pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
Tim Walz's church believes in "the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural". Heresy!
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz 🖤") wrote:
Mark Zuckerberg's objection to the #KOSA bill is pure political theatre. Once that bill passes, compliance with the new law becomes complicated and pricey. Independent servers will be desperate for help.
And there's only one company positioned to snatch them all up— #Meta.
For all intense and purposes, the #Fediverse will be under Zuck's thumb.
Regulatory capture.
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
researchfairy@scholar.social ("The research fairy") wrote:
Just in case
Reblogged by nadim@infosec.exchange ("Nadim Kobeissi"):
misty@digipres.club ("Misty") wrote:
Apple. Apple please. You can't use the same short flag for two different things. Apple *please*
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
mhhhkathi@corteximplant.com ("Kathi") wrote:
A quick reminder that this weekend is the peak of the Perseids. So if you have a wish that urgently needs to be fulfilled: this weekend there is a good chance of seeing lots of shooting stars ✨💫
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
DoctorDeathray@retro.social ("Doctor Deathray") wrote:
Hey @radiofreefedi !
I've got a new EP for y'all before the new album is ready
We live in Japan so she made a mistake and selected “outside Canada”. What a noob.
Got a RingFit so the kid can stay active in this crazy hot summer. This is actually part of the setup lol.
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
LukeBornheimer@sfba.social ("Luke Bornheimer") wrote:
“Economic activity increased—with up to 200,000 visitors per hour—and even the most fiercely opposed merchants have changed their tune.”
When will San Francisco transform merchant corridors (e.g. Valencia, Hayes, Grant, Chestnut, etc.) into economically vibrant ones like this?
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
"When South Korea started tackling this problem 20 years ago, it threw away 98 percent of its food waste. Today, 98 percent of food waste is turned into feed, compost or energy, according to the South Korean Ministry of Environment."
h/t @dogzilla
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
Libertarianism isn't an actual political philosophy; it's just a book club for people who wish they were allowed to be more selfish than society will tolerate.
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
dogzilla@masto.deluma.biz wrote:
How South Korea recycles 98% of its food waste - The Washington Post https://archive.is/2024.08.09-203025/https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/08/09/south-korea-food-waste-composting/ https://archive.is/hKEbU
Reblogged by collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth"):
rooster@chaosfem.tw ("Jessica") wrote:
I’m so glad all of society and the news and the internet stood up for that poor cis woman who suffered undue transphobia
Reblogged by collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth"):
nasamuffin@jorts.horse ("emily dogmom") wrote:
It's not "doing laundry," it's "shuffling your discard into your deck," fashion is a deckbuilder
Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"):
abk@mastodonapp.uk ("Alasdair Beckett-King") wrote:
If life were like a videogame:
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
csstricks ("CSS-Tricks") wrote:
Welp, the cat's out of the bag...
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
weatherwest ("Daniel Swain") wrote:
Well, it's official: California just experienced its warmest July on record. This is now the third time in the past 10 years California has broken its previous July record--and this time shattered previous record by a genuinely startling nearly 2°F (!) margin. #CAwx #CAfire [1/3]
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
shawnhymel@masto.ai ("Shawn Hymel") wrote:
Visiting the DigiKey mothership with my bff @Jorvon_Moss. The new distribution center is mind boggling huge (and full of impressive automation #tech). We may or may not be planning on some hijinks tomorrow 😏 #electronics #robotics
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
signalapp@mastodon.world ("Signal") wrote:
We have already started working on more advanced censorship circumvention techniques, but in order for these efforts to be most effective we need the big companies who are dragging their feet on moving away from plaintext SNI headers to start taking this problem more seriously.
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
sil ("Stuart Langridge") wrote:
@slightlyoff @scottjenson the hammer of big frameworks is this one.
And the task, most of the time for most of the web, is tapping your knee to test your reflexes. For which it is ridiculously unsuited.
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
combs@mastodon.art ("Chris Combs (he/him)") wrote:
in a sort of reverse-cobbler's-kids effort, I made this leg lamp for my own danged home for once 🤘
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
*"Ok, but what's the right stack?"*
I'm not here to run your bakeoffs for you. You run bakeoffs, right?
I'm not here to write down your critical user journeys and get your team to agree on their priority. That's YOUR job.
Do. Your. Job.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
*"But bootcamp grads only know React.."*
These are folks that literally just *paid* to learn something new. You think they can't learn whatever new thing you'd ask them to? That they wouldn't *jump* at the chance? That they aren't *extremely motivated* to make good things and build great stuff for users?
I swear, the next manager I see that blames new grads for their own deep lack of curiosity...
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
*"But we need to be able to hire..."*
Do NOT make me come over there.
Did you *try* hiring for fundamentals? Did you send a rec asking for semantic HTML, modern CSS, and progressive enhancement? Because I *guarantee* you they're out there. By the thousands. Some of the very best webdevs in the world are looking for work right now, and you could *easily* hire them.
How do I know? Because we opened a few recs this spring for Web Components and were *flooded* with *incredible* candidates.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
*"But our team knows React..."*
THAT IS NOT A THING. They don't know "React", they're on a continual treadmill[1] of React sub-variants, bundler configuration micro-languages, and one-off plugin amalgamations.
And if your website is a toy, why would you let that nonsense anywhere *near* the door when simpler, cheaper options have always existed?
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
The bartender said, "What's wrong?"
The moebius strip replied, "Where do I even BEGIN?"
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
And dear *effing* lord, do *NOT* let React anywhere near your codebase in 2024. At least make new mistakes.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
PMs/EMs: I'm *begging* you to stop needing my services. I do *not* want to hear from your team! They're probably lovely, but your website drowning in JavaScript isn't, like, a novel challenge. I've seen *dozens* of identical patients, and it's alternatively boring and heartbreaking.
So, please, keep yourself from ending up in the long line of folks I have to check in on regularly who are *still* digging out from JS disasters. Don't add yours to the list of low-velocity orgs, mired in script.
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
jalcine@todon.eu ("Jacky (is looking for work)") wrote:
If you're a worker in the tech industry and can be in San Francisco in October, come join us with a joint conference held by Tech Workers Coalition and Collective Action in Tech!
It'll be a great time to see examples of what democracy looks like in practice!
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
Over-engineer should be a job title.
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
Man it feels good to realize I have no personal or professional projects in Docusaurus anymore and I can just leave that Discord server.
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
I just asked Copilot to convert six CSS properties to their equivalent Tailwind classes.
It only got two right.
That's a failure rate of ~67%. On a task with extremely simple success criteria.
Idk, man. I don't think this thing's all it's cracked up to be.
Nice, only took two hours to get merged, so this will be an option starting with Plasma 6.2!
Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:
Portfolio updated with 4 new photo series. Some of the photos I have or will post here, but there you can see them in context. #BelieveInFilm
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
Whoever it was at the Harris campaign that picked a chronically online young person and said "give them the passwords and let them go nuts" is a genius.
Reblogged by xor@tech.intersects.art ("Parker Higgins"):
SutroTower@sfba.social ("Sutro Tower :sutro:") wrote:
My name is Sutro Tower and I'm your favorite landmark's favorite landmark
Reblogged by collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth"):
DivineKestrel@chaosfem.tw ("Eldritch Cumslut of Cthulhu") wrote:
"…The concept of a normal, empathetic, passably happy heterosexual white man who is not constantly afraid and angry and arguing with everyone around him simply does not compute."
I didn't like the window outlines in Plasma's desktop pager, so here's a proposal to make them optional:
Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:
Inside a very old pub... (cont.)
📷 Pentax KX
🎞️ Ilford Delta 400
🔭 Pentax M 50mm/1.7
⚗️ Come Through Lab#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #BlackAndWhitePhotography #BlackAndWhite #MonochromePhotography #35mm #Manchester
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
A few quick things.
andreu@andreubotella.com ("Andreu Botella") wrote:
Today I was asked by a friend about the work I'm doing in specifying the AsyncContext stage 2 JS proposal.
I described it as something that will only be useful for incredibly specialized libraries, and that the typical developer won't give a fuck about. And my job lately is to make sure they don't have to give a fuck about it.
Which is way harder than it sounds.
rmrenner ("The Old Gay Gristle Fest") wrote:
It's funny how much more generic "Labyrinth of the Demon King" sounds in Japanese.
My Japanese isn't good enough to judge the subjective impression that a phrase makes with 100% accuracy, but maou and meikyuu are both very common words in video game titles
Reblogged by rmrenner ("The Old Gay Gristle Fest"):
riley@fiera.social ("Riley") wrote:
This is insanely good. Anime girl becomes self aware and uses Blender.
Source: https://twitter.com/kensyouen_Y/status/1820748563338637581
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
SmudgeTheInsultCat@mas.to ("Smudge The Insult Cat 🐀") wrote:
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
anna_lillith@mas.to ("anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖") wrote:
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
The_Icarian@federated.press ("The Icarian") wrote:
DonOld's ghostwriter Tim O'Brien understands him best: "Inside his mind, there's a putter, a cheeseburger, someone else's credit card, and a porn video. And the rest of it is just an empty space where he's trying to figure out how to occupy center stage."
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
stux@mstdn.social ("stux⚡") wrote:
Like my little boii here it’s time to get some sleep :nkoSleep: :stux: :sleep:
Goodnight my dear friends :mastodon: :fediverse: :ablobcatheartsqueeze: :blobcathearts: :blobcathugyou:
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
gtconway3@threads.net ("George Conway") wrote:
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
charges: murder 2nd degree, attempted murder 2nd degree, assault, illegal firearm, deadly weapon
Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"):
aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place wrote:
petition to rename "width" to "widgth" for monospace consistency with "height" and "length"
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
thanks for being so encouraging @CARROT
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
davidgerard@circumstances.run ("David Gerard") wrote:
Humane Ai Pin returns are now outpacing sales
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
Doesn't Tim realize that you're supposed to treat women's sanitary needs with shame and disgust? Chaya Raichik does!
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
Just to spell this out explicitly: when your platform falls below 10%, you're not getting invited to dinner, you're *what's* for dinner.
Fixing capabilities and perf are the worthy causes for browser vendors that want the web to matter, but they got nerdsniped by Apple's privacy kayfabe.
But Apple also put its thumbs on the scale re: features, and webdevs seem happy to live in the wealth bubble while their futures are being quietly smothered.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
Meanwhile on desktop, where browser choice is alive and well and CPUs can more regularly handle the nonsense that Vercel spews out, time spent in browsers is *far* north of 50%, and growing.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
I've been warning for years[1] that a web that sucks to use and isn't capable enough is one that loses. The data is unequivocal: between Apple's suppression of the web as a reengagement channel and Reactors making the web feel like tapping through molasses on most phones, we're losing. Badly.
Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"):
thewritertype@mastodonapp.uk ("Paul Bassett Davies") wrote:
Please note: the civil war in the UK has been cancelled owing to a massive display of human decency on one side and the other side not showing up.
Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"):
evilpie@hachyderm.io ("Tom Schuster") wrote:
Firefox Sidebar and Vertical tabs: try them out in Nightly Firefox Labs 131
xor@tech.intersects.art ("Parker Higgins") wrote:
this was by the way a tinyletter newsletter! not some fly-by-night operation! they're all broken!
xor@tech.intersects.art ("Parker Higgins") wrote:
great system!
xor@tech.intersects.art ("Parker Higgins") wrote:
a very old newsletter in my email archive piqued my curiosity and i tried clicking a link, only to realize that the delivery service no longer exists and thus every link is wrapped in a redirect that was once privacy-invasive and is now just totally broken
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
alexwild@mastodon.online ("Alex Wild") wrote:
A narrow-waisted Mischocyttarus paper wasp nest, showing the foundress female and brood of different stages. I’ve never had any trouble approaching small wasp nests like this, they’re quite timid. Colombia.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
- "Jerome Robert Corsi (born August 31, 1946) is an American conspiracy theorist and author.[who never served] ... attributed Corsi's shifting stories to a poor memory and his well-established habit of picking "truthful facts woven in a way that you don't have to worry about the things that are inconsistent". Corsi quotes himself as telling investigators: "Sometimes I can't tell if I remembered or invented"."
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
who is running Trump's campaign?
- Christopher Joseph LaCivita (born 1966) is an American political consultant and partner in FP1 Strategies, a national public-affairs and campaign firm. He is a senior advisor to Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign.
LaCivita was a media advisor for the Swift Boat Veterans, an independent-expenditure group credited with a significant impact on the 2004 presidential election by lying about John Kerry's military record."
rust@social.rust-lang.org ("Rust Language") wrote:
Rust 1.80.1 has been released to fix two bugs that accidentally slipped into Rust 1.80.0: incorrect optimizations for NaN and -0.0 floating point values and false positives for the dead_code lint. 🐛🐞
See the announcement for details: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/08/08/Rust-1.80.1.html
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
It's International Female Orgasm Day. Shouldn't that be celebrated every day?
Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"):
MrCheeze@wetdry.world ("MrCheeze :retro:") wrote:
@Gankra On a related note, you might be amused to know:
The line `char.grit.gotoAndStop(char.grit.currentFrame+(1-char.grit.currentFrame)/6);` has a specific bug that led us to some emulation fixes in Ruffle. That line results in attempting to call gotoAndStop(62.666666666666664) and similar decimal values, which flash - for some reason - interprets as a STRING, looking for a labelled frame named "62.666666666666664". Nowadays going to an nonexistent label just throws an error, but in janky swfs from 2009 it instead silently goes to frame 1.
The result in flash was that the grit vial empties instantly instead of interpolating it for a few frames. The result in Ruffle is that the game locked up, until we figured out that old SWF versions had different behaviour and how to emulate it.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
wasted 9 days on a jury, because two of us admitted to doing outside research during the deliberations despite the repeated warnings by the Judge *not* to do just that. now we have a mistrial, due to ‘Juror misconduct’.
I’m kinda pissed off at this point…
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
Next.js? More like Swing.js, amirite?
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
It clicked for me this morning: the thing that sucks about frontend's lost decade's and the obsession with remaking every blog and marketing microsite "an SPA" (dragging MBs of JS in tow) is the same thing that sucked about Java Applets.
You can promise "richness" and "app-like UI" all day, but if the experience sucks in point of fact, then you're just gonna nerf your own ecosystem's potential.
The shame of the JS-industrial-complex is that the ecosystem they're doing it to is the web.
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
owa ("Open Web Advocacy") wrote:
Breaking 🚨: UK regulator considering significant remedies inc #AppleBrowserBan, Choice Screens, Defaults, Hotseat, and In-App Browsers!
Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:
Inside a very old pub...
📷 Pentax KX
🎞️ Ilford Delta 400
🔭 Pentax M 50mm/1.7
⚗️ Come Through Lab#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #BlackAndWhitePhotography #BlackAndWhite #MonochromePhotography #35mm #Manchester
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
“Vance’s firm, Narya Capital, is one of the top 10 investors in the video platform Rumble, and reportedly its initial purchase of 7m shares in 2022 gave it a seat on the board. According to his disclosure statement, Vance has invested a total of between $115,000 and $200,000 in the company.
… Rumble came to prominence as a haven for rightwing and conspiracy-minded users during 2020, when more mainstream platforms were cracking down on those promoting falsehoods…”
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
“A groundbreaking University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), study last year found 90% of the unhoused population was living in California before they fell into homelessness; nearly half of unhoused adults were age 50 and over; and many older residents were experiencing homelessness for the first time due to high housing costs.”
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
You know, all of us weirdos will lose the right to vote or run for office if the Republicans win. They're planning it right now. They've been dreaming of this for decades.
You can now exercise greater control over your Deno Deploy spend with our new spend limits. Here’s how they work.
Reblogged by rmrenner ("The Old Gay Gristle Fest"):
mythologybot@botsin.space ("MythologyBot") wrote:
Golden cock
in earth-tree.
Reblogged by rmrenner ("The Old Gay Gristle Fest"):
computerchroniclesbot@botsin.space ("ComputerChroniclesScreens") wrote:
Approximate Frame #165 from The Computer Chronicles - Windows Enhancements - Software 1992-93qjf290Mfw
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
adamgreenfield@social.coop ("Adam Greenfield") wrote:
#Portland! This here’s your reminder of our Lifehouse event at Powell’s tomorrow night at 7! For this event I’ll be joined by representatives of Portland Street Medicine and the People’s Store, talking a little bit about #mutualaid – what it is, how it works, why we do it – and I’ll tie that back into the unfolding reality of #climate system collapse. I hope to see you there. https://everout.com/portland/events/adam-greenfield/e182533/
The Rust team has published a new point release of Rust, 1.80.1. Rust is a programming language that is empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, getting Rust 1.80.1 is as easy as:
rustup update stable
If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website.
Rust 1.80.1 fixes two regressions that were recently reported.
In addition to the existing optimizations performed by LLVM, rustc is growing its own set of optimizations. Rust 1.78.0 added a new one, implementing "jump threading" (merging together two adjacent branches that perform the same comparison).
The optimization was also enabled on branches checking for floating point equality, but it didn't implement the special rules needed for floats comparison (NaN != NaN
and 0.0 == -0.0
). This caused the optimization to miscompile code performing those checks.
Rust 1.80.1 addresses the problem by preventing the optimization from being applied to float comparisons, while retaining the optimization on other supported types.
lintRust 1.80.0 contained refactorings to the dead_code
lint. We received multiple reports that the new lint implementation produces false positives, so we are reverting the changes in Rust 1.80.1. We'll continue to experiment on how to improve the accuracy of dead_code
in future releases.
Many people came together to create Rust 1.80.1. We couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks!
Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"):
tenzochris ("Chris @ 🦣") wrote:
The advent of LLMs masquerading as artificial intelligence has made the notion of an absurdly powerful computer, constructed at great expense, and given unseemly resources to answer a meaningful question, only to return the answer “42”, feel more and more prophetic.
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
ieure@retro.social ("past oral no mad") wrote:
I'm a polite guy prone to extended conversational digressions. A tangentleman, if you will
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
KeithDJohnson@sfba.social ("Keith D Johnson for Kamala") wrote:
On the UK riots, Joan Westenberg suggests: "Think about it this way: if someone broke into your house & started smashing your belongings, you wouldn't describe them as an "interior design critic." You'd call them what they are: a criminal. So why the fuck are we bending over backwards to find polite terms for people who are, quite literally, advocating for the destruction of entire communities?
When we use euphemisms like "protestor" to describe rioting, rabid, dogshit neo-Nazis, we're not just being inaccurate – we're actively contributing to the normalization of their ideology.
This tendency to soften our language when it comes to extremist ideologies isn't evenly applied. We don't hesitate to use harsh, condemnatory language when talking about other forms of violent extremism. We don't call ISIS members "religious freedom activists" or refer to cartel enforcers as "pharmaceutical distribution protestors." So why the kid gloves when it comes to neo-Nazis?"
Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:
I think this might be Steel Fell.
📷 Pentax 6x7
🎞️ Kodak Ektachrome 100
🔭 Super Takumar 105mm/2.4
⚗ Come Through Lab#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #MediumFormat #Cumbria #LakeDistrict #TheLakes
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
He thinks he's so irresistible.
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
Children of Republicans vs children of Democrats. This is enough information to make my choice.
Reblogged by collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth"):
AmandaMarcotte@mastodon.sdf.org ("Amanda Marcotte") wrote:
I was nuts enough to go both to the JD Vance event in South Philly and then to the Kamala Harris/Tim Walz rally later in the day.
It was like leaving a bitter divorced man meet-up and going straight to a Taylor Swift concert.
Enjoy the contrast!
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
The older I get, the more my heroes are just real people. Not necessarily people with impressive accomplishments or accolades; just folks who uncompromisingly refuse to try to be anyone other than who they truly are.
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
A lot of people seem to have a diminished sense of smell.
Reblogged by pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑"):
smeg@assortedflotsam.com wrote:
“Tim Walz is the dad an entire generation wish they had instead of the one they lost to Fox News”
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
@intransitivelie @DJDarren @TheBreadmonkey
Don't forget your pizza maths
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
sbisson ("Simon Bisson") wrote:
How come I decide to wrap up a piece at around 1K words and still end up with 1500? Every week.
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
fsf@hostux.social ("Free Software Foundation") wrote:
Read the inspiring story of how Eyüpsultan, Turkey switched to free software, gained independence from proprietary software, and saved money ($$$) in the process! If they did it in their city, your city can do it too! | Read more at: https://u.fsf.org/3m9
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
but of course
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
They're already in the center, Jonathan. You're just a biased idiot.
Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:
A little further up from Rothay Park.
📷 Pentax KX
🎞️ Fuji Superia X-tra 400
🔭 Pentax M 50mm/1.7
⚗️ Come Through Lab#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #35mm #TheLakes #LakeDistrict #Cumbria
Reblogged by collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth"):
studiochris@sfba.social ("Chris Price") wrote:
@collinsworth @Chris Free product idea: Scream Deck
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
akkartik@merveilles.town ("Kartik Agaram") wrote:
I'm probably late to this party, but it's great