Announcing the New Rust Project Directors
We are happy to announce that we have completed the process to elect new Project Directors.
The new Project Directors are:
They will join Ryan Levick and Mark Rousskov to make up the five members of the Rust Foundation Board of Directors who represent the Rust Project.
The board is made up of Project Directors, who come from and represent the Rust Project, and Member Directors, who represent the corporate members of the Rust Foundation.
Both of these director groups have equal voting power.
We look forward to working with and being represented by this new group of project directors.
We were fortunate to have a number of excellent candidates and this was a difficult decision. We wish to express our gratitude to all of the candidates who were considered for this role! We also extend our thanks to the project as a whole who participated by nominating candidates and providing additional feedback once the nominees were published. Finally, we want to share our appreciation for the Project Director Elections Subcommittee for working to design and facilitate running this election process.
This was a challenging decision for a number of reasons.
This was also our first time doing this process and we learned a lot to use to improve it going forward. The Project Director Elections Subcommittee will be following up with a retrospective outlining how well we achieved our goals with this process and making suggestions for future elections. We are expecting another election next year to start a rotating cadence of 2-year terms. Project governance is about iterating and refining over time.
Once again, we thank all who were involved in this process and we are excited to welcome our new Project Directors.