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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

He was so real for this

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@PopCrave ("Pop Crave") wrote:

Alec Baldwin celebrates his last day of filming Rust:

“God, it felt good to shave off that beard…”

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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") retweeted:

@Srocket9 ("Srocket") replied to a tweet by @fakedansavage:

@fakedansavage Larry Boeberts husbear was sipping a Prosecco while polishing his come-fuck-me boots and was served with divorce papers. After weeping on the process server’s shoulder, he put on “And I Am Telling You” by Jennifer Holiday (not Hudson) and began to Lip Synch for His Life.

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@tomiahonen ("Tomi T Ahonen Not Selling Pardons for $2 Million") wrote:

CNN's Jake Tapper cc @jaketapper throws away his reputation too, in aftermath of disastrous Trump Town Hall. Tapper peddles ABSURD LIES about Durham Report. Shame on you Jake, you are better than this

Continue to
#BoycottCNN #BoycottJakeTapper #FireLicht

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@DavidCornDC ("David Corn") wrote:

Wow. @jaketapper, how does this report “exonerate” Trump? He has insisted there was no Russian attack in 2016. But there was. And he and his campaign aided and abetted that attack by denying it was happening. Nothing in the Durham report undermines those basic facts.

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") wrote:

"personal carbon footprint" was BP's idea. #theyrethedevil

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@annajanejoyner ("Anna Jane Joyner") wrote:

"I don't want to know what I can do to reduce my estimated 0.00000005 percent of the world's annual greenhouse gas emissions. I want to know what Big Oil is going to do to phase out the 73 percent of greenhouse gas emissions that they empower"

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@mr_modular ("Allen Nemo") retweeted:

@slack2thefuture ("David Slack") wrote:

If you steal my car and then chop it and put it together with parts from millions of other cars you’ve stolen to make a “new” “original” car, then guess what?

You still stole my fucking car.


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@funder ("Scott Dworkin") wrote:

BREAKING: Kevin McCarthy wants absurd work requirements that could result in over a million older adults losing food assistance.

Not only is McCarthy cutting care for Veterans in his garbage budget, he’s trying to take food off American’s tables!

This madness needs to end!…

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@MarkRuffalo ("Mark Ruffalo") wrote:

Go electric. It’s just better. And cheaper in the long run. Oh and…climate change.

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@weareyellowdot ("Yellow Dot Studios") wrote:

There's no rebate for getting f**cked up, but you can still save a sh*tton of money.


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@mr_modular ("Allen Nemo") retweeted:

@Joshstrangehill ("Josh Weinstein") wrote:

Whoa, this is turning into another Great Simpsons Joke Discussion/Debate a la "Ever see a guy say goodbye to a shoe?"

People are pointing out the letter "H" in Cyrillic is "N" so he's telling Homer to put it in neutral.

HOWEVER, to me, it's a purer, funnier joke that it's a…

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@Joshstrangehill ("Josh Weinstein") wrote:

This is one of my alltime favorite Simpsons quotes. It's just 4 words long but it's perfect for so many reasons. Plus, it comes in handy anytime you're using anything.

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@TheOnion ("The Onion") wrote:

Texas Teacher Wearing Gun On Lanyard

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@SteveRattner ("Steven Rattner") wrote:

Kevin McCarthy has said he wants to "lock in" and extend the 2017 Trump tax cuts, which are set to expire in 2025.

Extending those cuts would add a cumulative *$3.5 trillion* to the deficit through 2033, per new @USCBO estimates.

So much for fiscal responsibility.

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@CalltoActivism ("CALL TO ACTIVISM") wrote:

How about this?


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@Jim_Jordan ("Rep. Jim Jordan") wrote:

Has there ever been a bigger waste of money than the Mueller investigation?

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@Acyn wrote:

Crockett: I am so excited that my colleagues across the aisle care about sexual abuse considering the front runner has just been found liable for sexual abuse..


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@mehdirhasan ("Mehdi Hasan") wrote:

Musk here on Allen shooter: “It was incorrectly described to be a white supremacist action and the evidence for that was some obscure Russian website.”

Texas Police (last week!): “We do know that he had Neo-Nazi ideation. He had patches, he had tattoos.”

He can’t stop lying. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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@NikkiMcR ("nikki mccann ramírez") wrote:

Musk doubles down on his claims that there's no evidence the Allen, Texas mall shooter had white supremacist beliefs, and that @bellingcat "does psy-ops" professionally.


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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") wrote:

Okay, someone’s gay husband gets served divorce papers — what’s he doing, what’s he drinking, and what does he do next? Swap out these GOP masc cliches with gay ones.

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@RonFilipkowski ("Ron Filipkowski") wrote:

Boebert’s husband was cleaning a gun and drinking beer when served with divorce papers. He cursed at the process server then sent his dogs after him.

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@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") retweeted:

@nycDSA ("NYC-DSA 🌹") wrote:

We're proud to support @ZohranKMamdani as he introduces the #NotOnOurDime Act, making clear NY nonprofits shouldn't fund illegal Israeli settlements.

Join us to support this important legislation to end NY's complicity in violations of international law!

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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") retweeted:

@paganforge ("Happily Never After") replied to a tweet by @meakoopa:

@meakoopa Gods I wish I could be there for this. I fucking LOVE that movie. Grace Jones in Keith Haring body paint and some coils of wire. Sigh.

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@buildsghost ("Hot Jamie Kyle 🏳️‍🌈") wrote:

For some reason @smartling likes to just make up language codes instead of following standards

zh-YU (Chinese...Yugoslavia??) should be 'yue'

sr-YR (There is no such place as 'YR') should be 'sr' or 'sr-Cyrl'

Why is a translation management company making up languages?

Twitter Feed

@BarackObama ("Barack Obama") wrote:

I'm thrilled to share that our latest show from @HGMedia, 'Working: What We Do All Day', will be out on Netflix tomorrow. This show shares the powerful stories of everyday Americans and their relationship with work. I can’t wait for you to watch.

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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") retweeted:

@palabrajomo ("JoMo 🌻✊🏻✊🏼✊🏾") wrote:

The new Lovecast was great, @fakedansavage! It was cogent and only unintentionally hilarious here and there. Thanks for playing through an injury.
PS- If a podcast where the host is inebriated is a ‘drunkisode’, is one that involves painkillers an ‘opisode’?

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@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") wrote:

With extremist Republicans attacking abortion access and reproductive rights nationwide, there's so much at stake — and we are fighting back. Tune in now as I speak to the leaders of @emilyslist.

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@deno_land ("Deno") wrote:

Cross-platform glob support in deno.json is coming to Deno 1.34

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@BeeBabylon_ ("Bee Babylon 🌐") retweeted:

@annajanejoyner ("Anna Jane Joyner") wrote:

"I don't want to know what I can do to reduce my estimated 0.00000005 percent of the world's annual greenhouse gas emissions. I want to know what Big Oil is going to do to phase out the 73 percent of greenhouse gas emissions that they empower"

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@DarcyCarden ("D'Arcy Carden") retweeted:

@2STNYC ("Second Stage Theater") wrote:

@darcycarden spoke with @playbill about making her Broadway debut in #TheThanksgivingPlayBway and making her theater kid dreams come true! Read all about it:

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Your honor this is a case of mistaken identity

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@BBCWorld ("BBC News (World)") wrote:

Colorado driver tried to avoid DUI by switching seats with dog, police say

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@DarcyCarden ("D'Arcy Carden") retweeted:

@BrandonHoang_ ("Brandon Hoàng") wrote:

I would die for her

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@trixiemattel ("Trixie Mattel™") wrote:

Alexa play Covergirl by RuPaul. Thanks @LAmag and @magnushastings1

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@gaywonk ("Carlos Maza") wrote:

I am playing a warlock IRL.

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@ewarren ("Elizabeth Warren") wrote:

The last time Silicon Valley Bank’s CEO testified to the Senate Banking Committee, he was lobbying for looser regulations.

Today, he came back to talk about how his bank had failed—under weaker oversight.

I’m fighting to put strong protections in place and prevent more crashes.

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

i think this is cool. i want more elected officials who don't know where they are roaming around the capitol

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@kenklippenstein ("Ken Klippenstein") wrote:

Feinstein doesn’t remember being away from the Capitol, per Slate

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@Maryxus ("Maryxus Maddly") retweeted:

@JoshuaPHilll ("Stop Cop City") wrote:

As if he wasn’t already a slimey enough piece of shit, the owner of this app is now sprinting towards antisemitism as well.