Rust participates in OSPP 2024
Similar to our previous announcements of the Rust Project's participation in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), we are now announcing our participation in Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP) 2024.
OSPP is a program organized in large part by The Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences. Its goal is to encourage college students to participate in developing and maintaining open source software. The Rust Project is already registered and has a number of projects available for mentorship:
- C codegen backend for rustc
- Extend annotate-snippets with features required by rustc
- Improve bootstrap
- Modernize the libc crate
- Improve infrastructure automation tools
Eligibility is limited to students and there is a guide for potential participants. Student registration ends on the 3rd of June with the project application deadline a day later.
Unlike GSoC which allows students to propose their own projects, OSPP requires that students only apply for one of the registered projects. We do have an #ospp Zulip stream and potential contributors are encouraged to join and discuss details about the projects and connect with mentors.
After the project application window closes on June 4th, we will review and select participants, which will be announced on June 26th. From there, students will participate through to the end of September.
As with GSoC, this is our first year participating in this program. We are incredibly excited for this opportunity to further expand into new open source communities and we're hopeful for a productive and educational summer.