Ok, so i've been reading the wikipedia entry on nazi economy for... obvious reason: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy%5Fof%5FNazi%5FGermany
It's quite fascinating, actually. I got three main takes out of it:
(1) The so-called "nazi economic miracle" of 1933-1939 was a complete fabrication. It was a ponzi scheme. They were fudging the numbers, hard. And even the looting of jewish properties, the slave labor, the looting of conquered land, they couldn't make it.
By September 1939, they *had* to be at war with Britain and France because their bonds were coming due and they had no money to pay them back.
Or in other words, don't invest in fascist shit. They lie all the time, why do you think they'd stop lying in their economic reports?
(2) So, 1933 was pretty much the bottom of the barrel of the Great Depression, right? Working condition in 1933 must have been terrible, but thing would be going better (well for the white non-jewish, non-queer males, anyway), right?
Wrong. The average salary of the workers went *down* 25% from 1933 to 1939, mostly due to the elimination of unions. That so-called "miracle" never reached down to the actual people.
Or in short, you think things are bad? They'll get a lot worse.
(3) We can't blame the factory owners at the time, they had to follow orders, right? It was obey or be shot, right?
Turns out that wasn't the case. The nazis didn't put pressure on factory owners because they didn't have to. The great capitalists were quite happy with the new regime, and almost to a T they supported what they did. They didn't even flinch when slave labor was introduced, heck most of them complained that they didn't get enough of them slaves!
Or in other words, eat the rich, because they sure have no qualms about eating you.
So, this is a wikipedia reading, don't quote me on this stuff. But it's worth doing your own reading i think, given where we're headed.
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