. As a result there is no longer any possible method of writing a function in Rust that returns multiple values at the WebAssembly function type level.

In summary this change is expected to not affect any Rust code in the wild unless you were using the Nightly feature of extern "wasm" in which case you'll be forced to drop support for that and use extern "C" instead. Supporting WebAssembly multi-return functions in Rust is a broader topic than this post can cover, but at this time it's an area that's ripe for contribution from suitably motivated contributors.

Aside: ABI Stability and WebAssembly

While on the topic of ABIs and the multivalue feature it's perhaps worth also going over a bit what ABIs mean for WebAssembly. The current definition of the extern "C" ABI for WebAssembly is documented in the tool-conventions repositoryand this is what Clang implements for C code as well. LLVM implements enough support for lowering to WebAssembly as well to support all of this. The extern "Rust ABI is not stable on WebAssembly, as is the case for all Rust targets, and is subject to change over time. There is no reference documentation at this time for what extern "Rust" is on WebAssembly.

The extern "C" ABI, what C code uses by default as well, is difficult to change because stability is often required across different compiler versions. For example WebAssembly code compiled with LLVM 18 might be expected to work with code compiled by LLVM 20. This means that changing the ABI is a daunting task that requires version fields, explicit markers, etc, to help prevent mismatches.

The extern "Rust" ABI, however, is subject to change over time. A great example of this could be that when the multivalue feature is enabled theextern "Rust" ABI could be redefined to use the multiple-return-values that WebAssembly would then support. This would enable much more efficient returns of values larger than 64-bits. Implementing this would require support in LLVM though which is not currently present.

This all means that actually using multiple-returns in functions, or the WebAssembly feature that the multivalue enables, is still out on the horizon and not implemented. First LLVM will need to implement complete lowering support to generate WebAssembly functions with multiple returns, and then extern "Rust" can be change to use this when fully supported. In the yet-further-still future C code might be able to change, but that will take quite some time due to its cross-version-compatibility story.

Enabling Future Proposals to WebAssembly

This is not the first time that a WebAssembly proposal has gone from off-by-default to on-by-default in LLVM, nor will it be the last. For example LLVM already enables the sign-extension proposal by default which MVP WebAssembly did not have. It's expected that in the not-too-distant future thenontrapping-fp-to-intproposal will likely be enabled by default. These changes are currently not made with strict criteria in mind (e.g. N engines must have this implemented for M years), and there may be breakage that happens.

If you're using a WebAssembly engine that does not support the modules emitted by Rust 1.82 beta and LLVM 19 then your options are:

  • Try seeing if the engine you're using has any updates available to it. You might be using an older version which didn't support a feature but a newer version supports the feature.
  • Open an issue to raise awareness that a change is causing breakage. This could either be done on your engine's repository, the Rust repository, or the WebAssemblytool-conventionsrepository. It's recommended to first search to confirm there isn't already an open issue though.
  • Recompile your code with features disabled, more on this in the next section.

The general assumption behind enabling new features by default is that it's a relatively hassle-free operation for end users while bringing performance benefits for everyone (e.g. nontrapping-fp-to-int will make float-to-int conversions more optimal). If updates end up causing hassle it's best to flag that early on so rollout plans can be adjusted if needed.

Disabling on-by-default WebAssembly proposals

For a variety of reasons you might be motivated to disable on-by-default WebAssembly features: for example maybe your engine is difficult to update or doesn't support a new feature. Disabling on-by-default features is unfortunately not the easiest task. It is notably not sufficient to use-Ctarget-features=-sign-ext to disable a feature for just your own project's compilation because the Rust standard library, shipped in precompiled form, is still compiled with the feature enabled.

To disable on-by-default WebAssembly proposal it's required that you use Cargo's-Zbuild-stdfeature. For example:

$ export RUSTFLAGS=-Ctarget-cpu=mvp
$ cargo +nightly build -Zbuild-std=panic_abort,std --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

This will recompiled the Rust standard library in addition to your own code with the "MVP CPU" which is LLVM's placeholder for all WebAssembly proposals disabled. This will disable sign-ext, reference-types, multi-value, etc.

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Rust Blog

September Project Goals Update

The Rust project is currently working towards a slate of 26 project goals, with 3 of them designed as Flagship Goals. This post provides selected updates on our progress towards these goals (or, in some cases, lack thereof). The full details for any particular goal are available in its associated tracking issue on the rust-project-goals repository.

Flagship goals

Prepare Rust 2024 Edition (tracked in #117)

The Rust 2024 edition is on track to be stabilized on Nightly by Nov 28 and to reach stable as part of Rust v1.85, to be released Feb 20, 2025.

Over the last month, all the "lang team priority items" have landed and are fully ready for release, including migrations and chapters in the Nightly version of the edition guide:


  • 13 items are fully ready for Rust 2024.
  • 10 items are fully implemented but still require documentation.
  • 6 items still need implementation work.

Keep in mind, there will be items that are currently tracked for the edition that will not make it. That's OK, and we still plan to ship the edition on time and without those items.

Async Rust Parity (tracked in #105)

We are generally on track with our marquee features:

  1. Support for async closures is available on Nightly and the lang team arrived at a tentative consensus to keep the existing syntax (written rationale and formal decision are in progress). We issued a call for testing as well which has so far uncovered no issues.
  2. Partial support for return-type notation is available on Nightly with the remainder under review.

In addition, dynamic dispatch for async functions and experimental async drop work both made implementation progress. Async WG reorganization has made no progress.

Read the full details on the tracking issue.

Stabilize features needed by Rust for Linux (tracked in #116)

We have stabilized extended offset_of syntax and agreed to stabilize Pointers to Statics in Constants. Credit to @dingxiangfei2009 for driving these forward. 💜

Implementation work proceeds for arbitrary self types v2, derive smart pointer, and sanitizer support.

RFL on Rust CI is implemented but still waiting on documented policy. The first breakage was detected (and fixed) in #129416. This is the mechanism working as intended, although it would also be useful to better define what to do when breakage occurs.

Selected updates

Begin resolving cargo-semver-checks blockers for merging into cargo (tracked in #104)

@obi1kenobi has been working on laying the groundwork to enable manifest linting in their project. They have set up the ability to test how CLI invocations are interpreted internally, and can now snapshot the output of any CLI invocation over a given workspace. They have also designed the expansion of the CLI and the necessary Trustfall schema changes to support manifest linting. As of the latest update, they have a working prototype of manifest querying, which enables SemVer lints such as detecting the accidental removal of features between releases. This work is not blocked on anything, and while there are no immediate opportunities to contribute, they indicate there will be some in future updates.

Expose experimental LLVM features for automatic differentiation and GPU offloading (tracked in #109)

@ZuseZ4 has been focusing on automatic differentiation in Rust, with their first two upstreaming PRs for the rustc frontend and backend merged, and a third PR covering changes to rustc_codegen_llvm currently under review. They are especially proud of getting a detailed LLVM-IR reproducer from a Rust developer for an Enzyme core issue, which will help with debugging. On the GPU side, @ZuseZ4 is taking advantage of recent LLVM updates to rustc that enable more GPU/offloading work. @ZuseZ4 also had a talk about "When unsafe code is slow - Automatic Differentiation in Rust" accepted for the upcoming LLVM dev meeting, where they'll present benchmarks and analysis comparing Rust-Enzyme to the C++ Enzyme frontend.

Extend pubgrub to match cargo's dependency resolution (tracked in #110)

@Eh2406 has achieved the milestone of having the new PubGrub resolver and the existing Cargo resolver accept each other's solutions for all crate versions on, which involved fixing many bugs related to optional dependencies. Significant progress has also been made in speeding up the resolution process, with over 30% improvements to the average performance of the new resolver, and important changes to allow the existing Cargo resolver to run in parallel. They have also addressed some corner cases where the existing resolver would not accept certain records, and added a check for cyclic dependencies. The latest updates focus on further performance improvements, with the new resolver now taking around 3 hours to process all of, down from 4.3 hours previously, and a 27% improvement in verifying lock files for non-pathological cases.

Optimizing Clippy & linting

@blyxyas has been working on improving Clippy, the Rust linting tool, with a focus on performance. They have completed a medium-sized objective to use ControlFlow in more places, and have integrated a performance-related issue into their project. A performance-focused PR has also been merged, and they are remaking their benchmarking tool (benchv2) to help with ongoing efforts. The main focus has been on resolving rust-lang/rust#125116, which is now all green after some work. Going forward, they are working on moving the declare_clippy_lint macro to a macro_rules implementation, and have one open proposal-level issue with the performance project label. There are currently no blockers to their work.

Completed goals

The following goals have been completed:

Stalled or orphaned goals

Several goals appear to have stalled or not received updates:

One goal is still waiting for an owner:


This is a brief summary of the progress towards our a subset of the 2024 project goals. There is a lot more information available on the website, including the motivation for each goal, as well as detailed status updates. If you'd like more detail, please do check it out! You can also subscribe to individual tracking issues (or the entire rust-project-goals repo) to get regular updates.

The current set of goals target the second half of 2024 (2024H2). Next month we also expect to begin soliciting goals for the first half of 2025 (2025H1).

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Changes to `impl Trait` in Rust 2024

The default way impl Trait works in return position is changing in Rust 2024. These changes are meant to simplify impl Trait to better match what people want most of the time. We're also adding a flexible syntax that gives you full control when you need it.


Starting in Rust 2024, we are changing the rules for when a generic parameter can be used in the hidden type of a return-position impl Trait:

  • a new default that the hidden types for a return-position impl Trait can use any generic parameter in scope, instead of only types (applicable only in Rust 2024);
  • a syntax to declare explicitly what types may be used (usable in any edition).

The new explicit syntax is called a "use bound": impl Trait + use<'x, T>, for example, would indicate that the hidden type is allowed to use 'x and T (but not any other generic parameters in scope).

Read on for the details!

Background: return-position impl Trait

This blog post concerns return-position impl Trait, such as the following example:

fn process_data(
    data: &[Datum]
) -> impl Iterator<Item = ProcessedDatum> {
        .map(|datum| datum.process())

The use of -> impl Iterator in return position here means that the function returns "some kind of iterator". The actual type will be determined by the compiler based on the function body. It is called the "hidden type" because callers do not get to know exactly what it is; they have to code against the Iterator trait. However, at code generation time, the compiler will generate code based on the actual precise type, which ensures that callers are fully optimized.

Although callers don't know the exact type, they do need to know that it will continue to borrow the data argument so that they can ensure that the data reference remains valid while iteration occurs. Further, callers must be able to figure this out based solely on the type signature, without looking at the function body.

Rust's current rules are that a return-position impl Trait value can only use a reference if the lifetime of that reference appears in the impl Trait itself. In this example, impl Iterator<Item = ProcessedDatum> does not reference any lifetimes, and therefore capturing data is illegal. You can see this for yourself on the playground.

The error message ("hidden type captures lifetime") you get in this scenario is not the most intuitive, but it does come with a useful suggestion for how to fix it:

help: to declare that
      `impl Iterator<Item = ProcessedDatum>`
      captures `'_`, you can add an
      explicit `'_` lifetime bound
5 | ) -> impl Iterator<Item = ProcessedDatum> + '_ {
  |                                           ++++

Following a slightly more explicit version of this advice, the function signature becomes:

fn process_data<'d>(
    data: &'d [Datum]
) -> impl Iterator<Item = ProcessedDatum> + 'd {
        .map(|datum| datum.process())

In this version, the lifetime 'd of the data is explicitly referenced in the impl Trait type, and so it is allowed to be used. This is also a signal to the caller that the borrow for data must last as long as the iterator is in use, which means that it (correctly) flags an error in an example like this (try it on the playground):

let mut data: Vec<Datum> = vec![Datum::default()];
let iter = process_data(&data);
data.push(Datum::default()); // <-- Error!;

Usability problems with this design

The rules for what generic parameters can be used in an impl Trait were decided early on based on a limited set of examples. Over time we have noticed a number of problems with them.

not the right default

Surveys of major codebases (both the compiler and crates on found that the vast majority of return-position impl trait values need to use lifetimes, so the default behavior of not capturing is not helpful.

not sufficiently flexible

The current rule is that return-position impl trait always allows using type parameters and sometimes allows using lifetime parameters (if they appear in the bounds). As noted above, this default is wrong because most functions actually DO want their return type to be allowed to use lifetime parameters: that at least has a workaround (modulo some details we'll note below). But the default is also wrong because some functions want to explicitly state that they do NOT use type parameters in the return type, and there is no way to override that right now. The original intention was that type alias impl trait would solve this use case, but that would be a very non-ergonomic solution (and stabilizing type alias impl trait is taking longer than anticipated due to other complications).

hard to explain

Because the defaults are wrong, these errors are encountered by users fairly regularly, and yet they are also subtle and hard to explain (as evidenced by this post!). Adding the compiler hint to suggest + '_ helps, but it's not great that users have to follow a hint they don't fully understand.

incorrect suggestion

Adding a + '_ argument to impl Trait may be confusing, but it's not terribly difficult. Unfortunately, it's often the wrong annotation, leading to unnecessary compiler errors -- and the right fix is either complex or sometimes not even possible. Consider an example like this:

fn process<'c, T> {
    context: &'c Context,
    data: Vec<T>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = ()> + 'c {
        .map(|datum| context.process(datum))

Here the process function applies context.process to each of the elements in data (of type T). Because the return value uses context, it is declared as + 'c. Our real goal here is to allow the return type to use 'c; writing + 'c achieves that goal because 'c now appears in the bound listing. However, while writing + 'c is a convenient way to make 'c appear in the bounds, also means that the hidden type must outlive 'c. This requirement is not needed and will in fact lead to a compilation error in this example (try it on the playground).

The reason that this error occurs is a bit subtle. The hidden type is an iterator type based on the result of data.into_iter(), which will include the type T. Because of the + 'c bound, the hidden type must outlive 'c, which in turn means that T must outlive 'c. But T is a generic parameter, so the compiler requires a where-clause like where T: 'c. This where-clause means "it is safe to create a reference with lifetime 'c to the type T". But in fact we don't create any such reference, so the where-clause should not be needed. It is only needed because we used the convenient-but-sometimes-incorrect workaround of adding + 'c to the bounds of our impl Trait.

Just as before, this error is obscure, touching on the more complex aspects of Rust's type system. Unlike before, there is no easy fix! This problem in fact occurred frequently in the compiler, leading to an obscure workaround called the Captures trait. Gross!

We surveyed crates on and found that the vast majority of cases involving return-position impl trait and generics had bounds that were too strong and which could lead to unnecessary errors (though often they were used in simple ways that didn't trigger an error).

inconsistencies with other parts of Rust

The current design was also introducing inconsistencies with other parts of Rust.

async fn desugaring

Rust defines an async fn as desugaring to a normal fn that returns -> impl Future. You might therefore expect that a function like process:

async fn process(data: &Data) { .. }

...would be (roughly) desugared to:

fn process(
    data: &Data
) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
    async move {

In practice, because of the problems with the rules around which lifetimes can be used, this is not the actual desugaring. The actual desugaring is to a special kind of impl Trait that is allowed to use all lifetimes. But that form of impl Trait was not exposed to end-users.

impl trait in traits

As we pursued the design for impl trait in traits (RFC 3425), we encountered a number of challenges related to the capturing of lifetimes. In order to get the symmetries that we wanted to work (e.g., that one can write -> impl Future in a trait and impl with the expected effect), we had to change the rules to allow hidden types to use all generic parameters (type and lifetime) uniformly.

Rust 2024 design

The above problems motivated us to take a new approach in Rust 2024. The approach is a combination of two things:

  • a new default that the hidden types for a return-position impl Trait can use any generic parameter in scope, instead of only types (applicable only in Rust 2024);
  • a syntax to declare explicitly what types may be used (usable in any edition).

The new explicit syntax is called a "use bound": impl Trait + use<'x, T>, for example, would indicate that the hidden type is allowed to use 'x and T (but not any other generic parameters in scope).

Lifetimes can now be used by default

In Rust 2024, the default is that the hidden type for a return-position impl Trait values use any generic parameter that is in scope, whether it is a type or a lifetime. This means that the initial example of this blog post will compile just fine in Rust 2024 (try it yourself by setting the Edition in the Playground to 2024):

fn process_data(
    data: &[Datum]
) -> impl Iterator<Item = ProcessedDatum> {
        .map(|datum| datum.process())


Impl Traits can include a use<> bound to specify precisely which generic types and lifetimes they use

As a side-effect of this change, if you move code to Rust 2024 by hand (without cargo fix), you may start getting errors in the callers of functions with an impl Trait return type. This is because those impl Trait types are now assumed to potentially use input lifetimes and not only types. To control this, you can use the new use<> bound syntax that explicitly declares what generic parameters can be used by the hidden type. Our experience porting the compiler suggests that it is very rare to need changes -- most code actually works better with the new default.

The exception to the above is when the function takes in a reference parameter that is only used to read values and doesn't get included in the return value. One such example is the following function indices(): it takes in a slice of type &[T] but the only thing it does is read the length, which is used to create an iterator. The slice itself is not needed in the return value:

fn indices<'s, T>(
    slice: &'s [T],
) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> {
    0 .. slice.len()

In Rust 2021, this declaration implicitly says that slice is not used in the return type. But in Rust 2024, the default is the opposite. That means that callers like this will stop compiling in Rust 2024, since they now assume that data is borrowed until iteration completes:

fn main() {
    let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let i = indices(&data);
    data.push(4); // <-- Error!; // <-- assumed to access `&data`

This may actually be what you want! It means you can modify the definition of indices() later so that it actually does include slice in the result. Put another way, the new default continues the impl Trait tradition of retaining flexibility for the function to change its implementation without breaking callers.

But what if it's not what you want? What if you want to guarantee that indices() will not retain a reference to its argument slice in its return value? You now do that by including a use<> bound in the return type to say explicitly which generic parameters may be included in the return type.

In the case of indices(), the return type actually uses none of the generics, so we would ideally write use<>:

fn indices<'s, T>(
    slice: &'s [T],
) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + use<> {
    //                             -----
    //             Return type does not use `'s` or `T`
    0 .. slice.len()

Implementation limitation. Unfortunately, if you actually try the above example on nightly today, you'll see that it doesn't compile (try it for yourself). That's because use<> bounds have only partially been implemented: currently, they must always include at least the type parameters. This corresponds to the limitations of impl Trait in earlier editions, which always must capture type parameters. In this case, that means we can write the following, which also avoids the compilation error, but is still more conservative than necessary (try it yourself):

fn indices<T>(
    slice: &[T],
) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + use<T> {
    0 .. slice.len()

This implementation limitation is only temporary and will hopefully be lifted soon! You can follow the current status at tracking issue #130031.

Alternative: 'static bounds. For the special case of capturing no references at all, it is also possible to use a 'static bound, like so (try it yourself):

fn indices<'s, T>(
    slice: &'s [T],
) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + 'static {
    //                             -------
    //             Return type does not capture references.
    0 .. slice.len()

'static bounds are convenient in this case, particularly given the current implementation limitations around use<> bounds, but use<> bound are more flexible overall, and so we expect them to be used more often. (As an example, the compiler has a variant of indices that returns newtype'd indices I instead of usize values, and it therefore includes a use<I> declaration.)


This example demonstrates the way that editions can help us to remove complexity from Rust. In Rust 2021, the default rules for when lifetime parameters can be used in impl Trait had not aged well. They frequently didn't express what users needed and led to obscure workarounds being required. They led to other inconsistencies, such as between -> impl Future and async fn, or between the semantics of return-position impl Trait in top-level functions and trait functions.

Thanks to editions, we are able to address that without breaking existing code. With the newer rules coming in Rust 2024,

  • most code will "just work" in Rust 2024, avoiding confusing errors;
  • for the code where annotations are required, we now have a more powerful annotation mechanism that can let you say exactly what you need to say.

Appendix: Relevant links

  • Precise capture was proposed in RFC #3617, which left an unresolved question regarding syntax, and its tracking issue was #123432.
  • The unresolved syntax question was resolved in issue #125836, which introduced the + use<> notation used in this post.
  • The implementation limitation is tracked in #130031.

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Rust Blog

Announcing Rust 1.81.0

The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.81.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.81.0 with:

$ rustup update stable

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes for 1.81.0.

If you'd like to help us out by testing future releases, you might consider updating locally to use the beta channel (rustup default beta) or the nightly channel (rustup default nightly). Please report any bugs you might come across!

What's in 1.81.0 stable


1.81 stabilizes the Error trait in core, allowing usage of the trait in#![no_std] libraries. This primarily enables the wider Rust ecosystem to standardize on the same Error trait, regardless of what environments the library targets.

New sort implementations

Both the stable and unstable sort implementations in the standard library have been updated to new algorithms, improving their runtime performance and compilation time.

Additionally, both of the new sort algorithms try to detect incorrect implementations of Ord that prevent them from being able to produce a meaningfully sorted result, and will now panic on such cases rather than returning effectively randomly arranged data. Users encountering these panics should audit their ordering implementations to ensure they satisfy the requirements documented in PartialOrd and Ord.


1.81 stabilizes a new lint level, expect, which allows explicitly noting that a particular lint should occur, and warning if it doesn't. The intended use case for this is temporarily silencing a lint, whether due to lint implementation bugs or ongoing refactoring, while wanting to know when the lint is no longer required.

For example, if you're moving a code base to comply with a new restriction enforced via a Clippy lint likeundocumented_unsafe_blocks, you can use #[expect(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)] as you transition, ensuring that once all unsafe blocks are documented you can opt into denying the lint to enforce it.

Clippy also has two lints to enforce the usage of this feature and help with migrating existing attributes:

Lint reasons

Changing the lint level is often done for some particular reason. For example, if code runs in an environment without floating point support, you could use Clippy to lint on such usage with #![deny(clippy::float_arithmetic)]. However, if a new developer to the project sees this lint fire, they need to look for (hopefully) a comment on the deny explaining why it was added. With Rust 1.81, they can be informed directly in the compiler message:

error: floating-point arithmetic detected
 --> src/
4 |     a + b
  |     ^^^^^
  = help: for further information visit
  = note: no hardware float support
note: the lint level is defined here
 --> src/
1 | #![deny(clippy::float_arithmetic, reason = "no hardware float support")]
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Stabilized APIs

These APIs are now stable in const contexts:

Compatibility notes

Split panic hook and panic handler arguments

We have renamed std::panic::PanicInfo to std::panic::PanicHookInfo. The old name will continue to work as an alias, but will result in a deprecation warning starting in Rust 1.82.0.

core::panic::PanicInfo will remain unchanged, however, as this is now a_different type_.

The reason is that these types have different roles:std::panic::PanicHookInfo is the argument to the panic hook in std context (where panics can have an arbitrary payload), whilecore::panic::PanicInfo is the argument to the#[panic_handler] in#![no_std] context (where panics always carry a formatted message). Separating these types allows us to add more useful methods to these types, such asstd::panic::PanicHookInfo::payload_as_str() andcore::panic::PanicInfo::message().

Abort on uncaught panics in extern "C" functions

This completes the transition started in 1.71, which added dedicated "C-unwind" (amongst other -unwind variants) ABIs for when unwinding across the ABI boundary is expected. As of 1.81, the non-unwind ABIs (e.g., "C") will now abort on uncaught unwinds, closing the longstanding soundness problem.

Programs relying on unwinding should transition to using -unwind suffixed ABI variants.

WASI 0.1 target naming changed

Usage of the wasm32-wasi target (which targets WASI 0.1) will now issue a compiler warning and request users switch to the wasm32-wasip1 target instead. Both targets are the same, wasm32-wasi is only being renamed, and this change to the WASI targetis being done to enable removing wasm32-wasi in January 2025.

Fixes CVE-2024-43402

std::process::Command now correctly escapes arguments when invoking batch files on Windows in the presence of trailing whitespace or periods (which are ignored and stripped by Windows).

See more details in the previous announcement of this change.

Other changes

Check out everything that changed in Rust, Cargo, and Clippy.

Contributors to 1.81.0

Many people came together to create Rust 1.81.0. We couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks!

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Rust Blog

Security advisory for the standard library (CVE-2024-43402)

On April 9th, 2024, the Rust Security Response WG disclosed CVE-2024-24576, where std::process::Command incorrectly escaped arguments when invoking batch files on Windows. We were notified that our fix for the vulnerability was incomplete, and it was possible to bypass the fix when the batch file name had trailing whitespace or periods (which are ignored and stripped by Windows).

The severity of the incomplete fix is low, due to the niche conditions needed to trigger it. Note that calculating the CVSS score might assign a higher severity to this, but that doesn't take into account what is required to trigger the incomplete fix.

The incomplete fix is identified by CVE-2024-43402.


Refer to the advisory for CVE-2024-24576 for details on the original vulnerability.

To determine whether to apply the cmd.exe escaping rules, the original fix for the vulnerability checked whether the command name ended with .bat or.cmd. At the time that seemed enough, as we refuse to invoke batch scripts with no file extension.

Unfortunately, Windows removes trailing whitespace and periods when parsing file paths. For example, .bat. . is interpreted by Windows as .bat, but our original fix didn't check for that.


If you are affected by this, and you are using Rust 1.77.2 or greater, you can remove the trailing whitespace (ASCII 0x20) and trailing periods (ASCII 0x2E) from the batch file name to bypass the incomplete fix and enable the mitigations.

Rust 1.81.0, due to be released on September 5th 2024, will update the standard library to apply the CVE-2024-24576 mitigations to all batch files invocations, regardless of the trailing chars in the file name.

Affected versions

All Rust versions before 1.81.0 are affected, if your code or one of your dependencies invoke a batch script on Windows with trailing whitespace or trailing periods in the name, and pass untrusted arguments to it.


We want to thank Kainan Zhang (@4xpl0r3r) for responsibly disclosing this to us according to the Rust security policy.

We also want to thank the members of the Rust project who helped us disclose the incomplete fix: Chris Denton for developing the fix, Amanieu D'Antras for reviewing the fix; Pietro Albini for writing this advisory; Pietro Albini, Manish Goregaokar and Josh Stone for coordinating this disclosure.

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Rust Blog

2024 Leadership Council Survey

One of the responsibilities of the leadership council, formed by RFC 3392, is to solicit feedback on a yearly basis from the Project on how we are performing our duties.

Each year, the Council must solicit feedback on whether the Council is serving its purpose effectively from all willing and able Project members and openly discuss this feedback in a forum that allows and encourages active participation from all Project members. To do so, the Council and other Project members consult the high-level duties, expectations, and constraints listed in this RFC and any subsequent revisions thereof to determine if the Council is meeting its duties and obligations.

This is the council's first year, so we are still figuring out the best way to do this. For this year, a short survey was sent out to all@ on June 24th, 2024, ran for two weeks, and we are now presenting aggregated results from the survey. Raw responses will not be shared beyond the leadership council, but the results below reflect sentiments shared in response to each question. We invite feedback and suggestions on actions to take on Zulip or through direct communication to council members.

We want to thank everyone for their feedback! It has been very valuable to hear what people are thinking. As always, if you have thoughts or concerns, please reach out to your council representative any time.

Survey results

We received 53 responses to the survey, representing roughly a 32% response rate (out of 163 current recipients of all@).

Do you feel that the Rust Leadership Council is serving its purpose effectively?


Response count

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


I am aware of the role that the Leadership Council plays in the governance of the Rust Project.


Response count

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


The Rust Project has a solid foundation of Project governance.


Response count

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


Areas that are going well

For the rest of the questions we group responses into rough categories. The number of those responses is also provided; note that some responses may have fallen into more than one of these categories.

  • (5) Less drama
  • (5) More public operations
  • (5) Lack of clarity / knowledge about what it does
    • It's not obvious why this is a "going well" from the responses, but it was given in response to this question.
  • (4) General/inspecific positivity.
  • (2) Improved Foundation/project relations
  • (2) Funding travel/get-togethers of team members
  • (1) Clear representation of members of the Project
  • (1) Turnover while retaining members

Areas that are not going well

  • (15) Knowing what the council is doing
  • (3) Not enough delegation of decisions
  • (2) Finding people interested in being on the council / helping the council
  • (1) What is the role of the project directors? Are they redundant given the council?
  • (2) Too conservative in trying things / decisions/progress is made too slowly.
  • (1) Worry over Foundation not trusting Project

Suggestions for things to do in the responses:

  • (2) Addressing burnout
  • (2) More social time between teams
  • (2) More communication/accountability with/for the Foundation
  • (2) Hiring people, particularly for non-technical roles
  • (1) Helping expand the moderation team
  • (1) Resolving the launching pad issues, e.g., through "Rust Society" work
  • (1) Product management for language/compiler/libraries

Takeaways for future surveys

  • We should structure the survey to specifically ask about high-level duties and/or enumerate areas of interest (e.g., numeric responses on key questions like openness and effectiveness)
  • Consider linking published material/writing 1-year retrospective and that being linked from the survey as pre-reading.
  • We should disambiguate between neutral and "not enough information/knowledge to answer" responses in multiple choice response answers.

Proposed action items

We don't have any concrete proposed actions at this time, though are interested in finding ways to have more visilibity for council activities, as that seems to be one of the key problems called out across all of the questions asked. How exactly to achieve this remains unclear though.

As mentioned earlier, we welcome input from the community on suggestions for both improving this process and for actions to change how the council operates.

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Rust Blog

Rust Project goals for 2024

With the merging of RFC #3672, the Rust project has selected a slate of 26 Project Goals for the second half of 2024 (2024H2). This is our first time running an experimental new roadmapping process; assuming all goes well, we expect to be running the process roughly every six months. Of these goals, we have designated three of them as our flagship goals, representing our most ambitious and most impactful efforts: (1) finalize preparations for the Rust 2024 edition; (2) bring the Async Rust experience closer to parity with sync Rust; and (3) resolve the biggest blockers to the Linux kernel building on stable Rust. As the year progresses we'll be posting regular updates on these 3 flagship goals along with the 23 others.

Rust’s mission

All the goals selected ultimately further Rust's mission of empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. Rust targets programs that prioritize

  • reliability and robustness;
  • performance, memory usage, and resource consumption; and
  • long-term maintenance and extensibility.

We consider "any two out of the three" to be the right heuristic for projects where Rust is a strong contender or possibly the best option, and we chose our goals in part so as to help ensure this is true.

Why these particular flagship goals?

2024 Edition. 2024 will mark the 4th Rust edition, following on the 2015, 2018, and 2021 editions. Similar to the 2021 edition, the 2024 edition is not a "major marketing push" but rather an opportunity to correct small ergonomic issues with Rust that will make it overall much easier to use. The changes planned for the 2024 edition include (1) supporting -> impl Trait and async fn in traits by aligning capture behavior; (2) permitting (async) generators to be added in the future by reserving the gen keyword; and (3) altering fallback for the ! type. The plan is to finalize development of 2024 features this year; the Edition itself is planned for Rust v1.85 (to be released to beta 2025-01-03 and to stable on 2025-02-20).

Async. In 2024 we plan to deliver several critical async Rust building block features, most notably support for async closures and Send bounds. This is part of a multi-year program aiming to raise the experience of authoring "async Rust" to the same level of quality as "sync Rust". Async Rust is widely used, with 52% of the respondents in the 2023 Rust survey indicating that they use Rust to build server-side or backend applications.

Rust for Linux. The experimental support for Rust development in the Linux kernel is a watershed moment for Rust, demonstrating to the world that Rust is indeed capable of targeting all manner of low-level systems applications. And yet today that support rests on a number of unstable features, blocking the effort from ever going beyond experimental status. For 2024H2 we will work to close the largest gaps that block support.

Highlights from the other goals

In addition to the flagship goals, the roadmap defines 23 other goals. Here is a subset to give you a flavor:

Check out the whole list! (Go ahead, we'll wait, but come back here afterwards!)

How to track progress

As the year progresses, we will be posting regular blog posts summarizing the progress on the various goals. If you'd like to see more detail, the 2024h2 milestone on the rust-lang/rust-project-goals repository has tracking issues for each of the goals. Each issue is assigned to the owner(s) of that particular goal. You can subscribe to the issue to receive regular updates, or monitor the #project-goals channel on the rust-lang Zulip. Over time we will likely create other ways to follow along, such as a page on to visualize progress (if you'd like to help with that, reach out to @nikomatsakis, thanks!).

It's worth stating up front: we don't expect all of these goals to be completed. Many of them were proposed and owned by volunteers, and it's normal and expected that things don't always work out as planned. In the event that a goal seems to stall out, we can either look for a new owner or just consider the goal again in the next round of goal planning.

How we selected project goals

Each project goal began as a PR against the rust-lang/rust-project-goals repository. As each PR came in, the goals were socialized with the teams. This process sometimes resulted in edits to the goals or in breaking up larger goals into smaller chunks (e.g., a far-reaching goal for "higher level Rust" was broken into two specific deliverables, a user-wide build cache and ergonomic ref counting). Finally, the goals were collated into RFC #3672, which listed each goals as well as all the asks from the team. This RFC was approved by all the teams that are being asked for support or other requests.

Conclusion: Project Goals as a "front door" for Rust

To me, the most exciting thing about the Project Goals program has been seeing the goals coming from outside the existing Rust maintainers. My hope is that the Project Goal process can supplement RFCs as an effective "front door" for the project, offering people who have the resources and skill to drive changes a way to float that idea and get feedback from the Rust teams before they begin to work on it.

Project Goals also help ensure the sustainability of the Rust open source community. In the past, it was difficult to tell when starting work on a project whether it would be well-received by the Rust maintainers. This was an obstacle for those who would like to fund efforts to improve Rust, as people don't like to fund work without reasonable confidence it will succeed. Project goals are a way for project maintainers to "bless" a particular project and indicate their belief that it will be helpful to Rust. The Rust Foundation is using project goals as one of their criteria when considering fellowship applications, for example, and I expect over time other grant programs will do the same. But project goals are useful for others, too: having an approved project goal can help someone convince their employer to give them time to work on Rust open source efforts, for example, or give contractors the confidence they need to ensure their customer they'll be able to get the work done.

The next round of goal planning will be targeting 2025H1 and is expected to start in October. We look forward to seeing what great ideas are proposed!

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Rust Blog

Announcing Rust 1.80.1

The Rust team has published a new point release of Rust, 1.80.1. Rust is a programming language that is empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, getting Rust 1.80.1 is as easy as:

rustup update stable

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website.

What's in 1.80.1

Rust 1.80.1 fixes two regressions that were recently reported.

Miscompilation when comparing floats

In addition to the existing optimizations performed by LLVM, rustc is growing its own set of optimizations. Rust 1.78.0 added a new one, implementing "jump threading" (merging together two adjacent branches that perform the same comparison).

The optimization was also enabled on branches checking for floating point equality, but it didn't implement the special rules needed for floats comparison (NaN != NaN and 0.0 == -0.0). This caused the optimization to miscompile code performing those checks.

Rust 1.80.1 addresses the problem by preventing the optimization from being applied to float comparisons, while retaining the optimization on other supported types.

False positives in the dead_code lint

Rust 1.80.0 contained refactorings to the dead_code lint. We received multiple reports that the new lint implementation produces false positives, so we are reverting the changes in Rust 1.80.1. We'll continue to experiment on how to improve the accuracy of dead_code in future releases.

Contributors to 1.80.1

Many people came together to create Rust 1.80.1. We couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks!

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Rust Blog

Rust participates in OSPP 2024

Similar to our previous announcements of the Rust Project's participation in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), we are now announcing our participation in Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP) 2024.

OSPP is a program organized in large part by The Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences. Its goal is to encourage college students to participate in developing and maintaining open source software. The Rust Project is already registered and has a number of projects available for mentorship:

Eligibility is limited to students and there is a guide for potential participants. Student registration ends on the 3rd of June with the project application deadline a day later.

Unlike GSoC which allows students to propose their own projects, OSPP requires that students only apply for one of the registered projects. We do have an #ospp Zulip stream and potential contributors are encouraged to join and discuss details about the projects and connect with mentors.

After the project application window closes on June 4th, we will review and select participants, which will be announced on June 26th. From there, students will participate through to the end of September.

As with GSoC, this is our first year participating in this program. We are incredibly excited for this opportunity to further expand into new open source communities and we're hopeful for a productive and educational summer.

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