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@alicegoldfuss ("bletchley punk") replied to a tweet by @alicegoldfuss:

contemplated sending a slack message that was like "I'm trying I'm trying I spent 5 hours mapping the intricacies of this specific testing harness I'm trying I'M TRYING"

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@DanaSan68018976 ("Dana 🌊") wrote:

with quote tweet:

@ericgarland ("Eric Garland") wrote:



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@alicegoldfuss ("bletchley punk") replied to a tweet by @alicegoldfuss:

pushed a commit with the message "made it worse"

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@captdope ("colton funn") wrote:

#Superstore hit the line today. The Barham Gate @universaltv was our exterior set of Cloud 9 for over 100 episodes. All streaming on @peacock and @netflixuk @netflixca and all other netflixes around the world. Guess how much we get?#wgastrong #faircontract #writersstrike


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@RonFilipkowski ("Ron Filipkowski") wrote:

Republican City Council member Matthew Reilly of Cranston, RI was arrested after he was found behind the wheel passed out holding a crack pipe with crack and fentanyl in the car.


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@JoeBiden ("Joe Biden") wrote:

That’s about as clear as it gets. Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are responsible for killing Roe v. Wade. And if you vote for them, they’ll go even further.

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@alicegoldfuss ("bletchley punk") wrote:

debugging test failures that feel like I was swallowed by a giant and need to stab my way out

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@allinwithchris ("All In with Chris Hayes") wrote:

.@chrislhayes: Why did North Carolina State Rep. Tricia Cotham change her position on abortion so radically in just five months?

She owes that explanation to the voters who elected a pro-choice Democrat who just put a 12-week abortion ban on the books.


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@mehdirhasan ("Mehdi Hasan") wrote:

If a Democratic member of Congress, especially a Squad member, did this to a conservative protester it would run on a loop on Fox for days on end.

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@kristyfoglePAC ("Kristy Fogle PA-C") wrote:

@RepClayHiggins pushing an activist for asking tough questions is supposed to be normal?


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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") replied to a tweet by @LolOverruled:

Its* LOL. Good thing that’s not tattooed on me

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I was worried I would think this is corny. It may very well be the case that every tattoo is corny in it’s own way. Still, it’s beautiful to feel something so deeply in a moment that you attach yourself to it until your expiration date

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Re-reading Slaughterhouse-Five for the first time in several years. It’s my favorite book, and it was also my friend who passed’s favorite book. That made this part a little too much to bear yesterday. I think it’s one of the most beautiful books ever written

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

God damn it

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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") wrote:

so if, say, Angel from Buffy is putting on a coat, at what point in the reflection of your front hall mirror does his coat become invisible?

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@trixiemattel ("Trixie Mattel™") wrote:


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@GSVarley ("Greg Varley") wrote:

This turned out to be one of my favorite photos from the @trixiemotel

Looking out towards the pool from our room door


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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

There has never been more spam on here holy shit

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

“No one enters violence for the first time by committing it.” Think about this so often

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

They can’t hear you 😈

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@mariokrtloser ("Joel Warsing") replied to a tweet by @LMAOsustained:

@LMAOsustained @LolOverruled Guys stop bullying him!! It’s a kink he’s enjoying it!!!

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I’m also here and post lots of stuff of my cats if you like that kind of thing

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@alicegoldfuss ("bletchley punk") retweeted:

@ziibiing ("ashley fairbanks") wrote:

It's so dope when you're joining a meeting remotely that has an in-person lunch and they order you lunch delivery. I've had it happen like 4 times now, and it's such a thoughtful way to include remote people.

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Good god tore him limb from limb


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@RachelAppel ("Rachel Appel") retweeted:

@denniscdietrich ("Dennis C. Dietrich") wrote:

Last night in Antwerpen after two amazing days of @TechoramaBE. Thanks to the organizers and crew, fellow speakers, and attendees. You all rock!


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@ewarren ("Elizabeth Warren") wrote:

I’ve got a bipartisan bill which basically says this to bank executives: you can’t take on a ton of risk, pay yourselves a ton of money, and expect to keep that money when you blow up your bank.

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@AnnTelnaes ("Ann Telnaes") wrote:

What’s next after restricting access to mifepristone?

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@AnnTelnaes ("Ann Telnaes") wrote:

If you're in DC next week, go see this--->

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@alicegoldfuss ("bletchley punk") retweeted:

@ItsDanaWhite ("Dana White") wrote:

The forced acceptance of 1.1 million people dying over 3 years, the U.S. government and media pushing a return to normal without reckoning with systemic failure, is the plan for climate disaster. You will go to work. Your rent will be due. Survival will be your responsibility.

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@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") wrote:

We must stand for our country's foundational principles of freedom and liberty.


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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") retweeted:

@CrankyFed ("Cranky Federalist") wrote:

Can't believe I forgot this one

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@socialaskan ("Francis Forever Fukuyama") wrote:

What’s a tumblr post that’s so embedded in your head that you can’t help but make shorthand reference to in real life? For me it’s this one

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") replied to a tweet by @LolOverruled:

want* ? The Ayahuasca is kicking in

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I kinda what do Ayahuasca

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@steveklabnik retweeted:

@janusrose ("") wrote:

can these people please just start a D&D group instead of forcing their weird persecution fantasies on the rest of us

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@MikeIsaac ("rat king 🐀") wrote:

this is the lamest nerd shit i have ever seen