Mastodon Feed: Posts

Mastodon Feed ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:

It's nothing personal, they just hate you all. That's why they're using an AI to implement their cruelty.

Robot firing a person

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Kim Scheinberg") wrote:

I didn't realize how fucking useful the word 'fucking' is for eliminating AI

Turns out, it's really fucking useful!

image shows that putting 'how to clean plexiglass' into a google search field returns an AI result for how to clean plexiglass
image shows that putting 'fucking how to clean plexiglass' into a google search field returns results with no AI suggestions

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
emelie ("Emelie 🎨") wrote:


Screencap from the Ghibli film Porco Rosso, where they're sitting in the movie theatre and he says "I'd rather be a pig than a fascist."

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Matt Novak") wrote:

Either we're in a constitutional crisis and Democrats need to grind everything to a halt or we're not. The Democrats who keep voting to confirm Trump's picks like it's any other Monday don't think this is an emergency.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("K0re") wrote:

SRL is getting the boot from our 10,000sq ft facility in Petaluma. Time to sell some of these deadbeat machines! Here’s your chance to own the SRL Running Machine. Designed and built SRL founder Mark Pauline, this machine has performed in many SRL events since it was constructed in 1992. Lifetime service contract and all attachments included.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Dave Rahardja") wrote:

New #Tesla Model Y updates are slated to start delivery in March. You can easily spot these new units because they will have an always-on light bar across the front, just like the Cybertruck. At night, you can also spot them by the red light bar across the back (it’ll be harder).

You may have reservations about hating on people who own Teslas, because they might have bought them not knowing that a Nazi owns the factory. But buyers of these new models have no excuse—they are FULLY AWARE of who Elon is, yet decide to put money in his pocket anyway.

If you spot one with the light bar, I encourage you to give their drivers dirty looks, vomiting mimery, disapproving gestures, or whatever you think they deserve. You can be assured these are people who don’t give a shit about funding a Nazi.

#cars #swasticars #gross #elon #nazi

Picture of a silver crossover with a red arrow pointing to a light bar design feature.

Mastodon Feed wrote:

A while back I wanted to get my two bad girls together in one picture. Of course they should have some kind of connection.. 🤔 So the elven assassin is now Miriam’s go-to when she needs some clean up done. 😈 ..But she is still lacking a name.. 😁 I am open for suggestions!
##mastoart #sketchbook #doodle #markers #shadowrun

Two young women standing almost back to back, slightly turned towards the viewer. The one on the left has chin length hair and a neat bob. She is smoking a kind of elongated elegant vape, wearing a light, sleeveless dress. The woman on the left is more slender and taller than her, hair styled in a short mohawk with two long strands of hair in front of her pointy elf ears. She is wearing a bodysuit and posing with two curved knives. The smoke from the vape dances like ribbons behind them and an ominous green fanged skull hovers above, in front of a black background.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Jason Lefkowitz") wrote:

Remember when people who owned fur coats stopped wearing them out, because they were worried someone might throw a bucket of red paint at them?

Not sure why I'm remembering that after all these years. Oh look, a Tesla

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

TERM=aaa60 Mk.3.

Anyone know where I can pick up a keyboard for an Ann Arbor Ambassador? My Tab key stopped working and I'm having a hell of a time fixing it. But I now know why these keys were always so mushy! The keys don't have rubber domes, they...


Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

``. . . anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley, in Chips off the Old Benchley, 1949

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

I friggin' love pandoc

got Markdown outputs from LLMs and want them to display & print properly?? no problemo...

jeffs% pandoc -o whatever.html <

presto magico something a browser can do right by. no fuss, no muss, just "do what I mean"

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: wrote:

All billionaires must submit a list of five things they did for society in the last week or their wealth shall be confiscated.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Find the Cost of Freedom by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young on LOUD

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Ol '55 by Tom Waits

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

Toesucker In Chief.

Marisa Kabas: "This morning at Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HQ in DC as mandatory return to office began, this video played on loop for ~5 mins on screens throughout the building, per agency source. Building staff...


Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Six O'Clock News by John Prine

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

One Of Those Days by Eilen Jewell

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): wrote:

I felt compelled to draw this silly little comic tonight. Hope this is amusing.

#comic #jurassicpark #cake

A hand-drawn comic with six panels. It's the kitchen scene from the movie Jurassic Park. Panel 1: A velociraptor looks through the circular window in the park's commercial kitchen door. 2: The d oor handle is jiggling with a "rattle rattle" sound. 3: The door is open and the velociraptor has entered the kitchen! 4: A pair of kids are huddled, terrified, behind  a stainless steel counter. 5: The velociraptor is knocking cooking implements off of the counter with a crash! 6: The velociraptor is wearing a baker's hat and an oven mitt and has baked a cake!  The raptor and the kids are happy about the cake. The end. Drawn in 2025 by David Gauer aka "Ratfactor"

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Composer Howard Hanson dies in Rochester, New York, 1981

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Impeachment proceedings against Andrew Johnson begin, 1868

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Steve Jobs born, 1955

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Winslow Homer born, 1836

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
augieray ("Augie Ray") wrote:

We live in the dumbest timeline (and possibly the most dangerous).

The United States Department of Health and Human Services just informed employees they need not respond to the email demanding they share their weekly accomplishments. However, if they do respond, HHS tells them “Assume that what you write will be read by malign foreign actors.”

Long email to HHS Employees that says, in part: On Saturday, you received an email from OPM entitled “What did you do last week.” The directive stated employees were to submit five bullets detailing their accomplishments in the past week. In discussions with OPM Officials yesterday and today OPM has now rescinded that mandatory requirement. There is no HHS expectation that HHS employees respond to OPM and there is no impact to your employment with the agency if you choose not to respond. That said, if you choose to respond, here are the guidelines you should follow: * Keep your response at a high level of generality and describe your work in a manner to protect sensitive data, personally identifiable information, and applicable privileges to the extent possible. Do not (1) identify, by name or title, any other HHS employees with whom you have been working; (2) identify, by case name or otherwise, matters you are working on, or (3) identify any specific grants or contracts, or any specific grantees or contractors. * If you are engaged in scientific research or reviews, do not identify by name any drugs, devices, biologics, therapeutics, or similar items in your response. If you are engaged in any scientific experiments, research, or reviews, do not provide information that could allow anyone to identify the precise nature of your work. * Assume that what you write will be read by malign foreign actors and tailor your response accordingly.

Mastodon Feed ("John Scalzi") wrote:

Well, here's a thing

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Cat and Girl") wrote:

Might as well tour the tractor factory.

CAT AND GIRL JOIN THE AXIS OF EVIL / Cat and Girl sit in a waiting room. / VOICE: Next! / VOICE: Right down the hall / CAT: I've always wanted to see inside this place! / GIRL: I haven't. CAT: Do you think we'll get OUTFITS? (They walk along a wood paneled corridor down torchlit stairs) / GIRL: I don't want to be here. CAT: We could all wear PURPLE - I look good in purple! / (Arrows direct them to another door) GIRL: Can I really just be DRAGGED into this - because of where I live - who's in charge - is there nothing we can DO? CAT: My gut bacteria don't get a say when I go to Sizzler. (click) / (They are back at the waiting room) / CAT: Same seats!

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Dave Mac Farlane") wrote:

The system cannot.

An electric sign that is clearly broken which reads: "C:\ cmd.exe /K D:\init\t The system cannot"

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
heidilifeldman ("Heidi Li Feldman") wrote:

The Onion explains why I have started phoning my Democratic Senators and Congresswoman.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Street Art Utopia") wrote:

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Adam Parkhomenko") wrote:

Today we launched a website to track how much orange assface plays golf. We’re guessing this thing is gonna get a workout! Bookmark it. Enjoy! More:

Trump Golf Track