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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

babe you’re in luck

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@ultravomit ("Instant Hobo 🏳️‍⚧️ ☭") replied to a tweet by @LolOverruled:

@LolOverruled @blowbackpod Can you please be a guest on @TheDeprogramPod ??!

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@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") wrote:

In states across our nation, extremist so-called leaders have proposed and passed laws that ban abortion.


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@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") retweeted:

@organizeworkers ("Emergency Workplace Organizing") wrote:

NEW: Welcome to Unionizing 101!

Today we’re talking union eligibility – who’s in and who’s out:


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@TracketPacer wrote:

the US continues to roll back reproductive health rights. if this scares u but u feel powerless to do anything about it other than vote, donating money to orgs like WHW below goes a VERY LONG WAY. we shouldn’t have to, but it is something very helpful u can do about it right now.

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@WomenHelpOrg ("You can have an abortion safely at home 💊") wrote:

Abortion can be managed safely at home.

#prochoice #abortion #abortionwithpills #selfmanagedabortion #DIYabortion

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@TracketPacer retweeted:

@WomenHelpOrg ("You can have an abortion safely at home 💊") wrote:

Sometimes only #misoprostol is available - abortion can still be managed safely at home. Find out more at

#abortion #DIYabortion #abortionpills #mifepristone #prochoice

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@mr_modular ("Allen Nemo") retweeted:

@TheOnion ("The Onion") wrote:

Trans Teen Hatches Nefarious Plot To Undergo Years Of Medical Treatments And Counseling To Win At Swimming

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@mr_modular ("Allen Nemo") retweeted:

@prplexi ("purple") wrote:

my toxic trait is that i don't know how to ask for help, i just disappear and come back when i'm feeling better

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@mr_modular ("Allen Nemo") retweeted:

@RobDenBleyker ("Rob DenBleyker") wrote:

don't read the replies if you want to be happy today.

do read the replies if you want to understand why the "blue checkmarks at the top of the replies" policy is going to drive this platform into the ground.

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@StopAntisemites ("StopAntisemitism") wrote:

UCSD - feces swastikas were found in a residential dorm bathroom.

We have no words for this vile hate @UCSanDiego


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@Oatmeal ("The Oatmeal") wrote:

A Little Wordy #31. This is the last one. Thanks everyone for playing. It's been tons of fun. If you enjoyed this, check out the card game version.

Hugs and smooches

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") retweeted:

@RAPPcampaign ("Release Aging People in Prison Campaign") wrote:

BREAKING: A majority of NY Senators have signed onto Elder Parole! The bill would allow incarcerated older people who’ve served 15+ years a chance for release on a case-by-case basis. It’s time to pass this bill to reunite families and promote safety.

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@schneierblog ("Schneier Blog") wrote:

Microsoft Secure Boot Bug

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@bdurette ("Brandon DuRette") retweeted:

@polevaultweb ("Iain Poulson") wrote:

The ACF Annual Survey closes this Friday. If you're an ACF developer and haven't already taken the survey, we'd love to hear from you.

#WordPress #ACF #webdev

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@ewarren ("Elizabeth Warren") wrote:

In 2019, a government watchdog found the Pentagon’s 14 largest contractors had hired 1,700 former senior Pentagon officials. That’s an entire small town—and the vast majority came from jobs managing contracts.

Let’s slap a padlock on this revolving door.

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I maintain that @blowbackpod is one of the best, most thoroughly researched, and interesting pods out there. I’m not just saying this because I want to get a beer with the dudes who run the show but if that happens who is to stop them

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") retweeted:

@lucachuca7 ("Luca") replied to a tweet by @LolOverruled:

@LolOverruled The poster’s dilemma. Hoping that more followers will fix you but also realizing that’s the reason you’re so good at posting

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@olensmar ("Ole Lensmar") retweeted:

@birthmarkbart ("Bart Farrell") wrote:

El 8 de junio a las 18:00 estaré en Bilbao con más de 5 ponentes en la primera edición de CNCF Bilbao!

Prometheus, policies, optimización de costes, autoscaling, punk rock, galletas caseras.
Nos vemos!

@monokle_io @kedaorg @ardiluzu @TechTalkingMom

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

200,000. 200,000 followers will surely cure my depression. I feel very confident

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Let's get me to over 10,000 followers, surely that will cure my depression

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@telegram ("Telegram Messenger") replied to a tweet by @telegram:

To clarify: malware with root access is a 'game over' scenario for apps. **If** your computer is compromised, you have a lot more to worry about. This issue is the same as saying: "If someone steals your wallet, they will also see the family photos you keep there".

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@telegram ("Telegram Messenger") wrote:

Telegram is available in over 25 official languages – with dozens more community translation packs available from 🌍 #TelegramTips


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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Promises made promises kept

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Fund the Bees

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@ABC7 ("ABC7 Eyewitness News") wrote:

An LAPD volunteer officer was stung dozens of times and lost his footing as he was assisting with the response to a bee swarm in Encino

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") retweeted:

@KingOfAllGayPpl ("jesse") wrote:

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@milftwat ("bris tucker") wrote:

i love canned fish bro i love stinky ass food

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@gaywonk ("Carlos Maza") retweeted:

@davidminpdx ("David Menschel") wrote:

Is there ever any repercussion for reporters who get things wildly wrong?

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@washingtonpost ("The Washington Post") wrote:

Elon Musk, who has overseen a rise in antisemitism and other hate speech on Twitter, made a series of attacks on George Soros, tweeting the Jewish-born investor and liberal philanthropist hates humanity and “wants to erode the very fabric of civilization.”

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@zilmer ("Priidu Zilmer") wrote:

As an early startup, you should almost never bother with a fancy marketing website. A well-written and often-updated changelog kind of a “thing” makes way more sense.

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@zilmer ("Priidu Zilmer") wrote:

Back in the day, the tools for digital designing were not as powerful as the dtp ones, say, Illustrator. These days going back to a print design software you’ll realize how painful they all are without Auto Layout. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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@gcouprie ("Geoffroy Couprie") replied to a tweet by @gcouprie:

If the table people had their way, we would still write entire web pages with

If the tree people had their way, we would only use LDAP for databases

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@timminchin ("Tim Minchin") replied to a tweet by @timminchin:

This version of "Night Will Come" sung by the beautiful John Sanders. It is worth the ticket price alone (in my warped opinion) to see the equally beautiful Andrew Langtree sing it in this London return.


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@timminchin ("Tim Minchin") wrote:

I have learned the hard way that people aren't particularly interested in endless positive quotes about a musical. 😂 BUT if it just tips a couple of dozen people over the line, it's worth it.



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@gcouprie ("Geoffroy Couprie") wrote:

It's sad that we spent so much time on tabs VS spaces and object VS functional while the real tech debate should have been between the tree people and the table people.

Do you like your files/data structures/UI/infra organized as trees or tables?

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@Maryxus ("Maryxus Maddly") retweeted:

@UnlearnEcon ("Unlearning Economics") wrote:

It's funny when conservatives say stuff like "we want to conserve the things that made us great" and you're like "oh do you mean nice buildings and democracy?" and they're like "no we want to ban gay marriage and give police tanks"