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@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") retweeted:

@VP ("Vice President Kamala Harris") wrote:

69 years ago today, the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education that rejected the unjust principle of “separate but equal.”

Today, it is our sacred duty to carry on that legacy and commit ourselves to fighting racial injustice in every form.

Twitter Feed

@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") wrote:


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@ianxcarlos ("Ian Carlos") wrote:

As I was throwing this list together I text @meakoopa to tell him that when you search James Marsden on Twitter, a LOT of the tweets that pop up are from him lol

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") retweeted:

@hasanthehun ("hasanabi") wrote:

on sunday we’re going to raise funds, debate abolition and play cop simulator games w public defender, tiktok heartthrob @LolOverruled

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Going on Hasan’s stream on Sunday and I want chat to know if you bully me, this is who you are bullying

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@gaywonk ("Carlos Maza") retweeted:

@oneunderscore__ ("Ben Collins") wrote:

A list of things Elon Musk has called "morally wrong" in the last year:

— Working from home

— Using the word "billionaire" as a pejorative

— Banning Donald Trump from Twitter

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@rantasmo retweeted:

@BillCorbett ("Bill Corbett") wrote:

There was a bee-involved stinging

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@ABC7 ("ABC7 Eyewitness News") wrote:

An LAPD volunteer officer was stung dozens of times and lost his footing as he was assisting with the response to a bee swarm in Encino

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@bluegal ("Frances Langum") wrote:


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") wrote:

This should be fine. I built my house out of medical waste

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@highbrow_nobrow ("The Intellectualist") wrote:

🚨Florida Republicans have sent a bill to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) that would allow the use of radioactive waste in road construction across Florida. @WFTV

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@BarackObama ("Barack Obama") replied to a tweet by @BarackObama:

I enjoyed meeting these folks and hearing their stories about work. Take a look at this preview, and watch Working: What We Do All Day now on Netflix.


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@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") wrote:

Four years ago, DSA members started a longshot climate campaign in New York.

This month, they passed the biggest #GreenNewDeal program in US history.

That's the kind of power socialist organizing can build. On Sunday, learn how you can build it too.


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@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") wrote:

Congressional Republicans want to cut funding for Medicare and Social Security.

President @JoeBiden and I are committed to protecting these essential programs.

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@Imposter_Edits ("🥀_Imposter_🥀") wrote:

🧵NPR has come out with an article debunking the claims of police across the country overdosing on fentanyl.
I decided to put together a thread of their greatest hits.

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Going on Hasan’s stream on Sunday and I want chat to know if you bully me, this is who you are bullying

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") retweeted:

@ch1w33th3d0g ("Qanon Latifah") wrote:

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@acheronix wrote:

what is the male equivalent of a sundress? does it exist?

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@AOC ("Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez") retweeted:

@EricLevitz ("Eric Levitz") wrote:

The sole reason why the GOP is able to demand one-way concessions in debt-ceiling negotiations is that it is plausibly willing to sabotage the country. That should be a scandal for the party, yet much of the press treats it as perfectly normal.

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@allinwithchris ("All In with Chris Hayes") wrote:

"This thing is even worse than it sounds," says @ewarren on the Republican push for Medicaid work requirements.

“They’re about loading a whole lot more red tape into the system—It could cause a lot of pain to a lot of people who are doing their best.”


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@ShannonFreshour ("Shannon in Ohio 4") wrote:

"$2 gas," code for be openly and freely, racist, misogynistic, and finally end the pro-American democracy mask he's had to wear..

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@atrupar ("Aaron Rupar") replied to a tweet by @atrupar:

Mike Lee says "he'd take a few mean tweets" from Trump "any day" in order to "have $2 gas again"


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@TeaPainUSA ("Tea Pain") wrote:

How is this guy still on DeJob?

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@justinbaragona ("Justin Baragona") wrote:

The current FBI director was appointed by Trump.

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@MattGertz ("Matthew Gertz") wrote:

Fox host Jesse Watters on what Republicans should do with the FBI: "They need to appoint a loyalist as FBI director... or some guy you have so much dirt on that he wouldn't try anything."


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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") wrote:

VAMP is CAMP - and it's 60% SOLD OUT!!!!!!! grab your tickets while they last for May 27th at the @RevueCinema !!


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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") wrote:

On May 27th: two idiot frat boys looking to hire a stripper disturb the lair of vampire queen Grace Jones (!!!!) in costuming by Keith Haring (!!!)

Don't miss VAMP (1984) at the @RevueCinema - with spectacular live performance by @Ms_daintysmith (!!!!!!)


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@chrislhayes ("Chris Hayes") wrote:

Let’s talk, @RepGosar !

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@allinwithchris ("All In with Chris Hayes") wrote:

.@chrislhayes on Congressman Paul Gosar: "He is invited to come on this show and explain to me, to all of you, to everyone why this member of his staff—an apparent supporter of a prominent white nationalist—is currently receiving a government salary."


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@ShannonFreshour ("Shannon in Ohio 4") wrote:

Fun Fact: two separate juries who actually heard the evidence said, "no crime, no time"

Funner Fact: a US Congressman is advocating to, "lock 'em up" also knows there weren't crimes committed. He's asking to find some laws to punish opponents

Funniest Fact: that's fascist

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@DanCrenshawTX ("Dan Crenshaw") wrote:

I’ve never been a reactive “lock ‘em up” type. But this Durham report is a lock ‘em up moment. We should be looking for statutes that apply to these egregious violations of public trust. If they don’t exist, it’s time we create them so it never happens again.

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") wrote:

If only they could dance then they could get laid and none of this would be happening

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@votevets wrote:

It's like watching Bambi learn to walk.

That said, extremism is no joke. As Veterans, we understand firsthand the dangers of extremism. It undermines the principles we fought to defend and threatens the unity of our nation while putting lives at risk.


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@RBReich ("Robert Reich") wrote:

MAGA radicals will only support a debt ceiling increase if President Biden meets their demands for drastic cuts to health care, education, veterans benefits, and more.

If the GOP wants to play games, Biden needs to play hardball.


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@chrislhayes ("Chris Hayes") wrote:

Again, what makes all of this so maddening is that none of it is about debt, or deficits or even spending or size of government or anything that Republicans say it is.

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@MarcGoldwein ("Marc Goldwein") wrote:

🚨HOLY MOLY🚨 Extending the 2017 tax cuts (TCJA) would add almost $𝟯.𝟱 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻 to the debt.

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@DSA_SanDiego ("DSA San Diego 🌴☀️") wrote:

May Labor Book Club round 2 this Thursday at 6:00PM at the Living Room Cafe. We're discussing the back half of Jane McAlevey's No Shortcuts! Haven't read it? No worries! This is an open discussion on the book material and its application to your work life. See you there!

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@erichdongubler ("Erich Gubler") retweeted:

@FirefoxDevTools ("Firefox DevTools") wrote:

📢 We're excited to share our new Firefox Developer Experience blog:

We’ll share our latest developments, insights, and best practices for web development, browser automation, and cross-browser testing

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@HillaryClinton ("Hillary Clinton") wrote:

We cannot allow MAGA Republicans to tank our economy.

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@RBReich ("Robert Reich") wrote:

The GOP’s debt ceiling plan would mean:

-A reduction of up to 108K teachers and aides

-200K children kicked off Head Start

-Meals on Wheels taken away from 1 million seniors

-7K fewer rail safety inspection days next year alone

It's just ruthless — plain and simple.

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") retweeted:

@Srirachachau ("Mr. Chau") wrote:

Depp looking more and more like the fake Johnny Depp in the Tim and Eric movie

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@TracketPacer retweeted:

@John_Capobianco ("John Capobianco") replied to a tweet by @TracketPacer:

@TracketPacer Here is open source code that helps transform per-state policy into easier to consume formats from the API data

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Today is a big day for guys named Ian