Twitter Feed: Posts

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@timminchin ("Tim Minchin") wrote:



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@oldvictheatre ("The Old Vic") wrote:

'He's done Broadway, I've lived in Ealing'

Your last teaser from the #OVGroundhogDay rehearsal room before performances start this Saturday


Twitter Feed

@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") wrote:


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@mehdirhasan ("Mehdi Hasan") wrote:

“Licht said he wished that after the town hall he’d had the network anchors focus on the news Trump made, such as his claim that he would settle Russia’s war with Ukraine within 24 hours”

Imagine thinking this laughably insane claim from Trump was ‘news’.

Twitter Feed

@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@timjhogan ("Tim Hogan") wrote:

oh my god why did no one tell me this is what the video looks like


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@EmbryEthan ("Ethan Embry") wrote:

Manuel Terán was executed by Georgia state police, shot more than two dozen times while sitting on the ground protesting Cop City, so the opposite of what she’s claiming.

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@Acyn wrote:

Greene: They actually murdered someone. Oh you don’t know because you don’t study left-wing extremism. There was a 26 year old activist, Manuel Terán, shot and killed Georgia State Trooper


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@mmfa ("Media Matters") wrote:

There now appears to be an increasing frequency of calls from conservative media for their enemies to be put to death

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@tedlieu ("Ted Lieu") wrote:

Dear @elonmusk: I’m genuinely curious where you get your information from. A @RollingStone reporter reviewed the FBI bulletin on the mass shooter in Allen, TX. The FBI analyses revealed hundreds of neo-Nazi and white supremacist postings by the shooter.

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@NikkiMcR ("nikki mccann ramírez") wrote:

Musk doubles down on his claims that there's no evidence the Allen, Texas mall shooter had white supremacist beliefs, and that @bellingcat "does psy-ops" professionally.


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@bcantrill ("Bryan Cantrill") retweeted:

@ahl ("Adam Leventhal") wrote:

On Monday, @bcantrill and I were joined by Jonathan and Jignesh from @SamtecInc, the first episode in our "Building Together" series discussing our partners in building the Oxide Rack; check out the recording

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I can’t express how much this did not work

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Let's get me to over 10,000 followers, surely that will cure my depression

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

He was such a sweet baby boy

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

People seem to think I have a platform. I have sub 10k followers on Twitter and I help manage a niche meme page. No one gives a fuck what I think. Not to mention, most of my big tweets are either jokes or things that just resonate with people. You're really mistaking my clout

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I’m a con head

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@BITCHIARATl ("female kendall roy") wrote:

remember when alan ruck called elon musk a fascist


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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") wrote:

ok but i need some of the books under there…

Twitter Feed

@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") wrote:

John the Baptist to an increasingly horny Salome:

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@joker_misato ("troy") wrote:

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

is it true that there are gay people on here

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

linkedin called me an op

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

He likes to cuddle with his little lamb chop doll

Twitter Feed

@DaveHolmes ("Dave Holmes") wrote:

If you look at twitter on safari on your phone, there is a banner for twitter spaces, and this is the one they’re bannering right now. COOL STUFF NEAT STUFF

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") replied to a tweet by @LolOverruled:

People of the jury… would your best friend drive you home if you drank too much? Why not man’s best friend?

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Judge there’s nothing in the Constitution that says a dog can’t drive a car

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@BBCWorld ("BBC News (World)") wrote:

Colorado driver tried to avoid DUI by switching seats with dog, police say

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@alicegoldfuss ("bletchley punk") wrote:

*3 weeks ago*
Castle is a dumb show

Ryan is my perfect little meow meow and I will shield him from all harm

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

He’s at a level of divorced never before witnessed

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@EoinHiggins_ ("Eoin Higgins") wrote:

The strongest commitment to disaster posting I’ve ever seen, and from the world’s worst poster


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@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") wrote:

"It's not about the leadership at the top—it's about the rank and file willingness to fight from below that will win us the contracts that we deserve."—Brandon Mancilla, @UAW Region 9A Director.

Sign the #StrikeReady pledge here:


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@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") wrote:

A year after the Dobbs decision was leaked, it's clear that extremist so-called leaders—as part of their national agenda—want a nationwide abortion ban.

We're not having that.

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@buildsghost ("Hot Jamie Kyle 🏳️‍🌈") retweeted:

@WalkBikeBerk ("Walk Bike Berkeley") wrote:

This is a disgrace.

We appreciated Farid’s principled, steady hand & respected his desire to compromise to serve everyone. He’s been critical in moving #BerkDOT forward.

We’re enraged that @CityofBerkeley investigated whether staff were “biased in favor of bikes.”🧵

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@berkeleyside wrote:

Berkeley’s top transportation official is out of his job

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@alicegoldfuss ("bletchley punk") wrote:

ME: this fancy magazine will definitely reject me
FANCY MAGAZINE: *rejects me*
ME: what

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") replied to a tweet by @LolOverruled:

I suck in my own ways not saying I’m so great or anything like that. Also I’m probably just autistic

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I mean this sincerely I am so not a petty person that when people do petty things I get confused and it takes me a while to even realize they’re being petty

Twitter Feed

@DaveHolmes ("Dave Holmes") wrote:


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@ben_rosen ("Ben Rosen") wrote:

pronouncing the wga and the dga like theyre wu tang members

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@Oatmeal ("The Oatmeal") wrote:

Tomorrow is the last day of A Little Wordy and then the game will disappear. I want to thank you all for playing. 🖤

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Dude broke his own brain

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@Esqueer_ ("Alejandra Caraballo") wrote:

Elon Musk is doubling down and continuing to spread conspiracy theories that the Allen, Texas shooter was not a neo-nazi and that it is a "psy-op."


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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") wrote:

jacob plays a dangerous game with a tub full of water…